

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

Dansguardian Version - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 6.x
36 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Either a machine on the local network, or listed as an exception # in your browser's proxy config... dian config file for version # **NOTE** as of version 2.7.5 most of the list files are now i... = log exceptions, but do not explicitly mark them as such # 2 = always log & mark exceptions (default)... in # DNS for load balancing, DG may mark requests as invalid unless DG gets # exactly the same answers
Virenfilterung bei Dansguardian
23 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
dian config file for version # **NOTE** as of version 2.7.5 most of the list files are now i... = log exceptions, but do not explicitly mark them as such # 2 = always log & mark exceptions (default)... in # DNS for load balancing, DG may mark requests as invalid unless DG gets # exactly the same answers to its DNS requests as clients. The chances of # this happening can be
Filtergruppen bei Dansguardian
67 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
uardianfN.conf where N is the filter # group. To assign users to groups use the filtergroupslist opti... more copies of the lists will be in RAM so # use as few as possible. # Django 2011-11-15 # Default: filtergroups = 1 # Definition der Filtergruppen # # -... dian config file for version # **NOTE** as of version 2.7.5 most of the list files are now i
Optimierung von Dansguardian
71 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
on of client usernames from various sources, such as # Proxy-Authorisation headers and ident servers, ... dian config file for version # **NOTE** as of version 2.7.5 most of the list files are now i... = log exceptions, but do not explicitly mark them as such # 2 = always log & mark exceptions (default)... in # DNS for load balancing, DG may mark requests as invalid unless DG gets # exactly the same answers
Zeitbegrenzung bei Dansguardian
51 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
uardianfN.conf where N is the filter # group. To assign users to groups use the filtergroupslist opti... more copies of the lists will be in RAM so # use as few as possible. # Django 2011-11-16 # Default: filtergroups = 1 # Definition der Filtergruppen # # -... dian config file for version # **NOTE** as of version 2.7.5 most of the list files are now i