* copyright 2004-2006 Telartis
* version 1.13 (http://www.telartis.nl/xcms/awstats)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* File contents:
* This file sets default/addon data for libraries and reads the aditional data
* from the library files.
// this file can't be used on its own
if (strpos ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'library.inc.php') !== false) {
die ('This file can not be used on its own!');
$BAW_LIB['formats'] = array(
// class img text format
'layout_visitors' => array(
'img' => 'vu.png',
'txt' => 11,
'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
'max'=> 'layout_visits'),
'layout_visits' => array(
'img' => 'vv.png',
'txt' => 10,
'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
'max'=> 'layout_visits'),
'layout_pages' => array(
'img' => 'vp.png',
'txt' => 56,
'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
'max'=> 'layout_pages'),
'layout_hits' => array(
'img' => 'vh.png',
'txt' => 57,
'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
'max'=> 'layout_hits'),
'layout_bytes' => array(
'img' => 'vk.png',
'txt' => 75,
'frm' => 'baw_byte_format(%s);',
'max'=> 'layout_bytes'),
'layout_percent' => array(
'img' => '',
'txt' => 15,
'frm' => 'baw_percent_format(%s);',
'max'=> ''),
'layout_date' => array(
'img' => '',
'txt' => '',
'frm' => 'baw_getdate_format(%s);',
'max'=> ''),
'layout_text' => array(
'img' => '',
'txt' => '',
'frm' => false,
'max'=> ''),
'layout_ratio' => array(
'img' => '',
'txt' => '',
'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s,2);',
'max'=> '')
// this is defined here to indicate the order of the array, otherwise the information is in the datafile
$BAW_LIB['sessions'] = array(
'0s-30s', '30s-2mn', '2mn-5mn', '5mn-15mn', '15mn-30mn', '30mn-1h', '1h+'
$BAW_LIB['os']['families'] = array(
'win' => array('win', 'Windows',0),
'mac' => array('mac', 'Macintosh',0),
'linux'=> array('linux', 'Linux',0),
'bsd' => array('bsd', 'BSD',0)
$BAW_LIB['os']['codes'] = array('win', 'mac', 'linux', 'bsd');
$BAW_LIB['os']['list'] = baw_get_library("/operating_systems.pm", 'OSHashLib');
$BAW_LIB['domains'] = baw_get_library("/domains.pm", 'DomainsHashIDLib');
$BAW_LIB['robots'] = baw_get_library("/robots.pm", 'RobotsHashIDLib');
list (
$BAW_LIB['worms']['targets']) = baw_get_library(
array('WormsHashLib', 'WormsHashTarget')
list (
$mime_hash_family) = baw_get_library (
array('MimeHashLib', 'MimeHashFamily')
// In the 7.x version of AWStats the meanings of the mime arrays is
// different from the 6.x versions. We can check for this by seeing if the
// first element of $mime_hash_lib has two elements.
$mime_hash_lib_values = array_values($mime_hash_lib);
if (count($mime_hash_lib_values[0]) == 2) {
// This is the 7.x version of AWStats
$BAW_LIB['files']['types'] = $mime_hash_family;
foreach ($mime_hash_lib as $ext => $family_type) {
$BAW_LIB['files']['family'][$ext] = $family_type[0];
$BAW_LIB['files']['icons'] = $BAW_LIB['files']['family'];
else {
// This is the 6.x version of AWStats
$mime_hash_icon = baw_get_library("/mime.pm", 'MimeHashIcon');
$BAW_LIB['files']['types'] = $mime_hash_lib;
$BAW_LIB['files']['icons'] = $mime_hash_icon;
$BAW_LIB['files']['family'] = $mime_hash_family;
$BAW_LIB['browser']['familes'] = array('msie'=>1,'firefox'=>2,'netscape'=>3,'svn'=>4);
list (
$BAW_LIB['browser']['icons']) = baw_get_library(
$BAW_LIB['searchengines']['names']= baw_get_library("/search_engines.pm", 'SearchEnginesHashLib');
$BAW_LIB['misc'] = array(
// 'TotalMisc' => 0,
// 'AddToFavourites' => 137,
'JavascriptDisabled' => 168,
'JavaEnabled' => 140,
'DirectorSupport'=> 141,
'FlashSupport' => 142,
'RealPlayerSupport'=> 143,
'QuickTimeSupport' => 144,
'WindowsMediaPlayerSupport' => 145,
'PDFSupport' => 146
$BAW_LIB['http_status'] = baw_get_library("/status_http.pm", 'httpcodelib');
$BAW_LIB['item_groups'] = array(
'time' => array(
'title' => $BAW_MES['time'],
'members' => array('overview', 'months', 'days', 'weekdays', 'hours')
'userinfo' => array(
'title' => $BAW_MES['user_information'],
'members' => array('domains', 'visitors', 'os', 'osversions', 'browsers','browserversions', 'misc', 'screensizes')
'actions' => array(
'title' => $BAW_MES['user_actions'],
'members' => array('logins', 'sessions', 'filetype', 'urls')
'origin' => array(
'title' => $BAW_MES['user_origin'],
'members' => array('referers', 'referer_domains', 'se_referers','searchphrases', 'searchwords')
'other' => array(
'title' => $BAW_MES['other_access'],
'members' => array('robots', 'worms', 'unknownos', 'unknownbrowser', 'hotlinks', 'hotlink_domains', 'errors', 'errors404')
this is obsolete but kept here for ev. future usage
$BAW_LIB['data']['full'] = array(
'GENERAL' => array('Misc ID', 'Pages', 'Hits', 'Bandwidth'),
'TIME' => array('Hour','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Not viewed Pages','Not viewed Hits','Not viewed Bandwidth'),
'VISITOR' => array('Host','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit date','[Start date of last visit]','[Last page of last visit]'),
'DAY' => array('Date','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Visits'),
'DOMAIN' => array('Domain','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth'),
'LOGIN' => array('Login','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit'),
'ROBOT' => array('Robot ID','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit','Hits on robots.txt'),
'WORMS' => array('Worm ID','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit'),
'SESSION' => array('Session range','Number of visits'),
'SIDER' => array('URL','Pages','Bandwidth','Entry','Exit'),
'FILETYPES' => array('Files type','Hits','Bandwidth','Bandwidth without compression','Bandwidth after compression'),
'OS' => array('OS ID','Hits'),
'BROWSER' => array('Browser ID','Hits'),
'SCREENSIZE' => array('Screen size','Hits'),
'UNKNOWNREFERER' => array('Unknown referer OS','Last visit date'),
'UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER' => array('Unknown referer Browser','Last visit date'),
'ORIGIN' => array('Origin','Pages','Hits '),
'SEREFERRALS' => array('Search engine referers ID','Pages','Hits'),
'PAGEREFS' => array('External page referers','Pages','Hits'),
'SEARCHWORDS' => array('Search keyphrases','Number of search'),
'KEYWORDS' => array('Search keywords','Number of search'),
'MISC' => array('Misc ID','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth'),
'ERRORS' => array('Errors','Hits','Bandwidth'),
'CLUSTER' => array('Cluster ID','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth'),
'SIDER_404' => array('URL with 404 errors','Hits','Last URL referer'),
'EXTRA_1' => array('Extra key','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Last access')