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VDR Installation
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
R Jul 12 20:04:45 vdr vdr: [12825] 7 42 CANAL+ SPORT, CANAL+, DOMO, CANAL+ SPORT, CANAL+, CANAL+ FILM, ZigZap, KUCHNIA.TV, ... Jul 12 20:04:45 vdr vdr: [12825] ==============
ONEFORALL Universalfernbedienung URC 3741 Protecto für Video-Disk-Recorder (ya)VDR
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
L_DOT9 KEY_C KEY_CALC KEY_CALENDAR KEY_CAMERA KEY_CANCEL KEY_CAPSLOCK KEY_CD KEY_CHANNEL KEY_CHANNELDOW... y of the source distribution of this package. You can use a template files by providing the path of the... hed config files to <> so that I can make them available to others. Don't forget to put all information that you can get about the remote control in the header of the