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centos:awstats_c6 [11.11.2013 15:55. ] – [Website Analytics mit Piwik] djangocentos:awstats_c6 [22.07.2019 14:57. ] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +====== Logfileanalyse und -Auswertung mit (Better-)AWStats unter CentOS 6.x ======
 +Zum Auswerten unserer Logfiles, wie z.B. [[centos:webserver:start|Apache-WEB-Server]] oder [[centos:mail_c6:start|Postfix-Mail-Server]], verwenden wir [[http://www.awstats.org|AWStats]]. Welche Funktionen **AWStats** im Detail bietet, entnehmen wir entweder der Beschreibung auf der [[http://www.awstats.org|AWStats-Homepage]], oder der Beschreibung im RPM-Paket.
 +<code># yum info awstats
 +Name   : awstats
 +Summary: Powerful and fullfeatured server logfile analyzer
 +Advanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates
 +advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works
 +from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains,
 +in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like
 +Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers.
 +This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages,
 +domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search
 +engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more...
 +Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler.
 +The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.</code>
 +AWStats besteht im Grunde aus zwei Teilen - sprich zwei Perl-Scripten. Das erste Modul erstellt an Hand der gewählten LOG-Files entsprechende zusammengefasste Statistikfiles. Das zweite Script hat dann zur Aufgabe, die vom Script-Nummero 1 bereits aufbereiteten Daten für, oder besser gesagt **beim** Webzugriff passend darzustellen.
 +==== Voraussetzungen ====
 +Damit [[http://www.awstats.org|AWStats]] installiert werden kann, sind folgende Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen:
 +  - Es steht ein lauffähiger [[centos:webserver:start|Apache-WEB-Server]],
 +  - und ferner steht im System die Script-Sprache [[http://www.perl.org/|Perl]] zur Verfügung.
 +  - Installation des PHP-Moduls GD.
 +Diese Punkte sollten keine großen Hürden darstellen, oder? :)
 +Bei Bedarf installieren wir also noch das besagte PHP-Modul.
 +   # yum install php-gd
 +===== Die Pflicht - AWStats (RPM-Installation) =====
 +Die Installation des Paketes **awstats** nehmen wir - wie soll es anders sein - mittels **YUM** vor.
 +   # yum install awstats -y
 +Ein Blick in das **RPM** zeigt uns wie immer, welche Dateien und Verzeichnisse bei der Installation des Paketes ins System gebracht wurden.
 +   # rpm -qil awstats
 +<code>Name        : awstats                      Relocations: (not relocatable)
 +Version     : 7.0                               Vendor: Dag Apt Repository, http://dag.wieers.com/apt/
 +Release     : 2.el6.rf                      Build Date: Sat 09 Apr 2011 11:32:57 AM CEST
 +Install Date: Tue 03 Jul 2012 05:53:38 PM CEST      Build Host: lisse.hasselt.wieers.com
 +Group       : Applications/Internet         Source RPM: awstats-7.0-2.el6.rf.src.rpm
 +Size        : 3372221                          License: GPL
 +Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Sun 10 Apr 2011 03:14:22 AM CEST, Key ID a20e52146b8d79e6
 +Packager    : Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com>
 +URL         : http://awstats.sourceforge.net/
 +Summary     : Powerful and fullfeatured server logfile analyzer
 +Description :
 +Advanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates
 +advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works
 +from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains,
 +in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like
 +Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers.
 +This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages,
 +domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search
 +engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more...
 +Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler.
 +The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.
 +==== Cronjob für Statistikaufbereitung ====
 +Wie Eingangs schon erwähnt, besteht AWStats im Grunde aus zwei Teilen, der Statistikaufberreitung - sozusagen das **backend** und dem zweiten Teil der Darstellung und Präsentation durch den Webserver, das **frontend**.
 +Damit das backend nun regelmäßig die Webserver-Logfiles zusammenfasst und die AWStats-Files erstellen kann, benötigen wir ein passendes Script. Dieses Script wurde uns bereits bei der Installation von AWStats mitgeliefert.
 +   # /etc/cron.hourly/00awstats
 +<file bash /etc/cron.hourly/00awstats>
 +if [ -f /var/log/httpd/access_log ] ; then
 +    exec /usr/bin/awstats_updateall.pl now         -confdir="/etc/awstats"         -awstatsprog="/var/www/awstats/awstats.pl" >/dev/null
 +exit 0
 +==== Logrotate ====
 +In regelmäßigen Abständen werden die Logfiles unseres Webserver rotiert, d.h. es werden die Alten Daten gapackt und eine neue Logdatei angelegt.
 +AWStats kann jedoch nur auf das aktuelle Logfile zugreifen, nicht aber auf die bereits archivierten. Damit nun keine Statistik-Daten //verloren// gehen, müssen wir noch sicherstellen, dass vor dem Archivierungsintervall von **logrotate**, AWStats einen Update seiner Statistikfiles machen kann.
 +Hierzu tragen wir nachfolgende Zeilen in die zentrale "syslog-logrotate-Konfigurationsdatei" **/etc/logrotate.d/syslog** ein:
 +<code bash>    prerotate
 +        /usr/bin/awstats_updateall.pl now -configdir=/etc/awstats/ --awstatsprog=/var/www/awstats/awstats.pl >/dev/null
 +    endscrip
 +  # vim /etc/logrotate.d/syslog
 +<file bash /etc/logrotate.d/syslog>
 +    sharedscripts
 +    prerotate
 +        /usr/bin/awstats_updateall.pl now -configdir=/etc/awstats/ --awstatsprog=/var/www/awstats/awstats.pl >/dev/null
 +    endscrip
 +    postrotate
 +        /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
 +    endscript
 +==== Konfiguration des Apache vHosts ====
 +Für den Zugriff auf unsere Webserver-Statistiken legen wir uns einen virtuellen Host an. Die entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei **vhosts.conf** haben wir im Verzeichnis **/etc/httpd/conf.d** angelegt.
 +Mit dem Editor unserer Wahl ergänzen wir nun unsere virtuelen Hosts um einen weiteren:
 +   # vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf
 +<file apache /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf>
 +# aw-stats.nausch.org
 +<VirtualHost *:80>
 +        ServerAdmin webmaster@nausch.org
 +        ServerName aw-stats.nausch.org
 +        ServerAlias www.aw-stats.nausch.org
 +        ServerPath /
 +        DocumentRoot "/var/www/awstats"
 +        <Directory "/var/www/awstats">
 +                AllowOverride None
 + Options +ExecCGI
 +  DirectoryIndex awstats.pl
 +  Order deny,allow
 + Deny from all
 + Allow from
 +                Allow from
 +                Allow from
 +        </Directory>
 +        Alias /awstatsclasses "/var/www/awstats/classes/"
 +        Alias /awstatscss "/var/www/awstats/css/"
 +        Alias /awstatsicons "/var/www/awstats/icon/"
 +        ScriptAlias /awstats/ "/var/www/awstats/cgi-bin/"  
 + ErrorLog logs/awstats_error.log
 + CustomLog logs/awstats_access.log combined
 +Bevor wir unsere Konfigurationsänderung scharf schalten, überprüfen wir noch kurzer Hand die Änderungen auf syntaktische Fehler.
 +   # service httpd configtest
 +Ist alles O.K.starten wir unseren Webserver durch, damit unsere Änderungen auch wirksam werden:
 +   #service httpd restart
 +==== Konfiguration der ersten Webseite ====
 +Für die Auswertung unserer ersten Webseite, legen wir uns eine entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei an. Hierzu kopieren wir einfach die Vorlage-Datei.
 +   # cp /etc/awstats/awstats.model.conf /etc/awstats/awstats.dokuwiki.nausch.org.conf
 +Mit dem Editor unserer Wahl passen wir nun die Parameter unseren Gegebenheiten nach an.
 +   # vim /etc/awstats/awstats.dokuwiki.nausch.org.conf
 +<file bash /etc/awstats/awstats.dokuwiki.nausch.org.conf># AWSTATS CONFIGURE FILE 7.0
 +# Copy this file into awstats.www.mydomain.conf and edit this new config file
 +# to setup AWStats (See documentation in docs/ directory).
 +# The config file must be in /etc/awstats, /usr/local/etc/awstats or /etc (for
 +# Unix/Linux) or same directory than awstats.pl (Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux...)
 +# To include an environment variable in any parameter (AWStats will replace
 +# it with its value when reading it), follow the example:
 +# Parameter="__ENVNAME__"
 +# Note that environment variable AWSTATS_CURRENT_CONFIG is always defined with
 +# the config value in an AWStats running session and can be used like others.
 +# $Revision: 1.350 $ - $Author: eldy $ - $Date: 2010/09/29 19:16:21 $
 +# MAIN SETUP SECTION (Required to make AWStats work)
 +# "LogFile" contains the web, ftp or mail server log file to analyze.
 +# Possible values: A full path, or a relative path from awstats.pl directory.
 +# Example: "/var/log/apache/access.log"
 +# Example: "../logs/mycombinedlog.log"
 +# You can also use tags in this filename if you need a dynamic file name
 +# depending on date or time (Replacement is made by AWStats at the beginning
 +# of its execution). This is available tags :
 +#   %YYYY-n  is replaced with 4 digits year we were n hours ago
 +#   %YY-n    is replaced with 2 digits year we were n hours ago
 +#   %MM-n    is replaced with 2 digits month we were n hours ago
 +#   %MO-n    is replaced with 3 letters month we were n hours ago
 +#   %DD-n    is replaced with day we were n hours ago
 +#   %HH-n    is replaced with hour we were n hours ago
 +#   %NS-n    is replaced with number of seconds at 00:00 since 1970
 +#   %WM-n    is replaced with the week number in month (1-5)
 +#   %Wm-n    is replaced with the week number in month (0-4)
 +#   %WY-n    is replaced with the week number in year (01-52)
 +#   %Wy-n    is replaced with the week number in year (00-51)
 +#   %DW-n    is replaced with the day number in week (1-7, 1=sunday)
 +#                              use n=24 if you need (1-7, 1=monday)
 +#   %Dw-n    is replaced with the day number in week (0-6, 0=sunday)
 +#                              use n=24 if you need (0-6, 0=monday)
 +#   Use 0 for n if you need current year, month, day, hour...
 +# Example: "/var/log/access_log.%YYYY-0%MM-0%DD-0.log"
 +# Example: "C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC1/ex%YY-24%MM-24%DD-24.log"
 +# You can also use a pipe if log file come from a pipe :
 +# Example: "gzip -d </var/log/apache/access.log.gz |"
 +# If there are several log files from load balancing servers :
 +# Example: "/pathtotools/logresolvemerge.pl *.log |"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: LogFile="/var/log/httpd/access_log"
 +# Enter the log file type you want to analyze.
 +# Possible values:
 +#  W - For a web log file
 +#  S - For a streaming log file
 +#  M - For a mail log file
 +#  F - For a ftp log file
 +# Example: W
 +# Default: W
 +# Enter here your log format (Must match your web server config. See setup
 +# instructions in documentation to know how to configure your web server to
 +# have the required log format).
 +# Possible values: 1,2,3,4 or "your_own_personalized_log_format"
 +# 1 - Apache or Lotus Notes/Domino native combined log format (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format)
 +# 2 - IIS or ISA format (IIS W3C log format). See FAQ-COM115 For ISA.
 +# 3 - Webstar native log format.
 +# 4 - Apache or Squid native common log format (NCSA common/CLF log format)
 +#     With LogFormat=4, some features (browsers, os, keywords...) can't work.
 +# "your_own_personalized_log_format" = If your log is ftp, mail or other format,
 +#     you must use following keys to define the log format string (See FAQ for
 +#     ftp, mail or exotic web log format examples):
 +#   %host             Client hostname or IP address (or Sender host for mail log)
 +#   %host_r           Receiver hostname or IP address (for mail log)
 +#   %lognamequot      Authenticated login/user with format: "john"
 +#   %logname          Authenticated login/user with format: john
 +#   %time1            Date and time with format: [dd/mon/yyyy:hh:mm:ss +0000] or [dd/mon/yyyy:hh:mm:ss]
 +#   %time2            Date and time with format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
 +#   %time3            Date and time with format: Mon dd hh:mm:ss or Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy
 +#   %time4            Date and time with unix timestamp format: dddddddddd
 +#   %methodurl        Method and URL with format: "GET /index.html HTTP/x.x"
 +#   %methodurlnoprot  Method and URL with format: "GET /index.html"
 +#   %method           Method with format: GET
 +#   %url              URL only with format: /index.html
 +#   %query            Query string (used by URLWithQuery option)
 +#   %code             Return code status (with format for web log: 999)
 +#   %bytesd           Size of document in bytes
 +#   %refererquot      Referer page with format: "http://from.com/from.htm"
 +#   %referer          Referer page with format: http://from.com/from.htm
 +#   %uabracket        User agent with format: [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible, ...)]
 +#   %uaquot           User agent with format: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible, ...)"
 +#   %ua               User agent with format: Mozilla/4.0_(compatible...)
 +#   %gzipin           mod_gzip compression input bytes: In:XXX
 +#   %gzipout          mod_gzip compression output bytes & ratio: Out:YYY:ZZpct.
 +#   %gzipratio        mod_gzip compression ratio: ZZpct.
 +#   %deflateratio     mod_deflate compression ratio with format: (ZZ)
 +#   %email            EMail sender (for mail log)
 +#   %email_r          EMail receiver (for mail log)
 +#   %virtualname      Web sever virtual hostname. Use this tag when same log
 +#                     contains data of several virtual web servers. AWStats
 +#                     will discard records not in SiteDomain nor HostAliases
 +#   %cluster          If log file is provided from several computers (merged by
 +#                     logresolvemerge.pl), use this to define cluster id field.
 +#   %extraX           Another field that you plan to use for building a
 +#                     personalized report with ExtraSection feature (See later).
 +#   If your log format has some fields not included in this list, use:
 +#   %other            Means another not used field
 +#   %otherquot        Means another not used double quoted field
 +# Examples for Apache combined logs (following two examples are equivalent):
 +# LogFormat = 1
 +# LogFormat = "%host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot"
 +# Example for IIS:
 +# LogFormat = 2
 +# If your log field's separator is not a space, you can change this parameter.
 +# This parameter is not used if LogFormat is a predefined value (1,2,3,4)
 +# Backslash can be used as escape character.
 +# Example: " "
 +# Example: "\t"
 +# Example: "\|"
 +# Example: ","
 +# Default: " "
 +LogSeparator=" "
 +# "SiteDomain" must contain the main domain name, or the main intranet web
 +# server name, used to reach the web site.
 +# If you share the same log file for several virtual web servers, this
 +# parameter is used to tell AWStats to filter record that contains records for
 +# this virtual host name only (So check that this virtual hostname can be
 +# found in your log file and use a personalized log format that include the
 +# %virtualname tag).
 +# But for multi hosting a better solution is to have one log file for each
 +# virtual web server. In this case, this parameter is only used to generate
 +# full URL's links when ShowLinksOnUrl option is set to 1.
 +# If analyzing mail log, enter here the domain name of mail server.
