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Formatting Syntax
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e, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible sy... ]] by using a colon in the pagename. For details about namespaces see [[doku>namespaces]]. Linking t... eate links by default, but this behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's enabled. * When a section's heading is changed, its
Kontakt- und Feedbackformular
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====== Kontakt- und Feedbackformular ====== Haben Sie Fragen, Anregungen, Themenwünsche oder Rückfrage... "Feedbackformular" textbox "Dein/Ihr Name" "=Absendername" textbox "Organisation/Firma (optio... /-thema (optional)" ! textarea "Freitextfeld:" "x7" Fieldset submit "abschicken" </form>
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// ---- **[[main:start|Inhaltsverzeichnis (alphabetisch)]]** ---- **[[https://wetter.nausch.org
Einführung in Prometheus - Promlabs Trainings @wiki:ebook
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====== Einführung in Prometheus - Promlabs Trainings ====== * [[:linux:prometheus:grundlagen:start]]... n:grafana]] * [[:linux:prometheus:grundlagen:relabeling]] * [[:linux:prometheus:grundlagen:service
Prometheus @wiki:ebook
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centos:web_c7:prometheus:start]] * [[:root:promlabs:introduction]] * [[:root:promlabs:instrumenting_applications]] * [[:root:promlabs:promql]] * [[:root:promlabs:hosts]] * [[:root:promlabs:grafana]] * [[:root:promlabs:relabeling
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ce [[wp>wiki]] software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable [[wiki:syntax]]. The ease of maintenance, backup ... DokuWiki. ===== Download ===== DokuWiki is available at https://download.dokuwiki.org/ ===== Read ... in the DokuWiki at [[doku>|www.dokuwiki.org]]. **About DokuWiki** * [[doku>features|A feature list
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=== Customize your Wiki ===== Once you're comfortable with creating and editing pages you might want ... ugins]] and [[doku>templates|templates]] are available at DokuWiki.org to extend the functionality and