Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- NTP-Zeitserver mit chrony unter Linux einrichten und nutzen @linux
- chronyc is a command-line interface program which can be used to monitor chronyd's performance and to c... not be shown. There are two ways chronyc can access chronyd. One is the Internet Protocol (IPv... m which chronyd will accept these commands can be configured with the cmdallow directive in the ... obtained from reverse DNS lookups and can be different from the specified hostnames.
- Logfileanalyse und -Auswertung mit (Better-)AWStats unter CentOS 6.x @centos
- ion your log contains, in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like Apach... , ... but also mail or ftp servers. This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated use... sits duration, HTTP errors and more... Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler. The ... ion your log contains, in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like Apach
- NTP - Zeitserver unter CentOS 7 einrichten und nutzen @centos
- nchronisierte Zeiten erreicht werden: * chronyd can usually synchronize the clock faster and with bet... den changes in the rate of the clock. * chronyd can adjust the rate of the clock on a Linux system in... ks well in permanently connected environments. It can use also hardware reference clocks, system real-t... time accordingly. For isolated systems, the user can periodically enter the correct time by hand
- Mailserver - Logfileauswertungen unter CentOS 7.x @centos:mail_c7
- WARNING: the data built to generate this report can quickly consume very la... style address into bang-paths. This option can sometimes undo the "dam... an ISP, SMTPD warnings can result in a rather sizeable report. This option ... ncated one. Note: this can result in quite long lines in the report.
- Logfileanalyse und -Auswertung mit (Better-)AWStats unter CentOS 7.x @centos:web_c7
- ains, : in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like ... ion your log contains, in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like Apach... , ... but also mail or ftp servers. This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated use... sits duration, HTTP errors and more... Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler. The
- Mailserver - Logfileauswertungen unter CentOS 6.x @centos:mail_c6
- WARNING: the data built to generate this report can quickly consume very la... style address into bang-paths. This option can sometimes undo the "dam... an ISP, SMTPD warnings can result in a rather sizeable report. This option ... ncated one. Note: this can result in quite long lines in the report.
- Secure Shell - ssh unter CentOS 7.x @centos
- twork. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. OpenS... rk. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. ... ing of the authentication agent connection. This can also be specified on a per-host basi... remote host (for the agent's UNIX-domain socket) can access the local agent through the f
- DHCP-Server Konfigurieren unter CentOS 7.x @centos
- the net‐ work, to provide addresses that can be assigned to clients, or to apply a group of pa... a per-subnet basis, the group declaration can be used. For every subnet which will be s... l such time as a new physical network can be added. In this case, the subnet declarati... icitly with host declarations, these declarations can be enclosed in a group decla‐ ration alon
- Postfix, der sichere Mailserver (MTA) unter CentOS 7.x @centos:mail_c7
- tem. Internet (type inet) services can't be private. Unprivileged (default: y) ... tual(8) daemons. Although the proxymap(8) server can run chrooted, doing so defeats most... rameter. The parameter value can refer to other parameters as $name etc., just l... of mail in the active queue. Connection caching can be enabled permanently for specific destin
- Optimierung von Dansguardian @centos:dansg
- gs of the user's filter group. # Multiple plugins can be specified, and will be queried in order until ... ed here, then clients which do not support # NTLM can fall back to Basic without sacrificing access rig... ) is matched and so # the page gets let through. Can be useful for diagnosing # why a site gets throug... r firewall protecting this, but if you want # you can limit it to a certain IP. To bind to multiple int