 +# Example: "myintranetserver"
 +# Example: "www.domain.com"
 +# Example: "ftp.domain.com"
 +# Example: "domain.com"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04 
 +# default SiteDomain="localhost.localdomain"
 +# Enter here all other possible domain names, addresses or virtual host
 +# aliases someone can use to access your site. Try to keep only the minimum
 +# number of possible names/addresses to have the best performances.
 +# You can repeat the "SiteDomain" value in this list.
 +# This parameter is used to analyze referer field in log file and to help
 +# AWStats to know if a referer URL is a local URL of same site or an URL of
 +# another site.
 +# Note: Use space between each value.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Note: You can also use @/mypath/myfile if list of aliases are in a file.
 +# Example: "www.myserver.com localhost REGEX[mydomain\.(net|org)$]"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04 
 +# default:  HostAliases="localhost"
 +HostAliases=„localhost REGEX[nausch\.org$] REGEX[www\.nausch\.org$]“
 +# If you want to have hosts reported by name instead of ip address, AWStats
 +# need to make reverse DNS lookups (if not already done in your log file).
 +# With DNSLookup to 0, all hosts will be reported by their IP addresses and
 +# not by the full hostname of visitors (except if names are already available
 +# in log file).
 +# If you want/need to set DNSLookup to 1, don't forget that this will reduce
 +# dramatically AWStats update process speed. Do not use on large web sites.
 +# Note: Reverse DNS lookup is done on IPv4 only (Enable ipv6 plugin for IPv6).
 +# Note: Result of DNS Lookup can be used to build the Country report. However
 +# it is highly recommanded to enable the plugin 'geoip' or 'geoipfree' to
 +# have an accurate Country report with no need of DNS Lookup.
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - No DNS Lookup
 +# 1 - DNS Lookup is fully enabled
 +# 2 - DNS Lookup is made only from static DNS cache file (if it exists)
 +# Default: 2
 +# When AWStats updates its statistics, it stores results of its analysis in 
 +# files (AWStats database). All those files are written in the directory
 +# defined by the "DirData" parameter. Set this value to the directory where
 +# you want AWStats to save its database and working files into.
 +# Warning: If you want to be able to use the "AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser"
 +# feature (see later), you need "Write" permissions by web server user on this
 +# directory (and "Modify" for Windows NTFS file systems).
 +# Example: "/var/lib/awstats"
 +# Example: "../data"
 +# Example: "C:/awstats_data_dir"
 +# Default: "."          (means same directory as awstats.pl)
 +# Relative or absolute web URL of your awstats cgi-bin directory.
 +# This parameter is used only when AWStats is run from command line
 +# with -output option (to generate links in HTML reported page).
 +# Example: "/awstats"
 +# Default: "/cgi-bin"   (means awstats.pl is in "/yourwwwroot/cgi-bin")
 +# Relative or absolute web URL of your awstats icon directory.
 +# If you build static reports ("... -output > outputpath/output.html"), enter
 +# path of icon directory relative to the output directory 'outputpath'.
 +# Example: "/awstatsicons"
 +# Example: "../icon"
 +# Default: "/icon" (means you must copy icon directories in "/mywwwroot/icon")
 +# When this parameter is set to 1, AWStats adds a button on report page to
 +# allow to "update" statistics from a web browser. Warning, when "update" is
 +# made from a browser, AWStats is run as a CGI by the web server user defined
 +# in your web server (user "nobody" by default with Apache, "IUSR_XXX" with
 +# IIS), so the "DirData" directory and all already existing history files
 +# awstatsMMYYYY[.xxx].txt must be writable by this user. Change permissions if
 +# necessary to "Read/Write" (and "Modify" for Windows NTFS file systems).
 +# Warning: Update process can be long so you might experience "time out"
 +# browser errors if you don't launch AWStats frequently enough.
 +# When set to 0, update is only made when AWStats is run from the command
 +# line interface (or a task scheduler).
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=0
 +# AWStats saves and sorts its database on a month basis (except if using
 +# databasebreak option from command line). 
 +# However, if you choose the -month=all from command line or
 +# value '-Year-' from CGI combo form to have a report for all year, AWStats
 +# needs to reload all data for full year (each month), and sort them,
 +# requiring a large amount of time, memory and CPU. This might be a problem
 +# for web hosting providers that offer AWStats for large sites, on shared
 +# servers, to non CPU cautious customers.
 +# For this reason, the 'full year' is only enabled on Command Line by default.
 +# You can change this by setting this parameter to 0, 1, 2 or 3.
 +# Possible values:
 +#  0 - Never allowed
 +#  1 - Allowed on CLI only, -Year- value in combo is not visible
 +#  2 - Allowed on CLI only, -Year- value in combo is visible but not allowed
 +#  3 - Possible on CLI and CGI
 +# Default: 2
 +# OPTIONAL SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)
 +# When the update process runs, AWStats can set a lock file in TEMP or TMP
 +# directory. This lock is to avoid to have 2 update processes running at the
 +# same time to prevent unknown conflicts problems and avoid DoS attacks when
 +# AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser is set to 1.
 +# Because, when you use lock file, you can experience sometimes problems in
 +# lock file not correctly removed (killed process for example requires that
 +# you remove the file manualy), this option is not enabled by default (Do
 +# not enable this option with no console server access).
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# AWStats can do reverse DNS lookups through a static DNS cache file that was
 +# previously created manually. If no path is given in static DNS cache file
 +# name, AWStats will search DirData directory. This file is never changed.
 +# This option is not used if DNSLookup=0.
 +# Note: DNS cache file format is 'minsince1970 ipaddress resolved_hostname'
 +# or just 'ipaddress resolved_hostname'
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/mydnscachedir/dnscache"
 +# Default: "dnscache.txt"
 +# AWStats can do reverse DNS lookups through a DNS cache file that was created
 +# by a previous run of AWStats. This file is erased and recreated after each
 +# statistics update process. You don't need to create and/or edit it.
 +# AWStats will read and save this file in DirData directory.
 +# This option is used only if DNSLookup=1.
 +# Note: If a DNSStaticCacheFile is available, AWStats will check for DNS
 +# lookup in DNSLastUpdateCacheFile after checking into DNSStaticCacheFile.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/mydnscachedir/dnscachelastupdate"
 +# Default: "dnscachelastupdate.txt"
 +# You can specify specific IP addresses that should NOT be looked up in DNS.
 +# This option is used only if DNSLookup=1.
 +# Note: Use space between each value.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# The following two parameters allow you to protect a config file from being
 +# read by AWStats when called from a browser if web user has not been
 +# authenticated. Your AWStats program must be in a web protected "realm" (With
 +# Apache, you can use .htaccess files to do so. With other web servers, see
 +# your server setup manual).
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# This parameter gives the list of all authorized authenticated users to view
 +# statistics for this domain/config file. This parameter is used only if
 +# AllowAccessFromWebToAuthenticatedUsersOnly is set to 1.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: "user1 user2"
 +# Example: "__REMOTE_USER__"
 +# Default: ""
 +# When this parameter is defined to something, the IP address of the user that
 +# reads its statistics from a browser (when AWStats is used as a CGI) is
 +# checked and must match one of the IP address values or ranges.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: ""
 +# Default: ""
 +# If the "DirData" directory (see above) does not exist, AWStats return an
 +# error. However, you can ask AWStats to create it.
 +# This option can be used by some Web Hosting Providers that has defined a 
 +# dynamic value for DirData (for example DirData="/home/__REMOTE_USER__") and
 +# don't want to have to create a new directory each time they add a new user.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# You can choose in which format the Awstats history database is saved.
 +# Note: Using "xml" format make AWStats building database files three times
 +# larger than using "text" format.
 +# Change : Database format is switched after next update
 +# Possible values: text or xml
 +# Default: text
 +# If you prefer having the report output pages be built as XML compliant pages
 +# instead of simple HTML pages, you can set this to 'xhtml' (May not work
 +# properly with old browsers).
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: html or xhtml
 +# Default: html
 +# AWStats databases can be updated from command line of from a browser (when
 +# used as a cgi program). So AWStats database files need write permission
 +# for both command line user and default web server user (nobody for Unix,
 +# IUSR_xxx for IIS/Windows,...).
 +# To avoid permission problems between update process (run by an admin user)
 +# and CGI process (ran by a low level user), AWStats can save its database 
 +# files with read and write permissions for everyone.
 +# By default, AWStats keeps default user permissions on updated files. If you 
 +# set AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser to 1, you can change this parameter to 1.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# AWStats can purge log file, after analyzing it. Note that AWStats is able
 +# to detect new lines in a log file, to process only them, so you can launch
 +# AWStats as often as you want, even with this parameter to 0.
 +# With 0, no purge is made, so you must use a scheduled task or a web server
 +# that make this purge frequently.
 +# With 1, the purge of the log file is made each time AWStats update is run.
 +# This parameter doesn't work with IIS (This web server doesn't let its log
 +# file to be purged).
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# When PurgeLogFile is setup to 1, AWStats will clean your log file after
 +# processing it. You can however keep an archive file of all processed log
 +# records by setting this parameter (For example if you want to use another
 +# log analyzer). The archived log file is saved in "DirData" with name
 +# awstats_archive.configname[.suffix].log
 +# This parameter is not used if PurgeLogFile=0
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0, 1, or tags (See LogFile parameter) for suffix
 +# Example: 1
 +# Example: %YYYY%MM%DD
 +# Default: 0
 +# Each time you run the update process, AWStats overwrites the 'historic file'
 +# for the month (awstatsMMYYYY[.*].txt) with the updated one.
 +# When write errors occurs (IO, disk full,...), this historic file can be
 +# corrupted and must be deleted. Because this file contains information of all
 +# past processed log files, you will loose old stats if removed. So you can
 +# ask AWStats to save last non corrupted file in a .bak file. This file is
 +# stored in "DirData" directory with other 'historic files'.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Default index page name for your web server.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "index.php index.html default.html"
 +# Default: "index.php index.html"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: DefaultFile="index.php index.html"
 +# Do not include access from clients that match following criteria.
 +# If your log file contains IP addresses in host field, you must enter here
 +# matching IP addresses criteria.
 +# If DNS lookup is already done in your log file, you must enter here hostname
 +# criteria, else enter ip address criteria.
 +# The opposite parameter of "SkipHosts" is "OnlyHosts".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.] REGEX[^10\.]"
 +# Example: "localhost REGEX[^.*\.localdomain$]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Do not include access from clients with a user agent that match following
 +# criteria. If you want to exclude a robot, you should update the robots.pm
 +# file instead of this parameter.
 +# The opposite parameter of "SkipUserAgents" is "OnlyUserAgents".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "konqueror REGEX[ua_test_v\d\.\d]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Use SkipFiles to ignore access to URLs that match one of following entries.
 +# You can enter a list of not important URLs (like framed menus, hidden pages,
 +# etc...) to exclude them from statistics. You must enter here exact relative
 +# URL as found in log file, or a matching REGEX value. Check apply on URL with
 +# all its query paramaters.
 +# For example, to ignore /badpage.php, just add "/badpage.php". To ignore all
 +# pages in a particular directory, add "REGEX[^\/directorytoexclude]".
 +# The opposite parameter of "SkipFiles" is "OnlyFiles".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is or not case sensitive
 +# depending on URLNotCaseSensitive parameter.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/badpage.php /page.php?param=x REGEX[^\/excludedirectory]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Use SkipReferrersBlackList if you want to exclude records coming from a SPAM
 +# referrer. Parameter must receive a local file name containing rules applied
 +# on referrer field. If parameter is empty, no filter is applied.
 +# An example of such a file is available in lib/blacklist.txt
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/mylibpath/blacklist.txt"
 +# Default: ""
 +# WARNING!! Using this feature make AWStats running very slower (5 times slower
 +# with black list file provided with AWStats !
 +# Include in stats, only accesses from hosts that match one of following
 +# entries. For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep only
 +# stats for visits from particular hosts, you can add those host names in
 +# this parameter.
 +# If DNS lookup is already done in your log file, you must enter here hostname
 +# criteria, else enter ip address criteria.
 +# The opposite parameter of "OnlyHosts" is "SkipHosts".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.] REGEX[^10\.]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Include in stats, only accesses from user agent that match one of following
 +# entries. For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep only
 +# stats for visits from particular browsers, you can add their user agents
 +# string in this parameter.
 +# The opposite parameter of "OnlyUserAgents" is "SkipUserAgents".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "msie"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Include in stats, only accesses from authenticated users that match one of
 +# following entries. For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep
 +# only stats for authenticated users, you can add those users names in
 +# this parameter. Useful for statistics for per user ftp logs.
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "john bob REGEX[^testusers]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Include in stats, only accesses to URLs that match one of following entries.
 +# For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep only stats that
 +# match a particular string, like a particular directory, you can add this
 +# directory name in this parameter.
 +# The opposite parameter of "OnlyFiles" is "SkipFiles".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is or not case sensitive
 +# depending on URLNotCaseSensitive parameter.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "REGEX[marketing_directory] REGEX[office\/.*\.(csv|sxw)$]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Add here a list of kind of url (file extension) that must be counted as
 +# "Hit only" and not as a "Hit" and "Page/Download". You can set here all
 +# image extensions as they are hit downloaded that must be counted but they
 +# are not viewed pages. URLs with such extensions are not included in the TOP
 +# Pages/URL report.
 +# Note: If you want to exclude particular URLs from stats (No Pages and no
 +# Hits reported), you must use SkipFiles parameter.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf zip arj rar gz z bz2 wav mp3 wma mpg avi"
 +# Example: ""
 +# Default: "css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf"
 +NotPageList="css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf"
 +# By default, AWStats considers that records found in web log file are
 +# successful hits if HTTP code returned by server is a valid HTTP code (200
 +# and 304). Any other code are reported in HTTP status chart.
 +# Note that HTTP 'control codes', like redirection (302, 305) are not added by
 +# default in this list as they are not pages seen by a visitor but are
 +# protocol exchange codes to tell the browser to ask another page. Because
 +# this other page will be counted and seen with a 200 or 304 code, if you 
 +# add such codes, you will have 2 pages viewed reported for only one in facts.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "200 304 302 305"
 +# Default: "200 304"
 +ValidHTTPCodes="200 304"
 +# By default, AWStats considers that records found in mail log file are
 +# successful mail transfers if field that represent return code in analyzed
 +# log file match values defined by this parameter.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "1 250 200"
 +# Default: "1 250"
 +ValidSMTPCodes="1 250"
 +# Some web servers on some Operating systems (IIS-Windows) consider that a
 +# login with same value but different case are the same login. To tell AWStats
 +# to also consider them as one, set this parameter to 1.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Some web servers on some Operating systems (IIS-Windows) considers that two
 +# URLs with same value but different case are the same URL. To tell AWStats to
 +# also considers them as one, set this parameter to 1.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Keep or remove the anchor string you can find in some URLs.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# In URL links, "?" char is used to add parameter's list in URLs. Syntax is:
 +# /mypage.html?param1=value1&param2=value2
 +# However, some servers/sites use also other chars to isolate dynamic part of
 +# their URLs. You can complete this list with all such characters.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "?;,"
 +# Default: "?;"
 +# Keep or remove the query string to the URL in the statistics for individual
 +# pages. This is primarily used to differentiate between the URLs of dynamic
 +# pages. If set to 1, mypage.html?id=x and mypage.html?id=y are counted as two
 +# different pages.
