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- IV) Konfiguration von wview
- > : HILOW: this is a one time process when tables are created Aug 1 22:08:31 vml000020 wviewd[12813]: ... <1343851712573> : htmlmgrInit: forecast html tags are disabled - /usr/local/etc/wview/forecast.conf not... tage Pro Console --> Note: values in parenthesis are used if you hit enter at a prompt... ###########... --------- --NOTE-- ** Serial and USB data loggers are both considered serial - --NOTE-- examples of
- Installation von SQLiteManager
- PHP5. /etc/httpd/conf.d/sqlitemanager.conf /usr/share/doc/sqlitemanager-1.2.3 /usr/share/doc/sqlitemanager-1.2.3/CHANGES /usr/share/doc/sqlitemanager-1.2.3/INSTALL /usr/share/doc/sqlitemanager-1.2.3/LICENCE /usr/share/doc/sqlitemanage
- I) Linux-System Vorbereitung(en)
- LINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are: # targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected. # strict - Full SELinux protecti... **[[wetter:wview:start|Zurück zum Kapitel >>Software - wview<<]]** * **[[wiki:start|Zurück zu >>Proj
- III) Installation von wview
- ol of wview from the Management Web Site (and you are comfortable giving the http server user account s... **[[wetter:wview:start|Zurück zum Kapitel >>Software - wview<<]]** * **[[wiki:start|Zurück zu >>Proj
- V) Chrome-Style Graphiken für wview
- **[[wetter:wview:start|Zurück zum Kapitel >>Software - wview<<]]** * **[[wiki:start|Zurück zu >>Proj
- II) Installation von radlib
- **[[wetter:wview:start|Zurück zum Kapitel >>Software - wview<<]]** * **[[wiki:start|Zurück zu >>Proj
- Software - wview
- ====== Software - wview ====== {{:wetter:wview:wview.png |wview Logo}} Zum Auslesen, Archivieren und V