- Installation des Mailinglistenservers Mailman unter CentOS 7.x @centos:mail_c7
- bscribe, etc. over the Web. Even the list manager can administer his or her list entirely from the Web.... mail <-> news gateways, and so on. Documentation can be found in: /usr/share/doc/mailman-2.1.15 When ... bscribe, etc. over the Web. Even the list manager can administer his or her list entirely from the Web.... mail <-> news gateways, and so on. Documentation can be found in: /usr/share/doc/mailman-2.1.18 When
- Installation und Konfiguration von ClamAV für AMaViS unter CentOS 7.x @centos:mail_c7
- rvice requiring it. See the README file how this can be done with a minimum of effort. /etc/clamd.d /u... ibuted with the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use with your own software. The virus database is... escription : This package contains programs which can be used to update the clamav anti-virus database ... are not part of the Java target.) Hash signatures can now specify a '*' (wildcard) size if the s
- TOFU - Trust On First Use - SSH Zertifikate @linux:ssh
- he authenticity of host 'vml172042 (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA2... he authenticity of host 'vml172042 (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA2... he authenticity of host 'vml172042 (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA2... he authenticity of host 'vml172042 (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA2
- Alternativer FastCGI Process Manager für den Apache httpd unter CentOS 7.x @centos:web_c7
- of ; files from a glob(3) pattern. This directive can be used everywhere in the ; file. include=/etc/ph... e FPM ; instances running on the same server, you can change the default value ; which must suit common... en ; a graceful restart will be initiated. This can be useful to work around ; accidental corruptions... y to the master process (only if set) ; The value can vary from -19 (highest priority) to 20 (lower pri
- Filtergruppen bei Dansguardian @centos:dansg
- group is a set of content # filtering options you can apply to a group of users. The value must be 1 o... ) is matched and so # the page gets let through. Can be useful for diagnosing # why a site gets throug... r firewall protecting this, but if you want # you can limit it to a certain IP. To bind to multiple int... ests as clients. The chances of # this happening can be increased if all clients and servers on the sa
- Installation eines Ansible-Orchestrator-Management-Hosts mit Hilfe eines Kickstartfiles für CentOS 8.x (PXE-Server) @centos:pxe_c8
- Icinga Web 2 - Einbinden von NagVis zur graphischen Visualisierung - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 7.x @centos:web_c7:icinga
- Postfixadmin 3.1 zur Verwaltung der Maildomains und der Nutzerkonten des Dovecot-IMAP-Servers unter CentOS 7.x mit Apache 2.4, PHP 7 und PHP-FPM @centos:mail_c7
- Postfixadmin zur Verwaltung der Maildomains und der Nutzerkonten des Dovecot-IMAP-Servers unter CentOS 7.x @centos:mail_c7
- DMARC - Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance unter CentOS 7.x @centos:mail_c7
- Icinga2 Einbinden von Graphite zur graphischen Visualisierung - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 7.x @centos:web_c7:icinga
- Horde Framework 5 unter CentOS 7.x mit Apache 2.4, PHP 7 und PHP-FPM installieren und einrichten - Grundinstallation und Konfiguration @centos:mail_c7:php7
- phpMyAdmin 4.7 unter CentOS 7.x mit Apache 2.4, PHP 7.2 und PHP-FPM installieren und einrichten @centos:web_c7
- Icinga Director - Graphisches Konfigurations WEB GUI für Icingaweb2 unter CentOS 7.x @centos:web_c7:icinga
- Anbindung unseres MTAs Postfix 3.x an einem Backend-Mailserver (Dovecot-IMAP-Server) unter CentOS7 @centos:mail_c7
- Anbindung unseres MTAs Postfix 2.11 an einem Backend-Mailserver (Dovecot-IMAP-Server) unter CentOS7 @centos:mail_c7
- Der Cyrus Hochleistungs-Mailserver mit Unterstützung für IMAP und SIEVE unter CentOS 6.x @centos:mail_c6
- Horde Framework 5 unter CentOS 7.x mit Apache 2.4, PHP 7 und PHP-FPM installieren und einrichten - Basiskonfiguration @centos:mail_c7:php7
- MySQLDumper unter CentOS 7.x mit Apache 2.4, PHP 7.2 und PHP-FPM installieren und einrichten @centos:web_c7