 +# Warning, when set to 1, memory required to run AWStats is dramatically
 +# increased if you have a lot of changing URLs (for example URLs with a random
 +# id inside). Such web sites should not set this option to 1 or use seriously
 +# the next parameter URLWithQueryWithOnlyFollowingParameters (or eventually 
 +# URLWithQueryWithoutFollowingParameters).
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - URLs are cleaned from the query string (ie: "/mypage.html")
 +# 1 - Full URL with query string is used     (ie: "/mypage.html?p=x&q=y")
 +# Default: 0
 +# When URLWithQuery is on, you will get the full URL with all parameters in
 +# URL reports. But among thoose parameters, sometimes you don't need a
 +# particular parameter because it does not identify the page or because it's
 +# a random ID changing for each access even if URL points to same page. In
 +# such cases, it is higly recommanded to ask AWStats to keep only parameters
 +# you need (if you know them) before counting, manipulating and storing URL.
 +# Enter here list of wanted parameters. For example, with "param", one hit on
 +# /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Yo4UomP9d  and  /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Mu8fdxl3r
 +# will be reported as 2 hits on /mypage.cgi?param=abc
 +# This parameter is not used when URLWithQuery is 0 and can't be used with
 +# URLWithQueryWithoutFollowingParameters.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "param"
 +# Default: ""
 +# When URLWithQuery is on, you will get the full URL with all parameters in
 +# URL reports. But among thoose parameters, sometimes you don't need a
 +# particular parameter because it does not identify the page or because it's
 +# a random ID changing for each access even if URL points to same page. In
 +# such cases, it is higly recommanded to ask AWStats to remove such parameters
 +# from the URL before counting, manipulating and storing URL. Enter here list
 +# of all non wanted parameters. For example if you enter "id", one hit on
 +# /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Yo4UomP9d  and  /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Mu8fdxl3r
 +# will be reported as 2 hits on /mypage.cgi?param=abc
 +# This parameter is not used when URLWithQuery is 0 and can't be used with
 +# URLWithQueryWithOnlyFollowingParameters.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "PHPSESSID jsessionid"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Keep or remove the query string to the referrer URL in the statistics for
 +# external referrer pages. This is used to differentiate between the URLs of
 +# dynamic referrer pages. If set to 1, mypage.html?id=x and mypage.html?id=y
 +# are counted as two different referrer pages.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - Referrer URLs are cleaned from the query string (ie: "/mypage.html")
 +# 1 - Full URL with query string is used      (ie: "/mypage.html?p=x&q=y")
 +# Default: 0
 +# AWStats can detect setup problems or show you important informations to have
 +# a better use. Keep this to 1, except if AWStats says you can change it.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# When an error occurs, AWStats outputs a message related to errors. If you
 +# want (in most cases for security reasons) to have no error messages, you
 +# can set this parameter to your personalized generic message.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: "An error occurred. Contact your Administrator"
 +# Default: ""
 +# AWStat can be run with debug=x parameter to output various informations
 +# to help in debugging or solving troubles. If you want to allow this (not
 +# enabled by default for security reasons), set this parameter to 0.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# To help you to detect if your log format is good, AWStats reports an error
 +# if all the first NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog lines have a format that does not
 +# match the LogFormat parameter.
 +# However, some worm virus attack on your web server can result in a very high
 +# number of corrupted lines in your log. So if you experience awstats stop
 +# because of bad virus records at the beginning of your log file, you can
 +# increase this parameter (very rare).
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Default: 50
 +# For some particular integration needs, you may want to have CGI links to
 +# point to another script than awstats.pl.
 +# Use the name of this script in WrapperScript parameter.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: "awstatslauncher.pl"
 +# Example: "awstatswrapper.cgi?key=123"
 +# Default: ""
 +# DecodeUA must be set to 1 if you use Roxen web server. This server converts
 +# all spaces in user agent field into %20. This make the AWStats robots, OS
 +# and browsers detection fail in some cases. Just change it to 1 if and only
 +# if your web server is Roxen.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# MiscTrackerUrl can be used to make AWStats able to detect some miscellaneous
 +# things, that can not be tracked on other way, like:
 +# - Javascript disabled
 +# - Java enabled
 +# - Screen size
 +# - Color depth
 +# - Macromedia Director plugin
 +# - Macromedia Shockwave plugin
 +# - Realplayer G2 plugin
 +# - QuickTime plugin
 +# - Mediaplayer plugin
 +# - Acrobat PDF plugin
 +# To enable all these features, you must copy the awstats_misc_tracker.js file
 +# into a /js/ directory stored in your web document root and add the following
 +# HTML code at the end of your index page (but before </BODY>) :
 +# <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"></script>
 +# <noscript><img src="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js?nojs=y" height=0 width=0 border=0 style="display: none"></noscript>
 +# If code is not added in index page, all those detection capabilities will be
 +# disabled. You must also check that ShowScreenSizeStats and ShowMiscStats
 +# parameters are set to 1 to make results appear in AWStats report page.
 +# If you want to use another directory than /js/, you must also change the
 +# awstatsmisctrackerurl variable into the awstats_misc_tracker.js file.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only.
 +# Possible value: URL of javascript tracker file added in your HTML code.
 +# Default: "/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"
 +# OPTIONAL ACCURACY SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)
 +# The following values allow you to define accuracy of AWStats entities
 +# (robots, browsers, os, referers, file types) detection.
 +# It might be a good idea for large web sites or ISP that provides AWStats to
 +# high number of customers, to set this parameter to 1 (or 0), instead of 2.
 +# Possible values:
 +#    0      = No detection,
 +#    1      = Medium/Standard detection
 +#    2      = Full detection
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Note   : LevelForBrowsersDetection can also accept value "allphones". This
 +#          enable detailed detection of phone/pda browsers.
 +# Default: 2 (0 for LevelForWormsDetection)
 +LevelForBrowsersDetection=2         # 0 disables Browsers detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 2%
 +                                    # allphones reduces AWStats speed by 5%
 +LevelForOSDetection=2               # 0 disables OS detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 3%
 +LevelForRefererAnalyze=2            # 0 disables Origin detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 14%
 +LevelForRobotsDetection=2           # 0 disables Robots detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 2.5%
 +LevelForSearchEnginesDetection=2    # 0 disables Search engines detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 9%
 +LevelForKeywordsDetection=2         # 0 disables Keyphrases/Keywords detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 1%
 +LevelForFileTypesDetection=2        # 0 disables File types detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 1%
 +LevelForWormsDetection=0            # 0 disables Worms detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 15%
 +# OPTIONAL APPEARANCE SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)
 +# When you use AWStats as a CGI, you can have the reports shown in HTML frames.
 +# Frames are only available for report viewed dynamically. When you build
 +# pages from command line, this option is not used and no frames are built.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# This parameter asks your browser to open detailed reports into a different
 +# window than the main page.
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - Open all in same browser window
 +# 1 - Open detailed reports in another window except if using frames
 +# 2 - Open always in a different window even if reports are framed
 +# Default: 1
 +# You can add, in the HTML report page, a cache lifetime (in seconds) that
 +# will be returned to the browser in HTTP header answer by server.
 +# This parameter is not used when reports are built with -staticlinks option.
 +# Example: 3600
 +# Default: 0
 +# To avoid too large web pages, you can ask AWStats to limit number of rows of
 +# all reported charts to this number when no other limits apply.
 +# Default: 1000
 +# Set your primary language (ISO-639-1 language codes).
 +# Possible values:
 +#  Albanian=al, Bosnian=ba, Bulgarian=bg, Catalan=ca,
 +#  Chinese (Taiwan)=tw, Chinese (Simpliefied)=cn, Croatian=hr, Czech=cz,
 +#  Danish=dk, Dutch=nl, English=en, Estonian=et, Euskara=eu, Finnish=fi,
 +#  French=fr, Galician=gl, German=de, Greek=gr, Hebrew=he, Hungarian=hu,
 +#  Icelandic=is, Indonesian=id, Italian=it, Japanese=jp, Korean=ko,
 +#  Latvian=lv, Norwegian (Nynorsk)=nn, Norwegian (Bokmal)=nb, Polish=pl,
 +#  Portuguese=pt, Portuguese (Brazilian)=br, Romanian=ro, Russian=ru,
 +#  Serbian=sr, Slovak=sk, Slovenian=si, Spanish=es, Swedish=se, Turkish=tr,
 +#  Ukrainian=ua, Welsh=cy.
 +#  First available language accepted by browser=auto
 +# Default: "auto"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: Lang="auto"
 +# Set the location of language files.
 +# Example: "/usr/share/awstats/lang"
 +# Default: "./lang" (means lang directory is in same location than awstats.pl)
 +# Show menu header with reports' links
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# You choose here which reports you want to see in the main page and what you
 +# want to see in those reports.
 +# Possible values:
 +#  0  - Report is not shown at all
 +#  1  - Report is shown in main page with an entry in menu and default columns
 +# XYZ - Report shows column informations defined by code X,Y,Z...
 +#       X,Y,Z... are code letters among the following:
 +#        U = Unique visitors
 +#        V = Visits
 +#        P = Number of pages
 +#        H = Number of hits (or mails)
 +#        B = Bandwith (or total mail size for mail logs)
 +#        L = Last access date
 +#        E = Entry pages
 +#        X = Exit pages
 +#        C = Web compression (mod_gzip,mod_deflate)
 +#        M = Average mail size (mail logs)
 +# Show monthly summary
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: UVPHB, Possible column codes: UVPHB
 +# Show monthly chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: UVPHB, Possible column codes: UVPHB
 +# Show days of month chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: VPHB, Possible column codes: VPHB
 +# Show days of week chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Show hourly chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Show domains/country chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Show hosts chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHBL, Possible column codes: PHBL
 +# Show authenticated users chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: PHBL
 +# Show robots chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: HBL, Possible column codes: HBL
 +# Show worms chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 0 (If set to other than 0, see also LevelForWormsDetection), Possible column codes: HBL
 +# Show email senders chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)
 +# Context: Mail
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: HBML
 +# Show email receivers chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)
 +# Context: Mail
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: HBML
 +# Show session chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show pages-url chart.
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: PBEX, Possible column codes: PBEX
 +# Show file types chart.
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: HB, Possible column codes: HBC
 +# Show file size chart (Not yet available)
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show downloads chart.
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: HB, Possible column codes: HB
 +# Show operating systems chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show browsers chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show screen size chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 0 (If set to 1, see also MiscTrackerUrl), Possible column codes: None
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: ShowScreenSizeStats=0
 +# Show origin chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: PH, Possible column codes: PH
 +# Show keyphrases chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show keywords chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show misc chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: a (See also MiscTrackerUrl parameter), Possible column codes: anjdfrqwp
 +# Show http errors chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show smtp errors chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)
 +# Context: Mail
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show the cluster report (Your LogFormat must contains the %cluster tag)
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Some graphical reports are followed by the data array of values.
 +# If you don't want this array (to reduce the report size for example), you
 +# can set thoose options to 0.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# Data array values for the ShowMonthStats report
 +# Data array values for the ShowDaysOfMonthStats report
 +# Data array values for the ShowDaysOfWeekStats report
 +# Data array values for the ShowHoursStats report
 +# In the Origin chart, you have stats on where your hits came from. You can
 +# include hits on pages that come from pages of same sites in this chart.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# The following parameters can be used to choose the maximum number of lines
 +# shown for the particular following reports.
 +# Stats by countries/domains
 +MaxNbOfDomain = 10
 +MinHitDomain  = 1
 +# Stats by hosts
 +MaxNbOfHostsShown = 10
 +MinHitHost    = 1
 +# Stats by authenticated users
 +MaxNbOfLoginShown = 10
 +MinHitLogin   = 1
 +# Stats by robots
 +MaxNbOfRobotShown = 10
 +MinHitRobot   = 1
 +# Stats for Downloads
 +MaxNbOfDownloadsShown = 10
 +MinHitDownloads = 1
 +# Stats by pages
 +MaxNbOfPageShown = 10
 +MinHitFile    = 1
 +# Stats by OS
 +MaxNbOfOsShown = 10
 +MinHitOs      = 1
 +# Stats by browsers
 +MaxNbOfBrowsersShown = 10
 +MinHitBrowser = 1
 +# Stats by screen size
 +MaxNbOfScreenSizesShown = 5
 +MinHitScreenSize = 1
 +# Stats by window size (following 2 parameters are not yet used)
 +MaxNbOfWindowSizesShown = 5
 +MinHitWindowSize = 1
 +# Stats by referers
 +MaxNbOfRefererShown = 10
 +MinHitRefer   = 1
 +# Stats for keyphrases
 +MaxNbOfKeyphrasesShown = 10
 +MinHitKeyphrase = 1
 +# Stats for keywords
 +MaxNbOfKeywordsShown = 10
 +MinHitKeyword = 1
 +# Stats for sender or receiver emails
 +MaxNbOfEMailsShown = 20
 +MinHitEMail   = 1
 +# Choose if you want the week report to start on sunday or monday
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - Week starts on sunday
 +# 1 - Week starts on monday
 +# Default: 1
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: FirstDayOfWeek=0
 +# List of visible flags that link to other language translations.
 +# See Lang parameter for list of allowed flag/language codes.
 +# If you don't want any flag link, set ShowFlagLinks to "".
 +# This parameter is used only if ShowMenu parameter is set to 1.
 +# Possible values: "" or "language_codes_separated_by_space"
 +# Example: "en es fr nl de"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Each URL, shown in stats report views, are links you can click.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# When AWStats builds HTML links in its report pages, it starts those links
 +# with "http://". However some links might be HTTPS links, so you can enter
 +# here the root of all your HTTPS links. If all your site is a SSL web site,
 +# just enter "/".
 +# This parameter is not used if ShowLinksOnUrl is 0.
 +# Example: "/shopping"
 +# Example: "/"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Maximum length of URL part shown on stats page (number of characters).
 +# This affects only URL visible text, links still work.
 +# Default: 64
 +# You can enter HTML code that will be added at the top of AWStats reports.
 +# Default: ""
 +# You can enter HTML code that will be added at the end of AWStats reports.
 +# Great to add advert ban.
 +# Default: ""
 +# By default AWStats page contains meta tag robots=noindex,nofollow
 +# If you want to have your statistics to be indexed, set this option to 1. 
 +# Default: 0
 +# You can set Logo and LogoLink to use your own logo.
 +# Logo must be the name of image file (must be in $DirIcons/other directory).
 +# LogoLink is the expected URL when clicking on Logo.
 +# Default: "awstats_logo6.png"
 +# Value of maximum bar width/height for horizontal/vertical HTML graphics bars.
 +# Default: 260/90
 +BarWidth   = 260
 +BarHeight  = 90
 +# You can ask AWStats to use a particular CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to
 +# change its look. To create a style sheet, you can use samples provided with
 +# AWStats in wwwroot/css directory.
 +# Example: "/awstatscss/awstats_bw.css"
 +# Example: "/css/awstats_bw.css"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Those color parameters can be used (if StyleSheet parameter is not used)
 +# to change AWStats look.
 +# Example: color_name="RRGGBB" # RRGGBB is Red Green Blue components in Hex
 +color_Background="FFFFFF" # Background color for main page (Default = "FFFFFF")
 +color_TableBGTitle="CCCCDD" # Background color for table title (Default = "CCCCDD")
 +color_TableTitle="000000" # Table title font color (Default = "000000")
 +color_TableBG="CCCCDD" # Background color for table (Default = "CCCCDD")
 +color_TableRowTitle="FFFFFF" # Table row title font color (Default = "FFFFFF")
 +color_TableBGRowTitle="ECECEC" # Background color for row title (Default = "ECECEC")
 +color_TableBorder="ECECEC" # Table border color (Default = "ECECEC")
 +color_text="000000" # Color of text (Default = "000000")
 +color_textpercent="606060" # Color of text for percent values (Default = "606060")
 +color_titletext="000000" # Color of text title within colored Title Rows (Default = "000000")
 +color_weekend="EAEAEA" # Color for week-end days (Default = "EAEAEA")
 +color_link="0011BB" # Color of HTML links (Default = "0011BB")
 +color_hover="605040" # Color of HTML on-mouseover links (Default = "605040"
 +color_u="FFAA66" # Background color for number of unique visitors (Default = "FFAA66")
 +color_v="F4F090" # Background color for number of visites (Default = "F4F090")
 +color_p="4477DD" # Background color for number of pages (Default = "4477DD")
 +color_h="66DDEE" # Background color for number of hits (Default = "66DDEE")
 +color_k="2EA495" # Background color for number of bytes (Default = "2EA495")
 +color_s="8888DD" # Background color for number of search (Default = "8888DD")
 +color_e="CEC2E8" # Background color for number of entry pages (Default = "CEC2E8")
 +color_x="C1B2E2" # Background color for number of exit pages (Default = "C1B2E2")
 +# Add here all plugin files you want to load.
 +# Plugin files must be .pm files stored in 'plugins' directory.
 +# Uncomment LoadPlugin lines to enable a plugin after checking that perl
 +# modules required by the plugin are installed.
 +# PLUGIN: Tooltips
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add tooltips pop-up help boxes to HTML report pages.  
 +# NOTE: This will increased HTML report pages size, thus server load and bandwidth.
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="tooltips"
 +# PLUGIN: DecodeUTFKeys
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Encode and URI::Escape
 +# DESCRIPTION: Allow AWStats to show correctly (in language charset) 
 +# keywords/keyphrases strings even if they were UTF8 coded by the 
 +# referer search engine.
 +# PLUGIN: IPv6
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin gives AWStats capability to make reverse DNS
 +# lookup on IPv6 addresses.
 +# PLUGIN: HashFiles
 +# DESCRIPTION: AWStats DNS cache files are read/saved as native hash files. 
 +# This increases DNS cache files loading speed, above all for very large web sites.
 +# PLUGIN: UserInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (Firtname, Lastname, Office Department, ...) in 
 +# authenticated user reports for each login value.
 +# A text file called userinfo.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is login,
 +# second is text to show, separated by a tab char) must be created in DirData
 +# directory.
 +# PLUGIN: HostInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a column into host chart with a link to open a popup window that shows
 +# info on host (like whois records).
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="hostinfo"
 +# PLUGIN: ClusterInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (for example a full hostname) in cluster reports for each cluster
 +# number. A text file called clusterinfo.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is
 +# cluster number, second is text to show) separated by a tab char. must be
 +# created into DirData directory.
 +# Note this plugin is useless if ShowClusterStats is set to 0 or if you don't
 +# use a personalized log format that contains %cluster tag.
 +# PLUGIN: UrlAliases
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (Page title, description...) in URL reports before URL value.
 +# A text file called urlalias.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is URL,
 +# second is text to show, separated by a tab char) must be created into
 +# DirData directory.
 +# PLUGIN: TimeHiRes
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Time::HiRes (if Perl < 5.8)
 +# DESCRIPTION: Time reported by -showsteps option is in millisecond. For debug purpose.
 +# PLUGIN: TimeZone
 +# PARAMETERS: [timezone offset]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Allow AWStats to adjust time stamps for a different timezone
 +# This plugin reduces AWStats speed of 10% !!!!!!!
 +# LoadPlugin="timezone"
 +# LoadPlugin="timezone +2"
 +# LoadPlugin="timezone CET"
 +#LoadPlugin="timezone +2"
 +# PLUGIN: Rawlog
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a form in AWStats main page to allow users to see raw
 +# content of current log files. A filter is also available.
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="rawlog"
 +# PLUGIN: GraphApplet
 +# PARAMETERS: [CSS classes to override]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Supported charts are built by a 3D graphic applet.
 +#LoadPlugin="graphapplet /awstatsclasses" # EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE
 +# PLUGIN: GraphGoogleChartAPI
 +# DESCRIPTION: Replaces the standard charts with free Google API generated images 
 +# in HTML reports. If country data is available and more than one country has hits, 
 +# a map will be generated using Google Visualizations.
 +# Note: The machine where reports are displayed must have Internet access for the 
 +# charts to be generated. The only data sent to Google includes the statistic numbers, 
 +# legend names and country names.
 +# Warning: This plugin is not compatible with option BuildReportFormat=xhtml. 
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIPfree
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IPfree version 0.2+ (from Graciliano M.P.)
 +# DESCRIPTION: Country chart is built from an Internet IP-Country database.
 +# This plugin is useless for intranet only log files.
 +# Note: You must choose between using this plugin (need Perl Geo::IPfree
 +# module, database is free but not up to date) or the GeoIP plugin (need
 +# Perl Geo::IP module from Maxmind, database is also free and up to date).
 +# Note: Activestate provide a corrupted version of Geo::IPfree 0.2 Perl
 +# module, so install it from elsewhere (from www.cpan.org for example).
 +# This plugin reduces AWStats speed by up to 10% !
 +# MAXMIND GEO IP MODULES: Please see documentation for notes on all Maxmind modules
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/geoip.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Builds a country chart and adds an entry to the hosts 
 +# table with country name
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIP.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_City_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPCity.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a column under the hosts field and tracks the pageviews
 +# and hits by city including regions.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPCity.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoLiteCity.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_ASN_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPASN.dat[+/pathto/override.txt][+http://linktoASlookup]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a chart of AS numbers where the host IP address is registered. 
 +# This plugin can display some ISP information if included in the database. You can also provide 
 +# a link that will be used to lookup additional registration data. Put the link at the end of 
 +# the parameter string and the report page will include the link with the full AS number at the end.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_asn_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/geoip.dat+http://enc.com.au/itools/aut-num.php?autnum="
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_Region_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPRegion.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION:This plugin adds a chart of hits by regions. Only regions for US and 
 +# Canada can be detected.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_region_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPRegion.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_ISP_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPISP.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a chart of hits by ISP.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_isp_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPISP.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_Org_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPOrg.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin add a chart of hits by Organization name
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_org_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPOrg.dat"
 +# You can define your own charts, you choose here what are rows and columns
 +# keys. This feature is particularly useful for marketing purpose, tracking
 +# products orders for example.
 +# For this, edit all parameters of Extra section. Each set of parameter is a
 +# different chart. For several charts, duplicate section changing the number.
 +# Note: Each Extra section reduces AWStats speed by 8%.
 +# WARNING: A wrong setup of Extra section might result in too large arrays
 +# that will consume all your memory, making AWStats unusable after several
 +# updates, so be sure to setup it correctly.
 +# In most cases, you don't need this feature.
 +# ExtraSectionNameX is title of your personalized chart.
 +# ExtraSectionCodeFilterX is list of codes the record code field must match.
 +#   Put an empty string for no test on code.
 +# ExtraSectionConditionX are conditions you can use to count or not the hit,
 +#   Use one of the field condition
 +#   and a regex to match, after a coma. Use "||" for "OR".
 +# ExtraSectionFirstColumnTitleX is the first column title of the chart.
 +# ExtraSectionFirstColumnValuesX is a string to tell AWStats which field to
 +#   extract value from
 +#   and how to extract the value (using regex syntax). Each different value
 +#   found will appear in first column of report on a different row. Be sure
 +#   that list of different possible values will not grow indefinitely.
 +# ExtraSectionFirstColumnFormatX is the string used to write value.
 +# ExtraSectionStatTypesX are things you want to count. You can use standard
 +#   code letters (P for pages,H for hits,B for bandwidth,L for last access).
 +# ExtraSectionAddAverageRowX add a row at bottom of chart with average values.
 +# ExtraSectionAddSumRowX add a row at bottom of chart with sum values.
 +# MaxNbOfExtraX is maximum number of rows shown in chart.
 +# MinHitExtraX is minimum number of hits required to be shown in chart.
 +# Example to report the 20 products the most ordered by "order.cgi" script
 +#ExtraSectionName1="Product orders"
 +#ExtraSectionCodeFilter1="200 304"
 +#ExtraSectionFirstColumnTitle1="Product ID"
 +# There is also a global parameter ExtraTrackedRowsLimit that limits the
 +# number of possible rows an ExtraSection can report. This parameter is
 +# here to protect too much memory use when you make a bad setup in your
 +# ExtraSection. It applies to all ExtraSection independently meaning that
 +# none ExtraSection can report more rows than value defined by ExtraTrackedRowsLimit.
 +# If you know an ExtraSection will report more rows than its value, you should
 +# increase this parameter or AWStats will stop with an error.
 +# Example: 2000
 +# Default: 500
 +# You can include other config files using the directive with the name of the
 +# config file.
 +# This is particularly useful for users who have a lot of virtual servers, so
 +# a lot of config files and want to maintain common values in only one file.
 +# Note that when a variable is defined both in a config file and in an
 +# included file, AWStats will use the last value read for parameters that
 +# contains one value and AWStats will concat all values from both files for
 +# parameters that are lists of values.
 +#Include ""
 +==== AddOn-Konfiguration (plugins) ====
 +=== Allow To Update Stats From Browser ===
 +Wenn wir später die Statistiken auch mittels Mausklick im Browser aktualisieren wollen müssen wir dafür sorgen, dass unser Webserver auch in das betreffende Verzeichnis schreiben darf.
 +Wir passen hierzu die Berechtigungen unseres Document-Root an.
 +   # chown apache:apache /var/www/awstats
 +In der Konfigurationsdatei von **awstats** aktivieren wir dann noch diese Option.
 +<code bash># When this parameter is set to 1, AWStats adds a button on report page to
 +# allow to "update" statistics from a web browser. Warning, when "update" is
 +# made from a browser, AWStats is run as a CGI by the web server user defined
 +# in your web server (user "nobody" by default with Apache, "IUSR_XXX" with
 +# IIS), so the "DirData" directory and all already existing history files
 +# awstatsMMYYYY[.xxx].txt must be writable by this user. Change permissions if
 +# necessary to "Read/Write" (and "Modify" for Windows NTFS file systems).
 +# Warning: Update process can be long so you might experience "time out"
 +# browser errors if you don't launch AWStats frequently enough.
 +# When set to 0, update is only made when AWStats is run from the command
 +# line interface (or a task scheduler).
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=0
 +=== HostInfo ===
 +Wir können uns auf unseren Statistik-Seiten bei den Hostinformationen eine Spalte **Whois Informationen** anzeigen lassen, wo wir dann über ein popup-Fenster direkt eine **whois-Abfrage** vornehmen können.
 +Hierzu muss das Perl-Modul **//Net::XWhois//** installiert werden.
 +   # yum install perl-Net-XWhois
 +In der betreffenden Hostkonfigurationsdatei von **awstats** aktivieren wir dann nur noch das notwendige plugin.
 +<code bash>
 +# PLUGIN: HostInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a column into host chart with a link to open a popup window that shows
 +# info on host (like whois records).
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="hostinfo"
 +=== GeoIP ===
 +Auf unseren Statistikseiten können wir uns anzeigen lassen aus welchen Ländern und Orten die Anfragen/Verbindungen kamen.
 +Hierzu wird neben dem Perl-Modul //**perl-Geo-IP**// noch die beiden Datenbanken zur Auflösung der Orte benötigt.
 +Bei der Grundinstallation von [[centos:awstats_c6#installation|AWStats]] wurde bereits da nötige Perl-Modul installiert. Wenn wir wissen wollen, wo dies im System liegt, dann benutzen wir folgenden Aufruf.
 +   # rpm -qil perl-Geo-IP
 +<code>Name        : perl-Geo-IP                  Relocations: (not relocatable)
 +Version     : 1.38                              Vendor: Dag Apt Repository, http://dag.wieers.com/apt/
 +Release     : 1.el6.rf                      Build Date: Fri 12 Nov 2010 08:04:38 AM CET
 +Install Date: Tue 03 Jul 2012 05:53:34 PM CEST      Build Host: lisse.hasselt.wieers.com
 +Group       : Applications/CPAN             Source RPM: perl-Geo-IP-1.38-1.el6.rf.src.rpm
 +Size        : 370904                           License: Artistic/GPL
 +Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Sat 13 Nov 2010 12:05:08 AM CET, Key ID a20e52146b8d79e6
 +Packager    : Dries Verachtert <dries@ulyssis.org>
 +URL         : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Geo-IP/
 +Summary     : Database which maps IP blocks on countries
 +Description :
 +This module a simple file-based database.  This database simply contains
 +IP blocks as keys, and countries as values.  The data contains all
 +public IP addresses and should be more
 +complete and accurate than reverse DNS lookups.
 +Die benötigten Datenbanken holen wir uns direkt bei [[http://www.maxmind.com/|MaxMind]]. Die beiden Datenbankfiles legen wir in unserm System z.B. unter //**/usr/local/lib64/perl5/**// ab; hierzu wechseln wir nun in das entsprechende Verzeichnis.
 +   # cd /usr/local/lib64/perl5/
 +Anschließend laden wir uns das **GeoIP** Datenbank auf unseren Rechner.
 +   # wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz
 +Zu guter Letzt entpacken wir die heruntergeladene Datei an Ort und Stelle.
 +   # gunzip GeoIP.dat.gz
 +Das Gleiche machen wir nun mit der **GeoLiteCity** Datenbank.
 +   # wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
 +Auch diese entpacken wir nun noch.
 +   # gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
 +In der betreffenden Hostkonfigurationsdatei von **awstats** aktivieren wir dann noch die beiden plugins.
 +<code bash>
 +# MAXMIND GEO IP MODULES: Please see documentation for notes on all Maxmind modules
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/geoip.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Builds a country chart and adds an entry to the hosts 
 +# table with country name
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIP.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_City_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPCity.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a column under the hosts field and tracks the pageviews
 +# and hits by city including regions.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPCity.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoLiteCity.dat"
 +<WRAP round important>**WICHTIG**:
 +Die Geo-Daten werden einmal im Monat aktualisiert zur Verfügung gestellt! Wir aktualisieren als bei Bedarf diese Datenbankdateien regelmäßig.</WRAP>
 +Zum Update der GeoIP-Daten legen wir uns also einen Cronjob an, der monatlich aufgerufen werden soll.
 +   # vim /etc/cron.monthly/geoip-update
 +<file bash # vim /etc/cron.monthly/geoip-update>#!/bin/bash
 +# Django : 2014-06-30
 +# Monatlicher Update der geoIP-Daten
 +# Programmlauf des monatlich laufenden cronjobs verzögern.
 +/bin/sleep $[$RANDOM/1024]
 +# Update GeoIP:
 +/usr/bin/wget -q http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz -O - | gunzip > /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat.new && mv /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat.new /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat -f
 +# Update GeoIP-City:
 +/usr/bin/wget -q http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz -O - | gunzip > /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoCity.dat.new && mv /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoCity.dat.new /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoCity.dat -f
 +Anschließend passen wir noch die Dateirechte unseres Scriptes an.
 +   # chmod +x /etc/cron.monthly/geoip-update
 +==== erstes Ergebnis ====
 +Nach erfolgreicher Konfiguration steht dem ersten Aufruf nichts mehr im Wege. Der Aufruf erfolgt über folgende URL:
 +   $ firefox http://aw-stats.nausch.org/awstats/awstats.pl?config=dokuwiki.nausch.org
 +{{ :centos:awstats_00.png?nolink&600 |Bild: AWStats Bildschirmhardcopy}}
 +<WRAP round tip>**HINWEIS**:
 +Der Teil nach //**?config=**// in der URL ist der Name, den wir bei der Konfigurationdatei von **AWStats** im Verzeichnis //**/etc/awstats**// verwendet wurde.
 +Also z.B. <code>http://aw-stats.nausch.org/awstats/awstats.pl?config=wetter.nausch.org</code> für die Konfigurationsdatei  <code>/etc/awstats/awstats.wetter.nausch.org.conf</code>
 +===== Die Pflicht - AWStats ("tar.gz."Installation) =====
 +<WRAP round important> **WICHTIG:**
 +Möchte man die aktuellste Version von [[http://www.awstats.org/#DOWNLOAD|AWStats]] verwenden oder später [[centos:awstats_c6?&#die_kuer_-_betterawstats|BetterAWStats]] nutzen, so installiert man das Logfileanalysetool ab besten selbst direkt aus den Quellen.
 +==== Download ====
 +Bevor wir nun das Programmarchiv auf unseren Rechner holen, wechseln wir als erstes hierzu in unser Programmquellen-Verzeichnis. Haben wir selbiges noch nicht angelegt, dann ist natürlich noch dieses anzulegen:
 +   # mkdir -p /usr/local/src/packages/
 +Anschließend wechseln wir in unser Verzeichnis:
 +   # cd /usr/local/src/packages/
 +Nun laden wir das Programmarchiv von der [[http://www.awstats.org|Projektseite]].
 +   # wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/awstats/AWStats/7.2/awstats-7.2.tar.gz
 +Dieses //tar.gz//-Archiv entpacken wir nun als nächstes.
 +   # tar -xzvf /usr/local/src/packages/awstats-7.2.tar.gz -C /usr/share/
 +==== Installation ====
 +Wertvolle Hinweise für die weitere Installation finden wir in der Datei **README.TXT**.
 +   # less /usr/share/awstats-7.2/README.TXT
 +<file txt /usr/share/awstats-7.2/README.TXT>------------- AWStats --------------
 + Advanced Web Statistics
 +AWStats (Advanced Web Statistics) is a powerful, full-featured web server
 +logfile analyzer which shows you all your Web statistics including: visitors,
 +pages, hits, hours, search engines, keywords used to find your site, broken
 +links, robots and many more...
 +It works with IIS 5.0+, Apache and all major web, wap, proxy, streaming
 +server log files (and even ftp servers or mail logs) on all Operating Systems.
 +License: GNU GPL v3+ (GNU General Public License. See LICENSE file),
 +         OSI Certified Open Source Software license.
 +Version: 7.2
 +Release date: June 2013
 +Platforms: All (Linux, NT, BSD, Solaris and other *NIX's, BeOS, OS/2...)
 +Author: Laurent Destailleur <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 +AWStats official web site and latest version: http://www.awstats.org
 +I   - Features and requirements of AWStats
 +   I - 1) Features, what AWStats can show you
 +   I - 2) Requirements for using AWStats
 +   I - 3) Files
 +II  - Install, Setup and Use AWStats
 +III - Benchmark
 +IV  - About the author, license and support
 +I - 1) Features
 + A full log analysis enables AWStats to show you the following information:
 + * Visits duration and last visits
 + * Authenticated users, and last authenticated visits
 + * Days of week and rush hours (pages, hits, KB for each day and hour)
 + * Domains/countries of hosts visitors (pages, hits, KB)
 + * Hosts list, last visits and unresolved IP addresses list
 + * Most viewed, entry and exit pages
 + * File types
 + * Web compression statistics (for mod_gzip or mod_deflate)
 + * Browsers used (pages, hits, kb for each browser)
 + * OS used (pages, hits, KB for each OS)
 + * Robot visits
 + * Worm attacks
 + * Download and continuation detection
 + * Search engines, keyphrases and keywords used to find your site
 + * HTTP errors (Page not found with last referer, etc,)
 + * Screen size report
 + * Number of times your site is "added to favourites bookmarks"
 + * Ratio of Browsers that support: Java, Flash, RealG2 reader,
 +   Quicktime reader, WMA reader, PDF reader
 + * Cluster report for load balanced servers ratio
 + * Other personalized reports...
 + It supports the following features as well:
 + * Can analyze all log formats
 + * Works from command line and from a browser as a CGI (with dynamic
 +   filters capabilities for some charts)
 + * Update of statistics can be made on demand from the web interface and
 +   not only from your scheduler
 + * Unlimited log file size, support split log files (load balancing system)
 + * Support 'nearly sorted' log files even for entry and exit pages
 + * Reverse DNS lookup before or during analysis, supports DNS cache files
 + * Country detection from IP location or domain name
 + * WhoIS links
 + * A lot of options/filters and plugins can be used
 + * Multi-named web sites supported (virtual servers)
 + * Cross Site Scripting Attacks protection
 + * Several languages
 + * No need of rare perl libraries
 + * Dynamic reports as CGI output
 + * Static reports in one or framed HTML or XHTML pages
 + * Experimental PDF export
 + * Look and colors can match your site design (CSS)
 + * Help and tooltips on HTML reported pages
 + * Easy to use (Just one configuration file to edit)
 + * Analysis database can be stored in XML format (for XSLT processing, ...)
 + * A Webmin module
 + * Free (GNU GPL) with sources (perl scripts)
 + * Available on all platforms
 +I - 2) Requirements
 + To use AWStats CGI script, you need the following requirements:
 + * Your server must log web access in a log file you can read.
 + * To run awstats, from command line, your operating system must be able
 +   to run perl scripts (.pl files).
 + * Perl module "Encode" must be available.
 + To run awstats as a CGI (for real-time
 +   statistics), your web server must also be able to run such scripts.
 +   If not, you can solve this by downloading last Perl version at:
 +   http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl/ (Windows)
 +   http://www.perl.com/pub/language/info/software.html (All OS)
 +I - 3) Files
 + The distribution of AWStats package includes the following files:
 + README.TXT                          This file
 + docs/LICENSE                        GNU General Public Licence
 + docs/                             AWStats documentation (setup/usage...)
 + wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl          THE MAIN AWSTATS PROGRAM (CLI/CGI)
 + wwwroot/cgi-bin/awredir.pl          A tool to track exit clicks
 + wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf  An model configuration file
 + wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang                Directory with languages files
 + wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib                 Directory with awstats reference info
 + wwwroot/cgi-bin/plugins             Directory with optional plugins
 + wwwroot/icon/browser                Directory with browsers icons
 + wwwroot/icon/clock                  Directory with clock icons
 + wwwroot/icon/cpu                    Directory with cpu icons
 + wwwroot/icon/flags                  Directory with country flag icons
 + wwwroot/icon/os                     Directory with OS icons
 + wwwroot/icon/other                  Directory with all others icons
 + wwwroot/classes                     Java applet for graphapplet plugin
 + wwwroot/css                         Samples of CSS files
 + wwwroot/js                          Javascript sources for "Misc" feature
 + tools/                            Other provided tools
 + tools/webmin/awstats-x.x.wbm        A Webmin module for AWStats
 + tools/xslt/awstats61.xsd            AWStats XML database schema descriptor
 + tools/xslt/                       Demo to manipulate AWStats XML database
 +The documentation available for this release in HTML format is
 +in the docs/ directory.
 +You can find a most up-to-date documentation at:
 +Tests and results are available in AWStats documentation, in docs/ directory.
 +Copyright (C) 2000-2013 - Laurent Destailleur - eldy@users.sourceforge.net
 +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 +the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 +(at your option) any later version.
 +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +GNU General Public License for more details.
 +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 +Die Anleitung zur Installation findet sich in unserem Programmverzeichnis.
 +   # elinks /usr/share/awstats-7.2/docs/awstats_setup.html
 +Alternativ findet man die nötigen Informationen auch in der Onlinedokumentation.
 +   $ firefox http://www.awstats.org/docs/awstats_setup.html
 +   $ firefox http://www.awstats.org/docs/awstats.pdf#page=4&zoom=100,0,764
 +Bei der Installation können wir nun auf das mitgelieferte Script zurückgreifen.
 +   # perl /usr/share/awstats-7.2/tools/awstats_configure.pl
 +<code>----- AWStats awstats_configure 1.0 (build 1.9) (c) Laurent Destailleur -----
 +This tool will help you to configure AWStats to analyze statistics for
 +one web server. You can try to use it to let it do all that is possible
 +in AWStats setup, however following the step by step manual setup
 +documentation (docs/index.html) is often a better idea. Above all if:
 +- You are not an administrator user,
 +- You want to analyze downloaded log files without web server,
 +- You want to analyze mail or ftp log files instead of web log files,
 +- You need to analyze load balanced servers log files,
 +- You want to 'understand' all possible ways to use AWStats...
 +Read the AWStats documentation (docs/index.html).
 +-----> Running OS detected: Linux, BSD or Unix
 +Warning: AWStats standard directory on Linux OS is '/usr/local/awstats'.
 +If you want to use standard directory, you should first move all content
 +of AWStats distribution from current directory:
 +to standard directory:
 +And then, run configure.pl from this location.
 +Do you want to continue setup from this NON standard directory [yN] ?
 +Aber wie heißt es da nun so schön **//however following the step by step manual setup
 +documentation is often a better idea.//** Wir brechen also die Konfiguration ab und ziehen den weg der manuellen Konfiguration vor. ;)
 +Damit wir später bei etwaigen Updates der Programmquellen von **awstats** nicht die ganzen Konfigurationen anpassen müssen, setzen wir noch einen symbolischen link auf das aktuelle Verzeichnis //**/usr/share/awstats-7.2/**//.
 +   # ln -s /usr/share/awstats-7.2/ /usr/share/awstats
 +Für unsere Konfigurationsdateien legen wir nun im ersten Schritt das benötigte Verzeichnis an.
 +   # mkdir /etc/awstats
 +Anschließend kopieren wir die Vorlage-Datei **awstats.model.conf** in unser zuvor angelegtes Konfigurationsverzeichnis.
 +   # cp /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf /etc/awstats/
 +Für die Statistikfiles (Datenbanken) legen wir noch ein passendes Verzeichnis an.
 +   # mkdir /usr/share/awstats/wwwdata
 +Damit unser systemuser **apache** später auch auf das Verzeichnis mit dem Webinhalt zugreifen kann, passen wir nun noch die Rechte entsprechend an.
 +   # chown apache.apache /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/ -R
 +==== Cronjob für Statistikaufbereitung ====
 +Wie Eingangs schon erwähnt, besteht AWStats im Grunde aus zwei Teilen, der Statistikaufberreitung - sozusagen das **backend** und dem zweiten Teil der Darstellung und Präsentation durch den Webserver, das **frontend**.
 +Damit das backend nun regelmäßig die Webserver-Logfiles zusammenfasst und die AWStats-Datenbankfiles erstellen kann, benötigen wir ein passendes Script, welches wir nun anlegen.
 +   # vim /etc/cron.hourly/00awstats
 +<file bash /etc/cron.hourly/00awstats>
 +if [ -f /var/log/httpd/access_log ] ; then
 +   exec /usr/share/awstats/tools/awstats_updateall.pl now -confdir="/etc/awstats" -awstatsprog="/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl" >/dev/null
 +exit 0
 +==== Logrotate ====
 +In regelmäßigen Abständen werden die Logfiles unseres Webserver rotiert, d.h. es werden die Alten Daten gapackt und eine neue Logdatei angelegt.
 +AWStats kann jedoch nur auf das aktuelle Logfile zugreifen, nicht aber auf die bereits archivierten. Damit nun keine Statistik-Daten //verloren// gehen, müssen wir noch sicherstellen, dass vor dem Archivierungsintervall von **logrotate**, AWStats einen Update seiner Statistikfiles machen kann.
 +Hierzu tragen wir nachfolgende Zeilen in die zentrale "syslog-logrotate-Konfigurationsdatei" **/etc/logrotate.d/syslog** ein:
 +<code bash>    prerotate
 +        /usr/share/awstats/tools/awstats_updateall.pl now -confdir="/etc/awstats" -awstatsprog="/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl" >/dev/null
 +    endscrip
 +  # vim /etc/logrotate.d/syslog
 +<file bash /etc/logrotate.d/syslog>
 +    sharedscripts
 +    prerotate
 +        /usr/share/awstats/tools/awstats_updateall.pl now -confdir="/etc/awstats" -awstatsprog="/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl" >/dev/null
 +    endscrip
 +    postrotate
 +        /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
 +    endscript
 +==== Konfiguration des Apache vHosts ====
 +Mit dem Editor unserer Wahl ergänzen wir nun unsere virtuellen Hosts um einen weiteren:
 +   # vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf
 +<file apache /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf>
 +# aw-stats.nausch.org
 +<VirtualHost *:80>
 +        ServerAdmin webmaster@nausch.org
 +        ServerName awstats.nausch.org
 +        ServerAlias www.awstats.nausch.org
 +        ServerPath /
 +        DocumentRoot "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot"
 + <Directory "/usr/share/awstats/wwwdata">
 +                Options None
 +                Order deny,allow
 +                Deny from all
 +        </Directory>
 + <Directory "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot">
 +                AllowOverride None
 + Options +ExecCGI
 +  DirectoryIndex awstats.pl
 +  Order deny,allow
 + Deny from all
 + Allow from
 +                Allow from
 +                Allow from
 +        </Directory>
 +        Alias /awstatsclasses "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/classes/"
 +        Alias /awstatscss "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/css/"
 +        Alias /awstatsicons "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/icon/"
 + Alias /awstats/icon /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/icon
 +        ScriptAlias / "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/"
 + ErrorLog logs/awstats_error.log
 + CustomLog logs/awstats_access.log combined
 +Bevor wir unsere Konfigurationsänderung scharf schalten, überprüfen wir noch kurzer Hand die Änderungen auf syntaktische Fehler.
 +   # service httpd configtest
 +Ist alles O.K. starten wir unseren Webserver durch, damit unsere Änderungen auch wirksam werden:
 +   #service httpd restart
 +==== Konfiguration der ersten Webseite ====
 +Für die Auswertung unserer ersten Webseite, legen wir uns eine entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei an. Hierzu kopieren wir einfach die Vorlage-Datei.
 +   # cp /etc/awstats/awstats.model.conf /etc/awstats/awstats.dokuwiki.nausch.org.conf
 +Mit dem Editor unserer Wahl passen wir nun die Parameter unseren Gegebenheiten nach an.
 +   # vim /etc/awstats/awstats.dokuwiki.nausch.org.conf
 +<file bash /etc/awstats/awstats.dokuwiki.nausch.org.conf># AWSTATS CONFIGURE FILE 7.0
 +# Copy this file into awstats.www.mydomain.conf and edit this new config file
 +# to setup AWStats (See documentation in docs/ directory).
 +# The config file must be in /etc/awstats, /usr/local/etc/awstats or /etc (for
 +# Unix/Linux) or same directory than awstats.pl (Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux...)
 +# To include an environment variable in any parameter (AWStats will replace
 +# it with its value when reading it), follow the example:
 +# Parameter="__ENVNAME__"
 +# Note that environment variable AWSTATS_CURRENT_CONFIG is always defined with
 +# the config value in an AWStats running session and can be used like others.
 +# $Revision: 1.350 $ - $Author: eldy $ - $Date: 2010/09/29 19:16:21 $
 +# MAIN SETUP SECTION (Required to make AWStats work)
 +# "LogFile" contains the web, ftp or mail server log file to analyze.
 +# Possible values: A full path, or a relative path from awstats.pl directory.
 +# Example: "/var/log/apache/access.log"
 +# Example: "../logs/mycombinedlog.log"
 +# You can also use tags in this filename if you need a dynamic file name
 +# depending on date or time (Replacement is made by AWStats at the beginning
 +# of its execution). This is available tags :
 +#   %YYYY-n  is replaced with 4 digits year we were n hours ago
 +#   %YY-n    is replaced with 2 digits year we were n hours ago
 +#   %MM-n    is replaced with 2 digits month we were n hours ago
 +#   %MO-n    is replaced with 3 letters month we were n hours ago
 +#   %DD-n    is replaced with day we were n hours ago
 +#   %HH-n    is replaced with hour we were n hours ago
 +#   %NS-n    is replaced with number of seconds at 00:00 since 1970
 +#   %WM-n    is replaced with the week number in month (1-5)
 +#   %Wm-n    is replaced with the week number in month (0-4)
 +#   %WY-n    is replaced with the week number in year (01-52)
 +#   %Wy-n    is replaced with the week number in year (00-51)
 +#   %DW-n    is replaced with the day number in week (1-7, 1=sunday)
 +#                              use n=24 if you need (1-7, 1=monday)
 +#   %Dw-n    is replaced with the day number in week (0-6, 0=sunday)
 +#                              use n=24 if you need (0-6, 0=monday)
 +#   Use 0 for n if you need current year, month, day, hour...
 +# Example: "/var/log/access_log.%YYYY-0%MM-0%DD-0.log"
 +# Example: "C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC1/ex%YY-24%MM-24%DD-24.log"
 +# You can also use a pipe if log file come from a pipe :
 +# Example: "gzip -d </var/log/apache/access.log.gz |"
 +# If there are several log files from load balancing servers :
 +# Example: "/pathtotools/logresolvemerge.pl *.log |"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: LogFile="/var/log/httpd/access_log"
 +# Enter the log file type you want to analyze.
 +# Possible values:
 +#  W - For a web log file
 +#  S - For a streaming log file
 +#  M - For a mail log file
 +#  F - For a ftp log file
 +# Example: W
 +# Default: W
 +# Enter here your log format (Must match your web server config. See setup
 +# instructions in documentation to know how to configure your web server to
 +# have the required log format).
 +# Possible values: 1,2,3,4 or "your_own_personalized_log_format"
 +# 1 - Apache or Lotus Notes/Domino native combined log format (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format)
 +# 2 - IIS or ISA format (IIS W3C log format). See FAQ-COM115 For ISA.
 +# 3 - Webstar native log format.
 +# 4 - Apache or Squid native common log format (NCSA common/CLF log format)
 +#     With LogFormat=4, some features (browsers, os, keywords...) can't work.
 +# "your_own_personalized_log_format" = If your log is ftp, mail or other format,
 +#     you must use following keys to define the log format string (See FAQ for
 +#     ftp, mail or exotic web log format examples):
 +#   %host             Client hostname or IP address (or Sender host for mail log)
 +#   %host_r           Receiver hostname or IP address (for mail log)
 +#   %lognamequot      Authenticated login/user with format: "john"
 +#   %logname          Authenticated login/user with format: john
 +#   %time1            Date and time with format: [dd/mon/yyyy:hh:mm:ss +0000] or [dd/mon/yyyy:hh:mm:ss]
 +#   %time2            Date and time with format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
 +#   %time3            Date and time with format: Mon dd hh:mm:ss or Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy
 +#   %time4            Date and time with unix timestamp format: dddddddddd
 +#   %methodurl        Method and URL with format: "GET /index.html HTTP/x.x"
 +#   %methodurlnoprot  Method and URL with format: "GET /index.html"
 +#   %method           Method with format: GET
 +#   %url              URL only with format: /index.html
 +#   %query            Query string (used by URLWithQuery option)
 +#   %code             Return code status (with format for web log: 999)
 +#   %bytesd           Size of document in bytes
 +#   %refererquot      Referer page with format: "http://from.com/from.htm"
 +#   %referer          Referer page with format: http://from.com/from.htm
 +#   %uabracket        User agent with format: [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible, ...)]
 +#   %uaquot           User agent with format: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible, ...)"
 +#   %ua               User agent with format: Mozilla/4.0_(compatible...)
 +#   %gzipin           mod_gzip compression input bytes: In:XXX
 +#   %gzipout          mod_gzip compression output bytes & ratio: Out:YYY:ZZpct.
 +#   %gzipratio        mod_gzip compression ratio: ZZpct.
 +#   %deflateratio     mod_deflate compression ratio with format: (ZZ)
 +#   %email            EMail sender (for mail log)
 +#   %email_r          EMail receiver (for mail log)
 +#   %virtualname      Web sever virtual hostname. Use this tag when same log
 +#                     contains data of several virtual web servers. AWStats
 +#                     will discard records not in SiteDomain nor HostAliases
 +#   %cluster          If log file is provided from several computers (merged by
 +#                     logresolvemerge.pl), use this to define cluster id field.
 +#   %extraX           Another field that you plan to use for building a
 +#                     personalized report with ExtraSection feature (See later).
 +#   If your log format has some fields not included in this list, use:
 +#   %other            Means another not used field
 +#   %otherquot        Means another not used double quoted field
 +# Examples for Apache combined logs (following two examples are equivalent):
 +# LogFormat = 1
 +# LogFormat = "%host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot"
 +# Example for IIS:
 +# LogFormat = 2
 +# If your log field's separator is not a space, you can change this parameter.
 +# This parameter is not used if LogFormat is a predefined value (1,2,3,4)
 +# Backslash can be used as escape character.
 +# Example: " "
 +# Example: "\t"
 +# Example: "\|"
 +# Example: ","
 +# Default: " "
 +LogSeparator=" "
 +# "SiteDomain" must contain the main domain name, or the main intranet web
 +# server name, used to reach the web site.
 +# If you share the same log file for several virtual web servers, this
 +# parameter is used to tell AWStats to filter record that contains records for
 +# this virtual host name only (So check that this virtual hostname can be
 +# found in your log file and use a personalized log format that include the
 +# %virtualname tag).
 +# But for multi hosting a better solution is to have one log file for each
 +# virtual web server. In this case, this parameter is only used to generate
 +# full URL's links when ShowLinksOnUrl option is set to 1.
 +# If analyzing mail log, enter here the domain name of mail server.
 +# Example: "myintranetserver"
 +# Example: "www.domain.com"
 +# Example: "ftp.domain.com"
 +# Example: "domain.com"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04 
 +# default SiteDomain="localhost.localdomain"
 +# Enter here all other possible domain names, addresses or virtual host
 +# aliases someone can use to access your site. Try to keep only the minimum
 +# number of possible names/addresses to have the best performances.
 +# You can repeat the "SiteDomain" value in this list.
 +# This parameter is used to analyze referer field in log file and to help
 +# AWStats to know if a referer URL is a local URL of same site or an URL of
 +# another site.
 +# Note: Use space between each value.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Note: You can also use @/mypath/myfile if list of aliases are in a file.
 +# Example: "www.myserver.com localhost REGEX[mydomain\.(net|org)$]"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04 
 +# default:  HostAliases="localhost"
 +HostAliases=„localhost REGEX[nausch\.org$] REGEX[www\.nausch\.org$]“
 +# If you want to have hosts reported by name instead of ip address, AWStats
 +# need to make reverse DNS lookups (if not already done in your log file).
 +# With DNSLookup to 0, all hosts will be reported by their IP addresses and
 +# not by the full hostname of visitors (except if names are already available
 +# in log file).
 +# If you want/need to set DNSLookup to 1, don't forget that this will reduce
 +# dramatically AWStats update process speed. Do not use on large web sites.
 +# Note: Reverse DNS lookup is done on IPv4 only (Enable ipv6 plugin for IPv6).
 +# Note: Result of DNS Lookup can be used to build the Country report. However
 +# it is highly recommanded to enable the plugin 'geoip' or 'geoipfree' to
 +# have an accurate Country report with no need of DNS Lookup.
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - No DNS Lookup
 +# 1 - DNS Lookup is fully enabled
 +# 2 - DNS Lookup is made only from static DNS cache file (if it exists)
 +# Default: 2
 +# When AWStats updates its statistics, it stores results of its analysis in 
 +# files (AWStats database). All those files are written in the directory
 +# defined by the "DirData" parameter. Set this value to the directory where
 +# you want AWStats to save its database and working files into.
 +# Warning: If you want to be able to use the "AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser"
 +# feature (see later), you need "Write" permissions by web server user on this
 +# directory (and "Modify" for Windows NTFS file systems).
 +# Example: "/var/lib/awstats"
 +# Example: "../data"
 +# Example: "C:/awstats_data_dir"
 +# Default: "."          (means same directory as awstats.pl)
 +# Relative or absolute web URL of your awstats cgi-bin directory.
 +# This parameter is used only when AWStats is run from command line
 +# with -output option (to generate links in HTML reported page).
 +# Example: "/awstats"
 +# Default: "/cgi-bin"   (means awstats.pl is in "/yourwwwroot/cgi-bin")
 +# Relative or absolute web URL of your awstats icon directory.
 +# If you build static reports ("... -output > outputpath/output.html"), enter
 +# path of icon directory relative to the output directory 'outputpath'.
 +# Example: "/awstatsicons"
 +# Example: "../icon"
 +# Default: "/icon" (means you must copy icon directories in "/mywwwroot/icon")
 +# When this parameter is set to 1, AWStats adds a button on report page to
 +# allow to "update" statistics from a web browser. Warning, when "update" is
 +# made from a browser, AWStats is run as a CGI by the web server user defined
 +# in your web server (user "nobody" by default with Apache, "IUSR_XXX" with
 +# IIS), so the "DirData" directory and all already existing history files
 +# awstatsMMYYYY[.xxx].txt must be writable by this user. Change permissions if
 +# necessary to "Read/Write" (and "Modify" for Windows NTFS file systems).
 +# Warning: Update process can be long so you might experience "time out"
 +# browser errors if you don't launch AWStats frequently enough.
 +# When set to 0, update is only made when AWStats is run from the command
 +# line interface (or a task scheduler).
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=0
 +# AWStats saves and sorts its database on a month basis (except if using
 +# databasebreak option from command line). 
 +# However, if you choose the -month=all from command line or
 +# value '-Year-' from CGI combo form to have a report for all year, AWStats
 +# needs to reload all data for full year (each month), and sort them,
 +# requiring a large amount of time, memory and CPU. This might be a problem
 +# for web hosting providers that offer AWStats for large sites, on shared
 +# servers, to non CPU cautious customers.
 +# For this reason, the 'full year' is only enabled on Command Line by default.
 +# You can change this by setting this parameter to 0, 1, 2 or 3.
 +# Possible values:
 +#  0 - Never allowed
 +#  1 - Allowed on CLI only, -Year- value in combo is not visible
 +#  2 - Allowed on CLI only, -Year- value in combo is visible but not allowed
 +#  3 - Possible on CLI and CGI
 +# Default: 2
 +# OPTIONAL SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)
 +# When the update process runs, AWStats can set a lock file in TEMP or TMP
 +# directory. This lock is to avoid to have 2 update processes running at the
 +# same time to prevent unknown conflicts problems and avoid DoS attacks when
 +# AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser is set to 1.
 +# Because, when you use lock file, you can experience sometimes problems in
 +# lock file not correctly removed (killed process for example requires that
 +# you remove the file manualy), this option is not enabled by default (Do
 +# not enable this option with no console server access).
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# AWStats can do reverse DNS lookups through a static DNS cache file that was
 +# previously created manually. If no path is given in static DNS cache file
 +# name, AWStats will search DirData directory. This file is never changed.
 +# This option is not used if DNSLookup=0.
 +# Note: DNS cache file format is 'minsince1970 ipaddress resolved_hostname'
 +# or just 'ipaddress resolved_hostname'
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/mydnscachedir/dnscache"
 +# Default: "dnscache.txt"
 +# AWStats can do reverse DNS lookups through a DNS cache file that was created
 +# by a previous run of AWStats. This file is erased and recreated after each
 +# statistics update process. You don't need to create and/or edit it.
 +# AWStats will read and save this file in DirData directory.
 +# This option is used only if DNSLookup=1.
 +# Note: If a DNSStaticCacheFile is available, AWStats will check for DNS
 +# lookup in DNSLastUpdateCacheFile after checking into DNSStaticCacheFile.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/mydnscachedir/dnscachelastupdate"
 +# Default: "dnscachelastupdate.txt"
 +# You can specify specific IP addresses that should NOT be looked up in DNS.
 +# This option is used only if DNSLookup=1.
 +# Note: Use space between each value.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# The following two parameters allow you to protect a config file from being
 +# read by AWStats when called from a browser if web user has not been
 +# authenticated. Your AWStats program must be in a web protected "realm" (With
 +# Apache, you can use .htaccess files to do so. With other web servers, see
 +# your server setup manual).
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# This parameter gives the list of all authorized authenticated users to view
 +# statistics for this domain/config file. This parameter is used only if
 +# AllowAccessFromWebToAuthenticatedUsersOnly is set to 1.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: "user1 user2"
 +# Example: "__REMOTE_USER__"
 +# Default: ""
 +# When this parameter is defined to something, the IP address of the user that
 +# reads its statistics from a browser (when AWStats is used as a CGI) is
 +# checked and must match one of the IP address values or ranges.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: ""
 +# Default: ""
 +# If the "DirData" directory (see above) does not exist, AWStats return an
 +# error. However, you can ask AWStats to create it.
 +# This option can be used by some Web Hosting Providers that has defined a 
 +# dynamic value for DirData (for example DirData="/home/__REMOTE_USER__") and
 +# don't want to have to create a new directory each time they add a new user.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# You can choose in which format the Awstats history database is saved.
 +# Note: Using "xml" format make AWStats building database files three times
 +# larger than using "text" format.
 +# Change : Database format is switched after next update
 +# Possible values: text or xml
 +# Default: text
 +# If you prefer having the report output pages be built as XML compliant pages
 +# instead of simple HTML pages, you can set this to 'xhtml' (May not work
 +# properly with old browsers).
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: html or xhtml
 +# Default: html
 +# AWStats databases can be updated from command line of from a browser (when
 +# used as a cgi program). So AWStats database files need write permission
 +# for both command line user and default web server user (nobody for Unix,
 +# IUSR_xxx for IIS/Windows,...).
 +# To avoid permission problems between update process (run by an admin user)
 +# and CGI process (ran by a low level user), AWStats can save its database 
 +# files with read and write permissions for everyone.
 +# By default, AWStats keeps default user permissions on updated files. If you 
 +# set AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser to 1, you can change this parameter to 1.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# AWStats can purge log file, after analyzing it. Note that AWStats is able
 +# to detect new lines in a log file, to process only them, so you can launch
 +# AWStats as often as you want, even with this parameter to 0.
 +# With 0, no purge is made, so you must use a scheduled task or a web server
 +# that make this purge frequently.
 +# With 1, the purge of the log file is made each time AWStats update is run.
 +# This parameter doesn't work with IIS (This web server doesn't let its log
 +# file to be purged).
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# When PurgeLogFile is setup to 1, AWStats will clean your log file after
 +# processing it. You can however keep an archive file of all processed log
 +# records by setting this parameter (For example if you want to use another
 +# log analyzer). The archived log file is saved in "DirData" with name
 +# awstats_archive.configname[.suffix].log
 +# This parameter is not used if PurgeLogFile=0
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0, 1, or tags (See LogFile parameter) for suffix
 +# Example: 1
 +# Example: %YYYY%MM%DD
 +# Default: 0
 +# Each time you run the update process, AWStats overwrites the 'historic file'
 +# for the month (awstatsMMYYYY[.*].txt) with the updated one.
 +# When write errors occurs (IO, disk full,...), this historic file can be
 +# corrupted and must be deleted. Because this file contains information of all
 +# past processed log files, you will loose old stats if removed. So you can
 +# ask AWStats to save last non corrupted file in a .bak file. This file is
 +# stored in "DirData" directory with other 'historic files'.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Default index page name for your web server.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "index.php index.html default.html"
 +# Default: "index.php index.html"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: DefaultFile="index.php index.html"
 +# Do not include access from clients that match following criteria.
 +# If your log file contains IP addresses in host field, you must enter here
 +# matching IP addresses criteria.
 +# If DNS lookup is already done in your log file, you must enter here hostname
 +# criteria, else enter ip address criteria.
 +# The opposite parameter of "SkipHosts" is "OnlyHosts".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.] REGEX[^10\.]"
 +# Example: "localhost REGEX[^.*\.localdomain$]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Do not include access from clients with a user agent that match following
 +# criteria. If you want to exclude a robot, you should update the robots.pm
 +# file instead of this parameter.
 +# The opposite parameter of "SkipUserAgents" is "OnlyUserAgents".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "konqueror REGEX[ua_test_v\d\.\d]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Use SkipFiles to ignore access to URLs that match one of following entries.
 +# You can enter a list of not important URLs (like framed menus, hidden pages,
 +# etc...) to exclude them from statistics. You must enter here exact relative
 +# URL as found in log file, or a matching REGEX value. Check apply on URL with
 +# all its query paramaters.
 +# For example, to ignore /badpage.php, just add "/badpage.php". To ignore all
 +# pages in a particular directory, add "REGEX[^\/directorytoexclude]".
 +# The opposite parameter of "SkipFiles" is "OnlyFiles".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is or not case sensitive
 +# depending on URLNotCaseSensitive parameter.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/badpage.php /page.php?param=x REGEX[^\/excludedirectory]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Use SkipReferrersBlackList if you want to exclude records coming from a SPAM
 +# referrer. Parameter must receive a local file name containing rules applied
 +# on referrer field. If parameter is empty, no filter is applied.
 +# An example of such a file is available in lib/blacklist.txt
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "/mylibpath/blacklist.txt"
 +# Default: ""
 +# WARNING!! Using this feature make AWStats running very slower (5 times slower
 +# with black list file provided with AWStats !
 +# Include in stats, only accesses from hosts that match one of following
 +# entries. For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep only
 +# stats for visits from particular hosts, you can add those host names in
 +# this parameter.
 +# If DNS lookup is already done in your log file, you must enter here hostname
 +# criteria, else enter ip address criteria.
 +# The opposite parameter of "OnlyHosts" is "SkipHosts".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: " REGEX[^192\.168\.] REGEX[^10\.]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Include in stats, only accesses from user agent that match one of following
 +# entries. For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep only
 +# stats for visits from particular browsers, you can add their user agents
 +# string in this parameter.
 +# The opposite parameter of "OnlyUserAgents" is "SkipUserAgents".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "msie"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Include in stats, only accesses from authenticated users that match one of
 +# following entries. For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep
 +# only stats for authenticated users, you can add those users names in
 +# this parameter. Useful for statistics for per user ftp logs.
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is not case sensitive.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "john bob REGEX[^testusers]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Include in stats, only accesses to URLs that match one of following entries.
 +# For example, if you want AWStats to filter access to keep only stats that
 +# match a particular string, like a particular directory, you can add this
 +# directory name in this parameter.
 +# The opposite parameter of "OnlyFiles" is "SkipFiles".
 +# Note: Use space between each value. This parameter is or not case sensitive
 +# depending on URLNotCaseSensitive parameter.
 +# Note: You can use regular expression values writing value with REGEX[value].
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "REGEX[marketing_directory] REGEX[office\/.*\.(csv|sxw)$]"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Add here a list of kind of url (file extension) that must be counted as
 +# "Hit only" and not as a "Hit" and "Page/Download". You can set here all
 +# image extensions as they are hit downloaded that must be counted but they
 +# are not viewed pages. URLs with such extensions are not included in the TOP
 +# Pages/URL report.
 +# Note: If you want to exclude particular URLs from stats (No Pages and no
 +# Hits reported), you must use SkipFiles parameter.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf zip arj rar gz z bz2 wav mp3 wma mpg avi"
 +# Example: ""
 +# Default: "css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf"
 +NotPageList="css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp ico rss xml swf"
 +# By default, AWStats considers that records found in web log file are
 +# successful hits if HTTP code returned by server is a valid HTTP code (200
 +# and 304). Any other code are reported in HTTP status chart.
 +# Note that HTTP 'control codes', like redirection (302, 305) are not added by
 +# default in this list as they are not pages seen by a visitor but are
 +# protocol exchange codes to tell the browser to ask another page. Because
 +# this other page will be counted and seen with a 200 or 304 code, if you 
 +# add such codes, you will have 2 pages viewed reported for only one in facts.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "200 304 302 305"
 +# Default: "200 304"
 +ValidHTTPCodes="200 304"
 +# By default, AWStats considers that records found in mail log file are
 +# successful mail transfers if field that represent return code in analyzed
 +# log file match values defined by this parameter.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "1 250 200"
 +# Default: "1 250"
 +ValidSMTPCodes="1 250"
 +# Some web servers on some Operating systems (IIS-Windows) consider that a
 +# login with same value but different case are the same login. To tell AWStats
 +# to also consider them as one, set this parameter to 1.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Some web servers on some Operating systems (IIS-Windows) considers that two
 +# URLs with same value but different case are the same URL. To tell AWStats to
 +# also considers them as one, set this parameter to 1.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Keep or remove the anchor string you can find in some URLs.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# In URL links, "?" char is used to add parameter's list in URLs. Syntax is:
 +# /mypage.html?param1=value1&param2=value2
 +# However, some servers/sites use also other chars to isolate dynamic part of
 +# their URLs. You can complete this list with all such characters.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "?;,"
 +# Default: "?;"
 +# Keep or remove the query string to the URL in the statistics for individual
 +# pages. This is primarily used to differentiate between the URLs of dynamic
 +# pages. If set to 1, mypage.html?id=x and mypage.html?id=y are counted as two
 +# different pages.
 +# Warning, when set to 1, memory required to run AWStats is dramatically
 +# increased if you have a lot of changing URLs (for example URLs with a random
 +# id inside). Such web sites should not set this option to 1 or use seriously
 +# the next parameter URLWithQueryWithOnlyFollowingParameters (or eventually 
 +# URLWithQueryWithoutFollowingParameters).
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - URLs are cleaned from the query string (ie: "/mypage.html")
 +# 1 - Full URL with query string is used     (ie: "/mypage.html?p=x&q=y")
 +# Default: 0
 +# When URLWithQuery is on, you will get the full URL with all parameters in
 +# URL reports. But among thoose parameters, sometimes you don't need a
 +# particular parameter because it does not identify the page or because it's
 +# a random ID changing for each access even if URL points to same page. In
 +# such cases, it is higly recommanded to ask AWStats to keep only parameters
 +# you need (if you know them) before counting, manipulating and storing URL.
 +# Enter here list of wanted parameters. For example, with "param", one hit on
 +# /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Yo4UomP9d  and  /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Mu8fdxl3r
 +# will be reported as 2 hits on /mypage.cgi?param=abc
 +# This parameter is not used when URLWithQuery is 0 and can't be used with
 +# URLWithQueryWithoutFollowingParameters.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "param"
 +# Default: ""
 +# When URLWithQuery is on, you will get the full URL with all parameters in
 +# URL reports. But among thoose parameters, sometimes you don't need a
 +# particular parameter because it does not identify the page or because it's
 +# a random ID changing for each access even if URL points to same page. In
 +# such cases, it is higly recommanded to ask AWStats to remove such parameters
 +# from the URL before counting, manipulating and storing URL. Enter here list
 +# of all non wanted parameters. For example if you enter "id", one hit on
 +# /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Yo4UomP9d  and  /mypage.cgi?param=abc&id=Mu8fdxl3r
 +# will be reported as 2 hits on /mypage.cgi?param=abc
 +# This parameter is not used when URLWithQuery is 0 and can't be used with
 +# URLWithQueryWithOnlyFollowingParameters.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Example: "PHPSESSID jsessionid"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Keep or remove the query string to the referrer URL in the statistics for
 +# external referrer pages. This is used to differentiate between the URLs of
 +# dynamic referrer pages. If set to 1, mypage.html?id=x and mypage.html?id=y
 +# are counted as two different referrer pages.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - Referrer URLs are cleaned from the query string (ie: "/mypage.html")
 +# 1 - Full URL with query string is used      (ie: "/mypage.html?p=x&q=y")
 +# Default: 0
 +# AWStats can detect setup problems or show you important informations to have
 +# a better use. Keep this to 1, except if AWStats says you can change it.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# When an error occurs, AWStats outputs a message related to errors. If you
 +# want (in most cases for security reasons) to have no error messages, you
 +# can set this parameter to your personalized generic message.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: "An error occurred. Contact your Administrator"
 +# Default: ""
 +# AWStat can be run with debug=x parameter to output various informations
 +# to help in debugging or solving troubles. If you want to allow this (not
 +# enabled by default for security reasons), set this parameter to 0.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# To help you to detect if your log format is good, AWStats reports an error
 +# if all the first NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog lines have a format that does not
 +# match the LogFormat parameter.
 +# However, some worm virus attack on your web server can result in a very high
 +# number of corrupted lines in your log. So if you experience awstats stop
 +# because of bad virus records at the beginning of your log file, you can
 +# increase this parameter (very rare).
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Default: 50
 +# For some particular integration needs, you may want to have CGI links to
 +# point to another script than awstats.pl.
 +# Use the name of this script in WrapperScript parameter.
 +# Change : Effective immediatly
 +# Example: "awstatslauncher.pl"
 +# Example: "awstatswrapper.cgi?key=123"
 +# Default: ""
 +# DecodeUA must be set to 1 if you use Roxen web server. This server converts
 +# all spaces in user agent field into %20. This make the AWStats robots, OS
 +# and browsers detection fail in some cases. Just change it to 1 if and only
 +# if your web server is Roxen.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# MiscTrackerUrl can be used to make AWStats able to detect some miscellaneous
 +# things, that can not be tracked on other way, like:
 +# - Javascript disabled
 +# - Java enabled
 +# - Screen size
 +# - Color depth
 +# - Macromedia Director plugin
 +# - Macromedia Shockwave plugin
 +# - Realplayer G2 plugin
 +# - QuickTime plugin
 +# - Mediaplayer plugin
 +# - Acrobat PDF plugin
 +# To enable all these features, you must copy the awstats_misc_tracker.js file
 +# into a /js/ directory stored in your web document root and add the following
 +# HTML code at the end of your index page (but before </BODY>) :
 +# <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"></script>
 +# <noscript><img src="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js?nojs=y" height=0 width=0 border=0 style="display: none"></noscript>
 +# If code is not added in index page, all those detection capabilities will be
 +# disabled. You must also check that ShowScreenSizeStats and ShowMiscStats
 +# parameters are set to 1 to make results appear in AWStats report page.
 +# If you want to use another directory than /js/, you must also change the
 +# awstatsmisctrackerurl variable into the awstats_misc_tracker.js file.
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only.
 +# Possible value: URL of javascript tracker file added in your HTML code.
 +# Default: "/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"
 +# OPTIONAL ACCURACY SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)
 +# The following values allow you to define accuracy of AWStats entities
 +# (robots, browsers, os, referers, file types) detection.
 +# It might be a good idea for large web sites or ISP that provides AWStats to
 +# high number of customers, to set this parameter to 1 (or 0), instead of 2.
 +# Possible values:
 +#    0      = No detection,
 +#    1      = Medium/Standard detection
 +#    2      = Full detection
 +# Change : Effective for new updates only
 +# Note   : LevelForBrowsersDetection can also accept value "allphones". This
 +#          enable detailed detection of phone/pda browsers.
 +# Default: 2 (0 for LevelForWormsDetection)
 +LevelForBrowsersDetection=2         # 0 disables Browsers detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 2%
 +                                    # allphones reduces AWStats speed by 5%
 +LevelForOSDetection=2               # 0 disables OS detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 3%
 +LevelForRefererAnalyze=2            # 0 disables Origin detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 14%
 +LevelForRobotsDetection=2           # 0 disables Robots detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 2.5%
 +LevelForSearchEnginesDetection=2    # 0 disables Search engines detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 9%
 +LevelForKeywordsDetection=2         # 0 disables Keyphrases/Keywords detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 1%
 +LevelForFileTypesDetection=2        # 0 disables File types detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 1%
 +LevelForWormsDetection=0            # 0 disables Worms detection.
 +                                    # 2 reduces AWStats speed by 15%
 +# OPTIONAL APPEARANCE SETUP SECTION (Not required but increase AWStats features)
 +# When you use AWStats as a CGI, you can have the reports shown in HTML frames.
 +# Frames are only available for report viewed dynamically. When you build
 +# pages from command line, this option is not used and no frames are built.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# This parameter asks your browser to open detailed reports into a different
 +# window than the main page.
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - Open all in same browser window
 +# 1 - Open detailed reports in another window except if using frames
 +# 2 - Open always in a different window even if reports are framed
 +# Default: 1
 +# You can add, in the HTML report page, a cache lifetime (in seconds) that
 +# will be returned to the browser in HTTP header answer by server.
 +# This parameter is not used when reports are built with -staticlinks option.
 +# Example: 3600
 +# Default: 0
 +# To avoid too large web pages, you can ask AWStats to limit number of rows of
 +# all reported charts to this number when no other limits apply.
 +# Default: 1000
 +# Set your primary language (ISO-639-1 language codes).
 +# Possible values:
 +#  Albanian=al, Bosnian=ba, Bulgarian=bg, Catalan=ca,
 +#  Chinese (Taiwan)=tw, Chinese (Simpliefied)=cn, Croatian=hr, Czech=cz,
 +#  Danish=dk, Dutch=nl, English=en, Estonian=et, Euskara=eu, Finnish=fi,
 +#  French=fr, Galician=gl, German=de, Greek=gr, Hebrew=he, Hungarian=hu,
 +#  Icelandic=is, Indonesian=id, Italian=it, Japanese=jp, Korean=ko,
 +#  Latvian=lv, Norwegian (Nynorsk)=nn, Norwegian (Bokmal)=nb, Polish=pl,
 +#  Portuguese=pt, Portuguese (Brazilian)=br, Romanian=ro, Russian=ru,
 +#  Serbian=sr, Slovak=sk, Slovenian=si, Spanish=es, Swedish=se, Turkish=tr,
 +#  Ukrainian=ua, Welsh=cy.
 +#  First available language accepted by browser=auto
 +# Default: "auto"
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: Lang="auto"
 +# Set the location of language files.
 +# Example: "/usr/share/awstats/lang"
 +# Default: "./lang" (means lang directory is in same location than awstats.pl)
 +# Show menu header with reports' links
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# You choose here which reports you want to see in the main page and what you
 +# want to see in those reports.
 +# Possible values:
 +#  0  - Report is not shown at all
 +#  1  - Report is shown in main page with an entry in menu and default columns
 +# XYZ - Report shows column informations defined by code X,Y,Z...
 +#       X,Y,Z... are code letters among the following:
 +#        U = Unique visitors
 +#        V = Visits
 +#        P = Number of pages
 +#        H = Number of hits (or mails)
 +#        B = Bandwith (or total mail size for mail logs)
 +#        L = Last access date
 +#        E = Entry pages
 +#        X = Exit pages
 +#        C = Web compression (mod_gzip,mod_deflate)
 +#        M = Average mail size (mail logs)
 +# Show monthly summary
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: UVPHB, Possible column codes: UVPHB
 +# Show monthly chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: UVPHB, Possible column codes: UVPHB
 +# Show days of month chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: VPHB, Possible column codes: VPHB
 +# Show days of week chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Show hourly chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Show domains/country chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHB, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Show hosts chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: PHBL, Possible column codes: PHBL
 +# Show authenticated users chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: PHBL
 +# Show robots chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: HBL, Possible column codes: HBL
 +# Show worms chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 0 (If set to other than 0, see also LevelForWormsDetection), Possible column codes: HBL
 +# Show email senders chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)
 +# Context: Mail
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: HBML
 +# Show email receivers chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)
 +# Context: Mail
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: HBML
 +# Show session chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show pages-url chart.
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: PBEX, Possible column codes: PBEX
 +# Show file types chart.
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: HB, Possible column codes: HBC
 +# Show file size chart (Not yet available)
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Mail, Ftp
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show downloads chart.
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: HB, Possible column codes: HB
 +# Show operating systems chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show browsers chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show screen size chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 0 (If set to 1, see also MiscTrackerUrl), Possible column codes: None
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: ShowScreenSizeStats=0
 +# Show origin chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: PH, Possible column codes: PH
 +# Show keyphrases chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show keywords chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show misc chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: a (See also MiscTrackerUrl parameter), Possible column codes: anjdfrqwp
 +# Show http errors chart
 +# Context: Web, Streaming
 +# Default: 1, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show smtp errors chart (For use when analyzing mail log files)
 +# Context: Mail
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: None
 +# Show the cluster report (Your LogFormat must contains the %cluster tag)
 +# Context: Web, Streaming, Ftp
 +# Default: 0, Possible column codes: PHB
 +# Some graphical reports are followed by the data array of values.
 +# If you don't want this array (to reduce the report size for example), you
 +# can set thoose options to 0.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# Data array values for the ShowMonthStats report
 +# Data array values for the ShowDaysOfMonthStats report
 +# Data array values for the ShowDaysOfWeekStats report
 +# Data array values for the ShowHoursStats report
 +# In the Origin chart, you have stats on where your hits came from. You can
 +# include hits on pages that come from pages of same sites in this chart.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# The following parameters can be used to choose the maximum number of lines
 +# shown for the particular following reports.
 +# Stats by countries/domains
 +MaxNbOfDomain = 10
 +MinHitDomain  = 1
 +# Stats by hosts
 +MaxNbOfHostsShown = 10
 +MinHitHost    = 1
 +# Stats by authenticated users
 +MaxNbOfLoginShown = 10
 +MinHitLogin   = 1
 +# Stats by robots
 +MaxNbOfRobotShown = 10
 +MinHitRobot   = 1
 +# Stats for Downloads
 +MaxNbOfDownloadsShown = 10
 +MinHitDownloads = 1
 +# Stats by pages
 +MaxNbOfPageShown = 10
 +MinHitFile    = 1
 +# Stats by OS
 +MaxNbOfOsShown = 10
 +MinHitOs      = 1
 +# Stats by browsers
 +MaxNbOfBrowsersShown = 10
 +MinHitBrowser = 1
 +# Stats by screen size
 +MaxNbOfScreenSizesShown = 5
 +MinHitScreenSize = 1
 +# Stats by window size (following 2 parameters are not yet used)
 +MaxNbOfWindowSizesShown = 5
 +MinHitWindowSize = 1
 +# Stats by referers
 +MaxNbOfRefererShown = 10
 +MinHitRefer   = 1
 +# Stats for keyphrases
 +MaxNbOfKeyphrasesShown = 10
 +MinHitKeyphrase = 1
 +# Stats for keywords
 +MaxNbOfKeywordsShown = 10
 +MinHitKeyword = 1
 +# Stats for sender or receiver emails
 +MaxNbOfEMailsShown = 20
 +MinHitEMail   = 1
 +# Choose if you want the week report to start on sunday or monday
 +# Possible values:
 +# 0 - Week starts on sunday
 +# 1 - Week starts on monday
 +# Default: 1
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: FirstDayOfWeek=0
 +# List of visible flags that link to other language translations.
 +# See Lang parameter for list of allowed flag/language codes.
 +# If you don't want any flag link, set ShowFlagLinks to "".
 +# This parameter is used only if ShowMenu parameter is set to 1.
 +# Possible values: "" or "language_codes_separated_by_space"
 +# Example: "en es fr nl de"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Each URL, shown in stats report views, are links you can click.
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 1
 +# When AWStats builds HTML links in its report pages, it starts those links
 +# with "http://". However some links might be HTTPS links, so you can enter
 +# here the root of all your HTTPS links. If all your site is a SSL web site,
 +# just enter "/".
 +# This parameter is not used if ShowLinksOnUrl is 0.
 +# Example: "/shopping"
 +# Example: "/"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Maximum length of URL part shown on stats page (number of characters).
 +# This affects only URL visible text, links still work.
 +# Default: 64
 +# You can enter HTML code that will be added at the top of AWStats reports.
 +# Default: ""
 +# You can enter HTML code that will be added at the end of AWStats reports.
 +# Great to add advert ban.
 +# Default: ""
 +# By default AWStats page contains meta tag robots=noindex,nofollow
 +# If you want to have your statistics to be indexed, set this option to 1. 
 +# Default: 0
 +# You can set Logo and LogoLink to use your own logo.
 +# Logo must be the name of image file (must be in $DirIcons/other directory).
 +# LogoLink is the expected URL when clicking on Logo.
 +# Default: "awstats_logo6.png"
 +# Value of maximum bar width/height for horizontal/vertical HTML graphics bars.
 +# Default: 260/90
 +BarWidth   = 260
 +BarHeight  = 90
 +# You can ask AWStats to use a particular CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to
 +# change its look. To create a style sheet, you can use samples provided with
 +# AWStats in wwwroot/css directory.
 +# Example: "/awstatscss/awstats_bw.css"
 +# Example: "/css/awstats_bw.css"
 +# Default: ""
 +# Those color parameters can be used (if StyleSheet parameter is not used)
 +# to change AWStats look.
 +# Example: color_name="RRGGBB" # RRGGBB is Red Green Blue components in Hex
 +color_Background="FFFFFF" # Background color for main page (Default = "FFFFFF")
 +color_TableBGTitle="CCCCDD" # Background color for table title (Default = "CCCCDD")
 +color_TableTitle="000000" # Table title font color (Default = "000000")
 +color_TableBG="CCCCDD" # Background color for table (Default = "CCCCDD")
 +color_TableRowTitle="FFFFFF" # Table row title font color (Default = "FFFFFF")
 +color_TableBGRowTitle="ECECEC" # Background color for row title (Default = "ECECEC")
 +color_TableBorder="ECECEC" # Table border color (Default = "ECECEC")
 +color_text="000000" # Color of text (Default = "000000")
 +color_textpercent="606060" # Color of text for percent values (Default = "606060")
 +color_titletext="000000" # Color of text title within colored Title Rows (Default = "000000")
 +color_weekend="EAEAEA" # Color for week-end days (Default = "EAEAEA")
 +color_link="0011BB" # Color of HTML links (Default = "0011BB")
 +color_hover="605040" # Color of HTML on-mouseover links (Default = "605040"
 +color_u="FFAA66" # Background color for number of unique visitors (Default = "FFAA66")
 +color_v="F4F090" # Background color for number of visites (Default = "F4F090")
 +color_p="4477DD" # Background color for number of pages (Default = "4477DD")
 +color_h="66DDEE" # Background color for number of hits (Default = "66DDEE")
 +color_k="2EA495" # Background color for number of bytes (Default = "2EA495")
 +color_s="8888DD" # Background color for number of search (Default = "8888DD")
 +color_e="CEC2E8" # Background color for number of entry pages (Default = "CEC2E8")
 +color_x="C1B2E2" # Background color for number of exit pages (Default = "C1B2E2")
 +# Add here all plugin files you want to load.
 +# Plugin files must be .pm files stored in 'plugins' directory.
 +# Uncomment LoadPlugin lines to enable a plugin after checking that perl
 +# modules required by the plugin are installed.
 +# PLUGIN: Tooltips
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add tooltips pop-up help boxes to HTML report pages.  
 +# NOTE: This will increased HTML report pages size, thus server load and bandwidth.
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="tooltips"
 +# PLUGIN: DecodeUTFKeys
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Encode and URI::Escape
 +# DESCRIPTION: Allow AWStats to show correctly (in language charset) 
 +# keywords/keyphrases strings even if they were UTF8 coded by the 
 +# referer search engine.
 +# PLUGIN: IPv6
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin gives AWStats capability to make reverse DNS
 +# lookup on IPv6 addresses.
 +# PLUGIN: HashFiles
 +# DESCRIPTION: AWStats DNS cache files are read/saved as native hash files. 
 +# This increases DNS cache files loading speed, above all for very large web sites.
 +# PLUGIN: UserInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (Firtname, Lastname, Office Department, ...) in 
 +# authenticated user reports for each login value.
 +# A text file called userinfo.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is login,
 +# second is text to show, separated by a tab char) must be created in DirData
 +# directory.
 +# PLUGIN: HostInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a column into host chart with a link to open a popup window that shows
 +# info on host (like whois records).
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="hostinfo"
 +# PLUGIN: ClusterInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (for example a full hostname) in cluster reports for each cluster
 +# number. A text file called clusterinfo.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is
 +# cluster number, second is text to show) separated by a tab char. must be
 +# created into DirData directory.
 +# Note this plugin is useless if ShowClusterStats is set to 0 or if you don't
 +# use a personalized log format that contains %cluster tag.
 +# PLUGIN: UrlAliases
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a text (Page title, description...) in URL reports before URL value.
 +# A text file called urlalias.myconfig.txt, with two fields (first is URL,
 +# second is text to show, separated by a tab char) must be created into
 +# DirData directory.
 +# PLUGIN: TimeHiRes
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Time::HiRes (if Perl < 5.8)
 +# DESCRIPTION: Time reported by -showsteps option is in millisecond. For debug purpose.
 +# PLUGIN: TimeZone
 +# PARAMETERS: [timezone offset]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Allow AWStats to adjust time stamps for a different timezone
 +# This plugin reduces AWStats speed of 10% !!!!!!!
 +# LoadPlugin="timezone"
 +# LoadPlugin="timezone +2"
 +# LoadPlugin="timezone CET"
 +#LoadPlugin="timezone +2"
 +# PLUGIN: Rawlog
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a form in AWStats main page to allow users to see raw
 +# content of current log files. A filter is also available.
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="rawlog"
 +# PLUGIN: GraphApplet
 +# PARAMETERS: [CSS classes to override]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Supported charts are built by a 3D graphic applet.
 +#LoadPlugin="graphapplet /awstatsclasses" # EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE
 +# PLUGIN: GraphGoogleChartAPI
 +# DESCRIPTION: Replaces the standard charts with free Google API generated images 
 +# in HTML reports. If country data is available and more than one country has hits, 
 +# a map will be generated using Google Visualizations.
 +# Note: The machine where reports are displayed must have Internet access for the 
 +# charts to be generated. The only data sent to Google includes the statistic numbers, 
 +# legend names and country names.
 +# Warning: This plugin is not compatible with option BuildReportFormat=xhtml. 
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIPfree
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IPfree version 0.2+ (from Graciliano M.P.)
 +# DESCRIPTION: Country chart is built from an Internet IP-Country database.
 +# This plugin is useless for intranet only log files.
 +# Note: You must choose between using this plugin (need Perl Geo::IPfree
 +# module, database is free but not up to date) or the GeoIP plugin (need
 +# Perl Geo::IP module from Maxmind, database is also free and up to date).
 +# Note: Activestate provide a corrupted version of Geo::IPfree 0.2 Perl
 +# module, so install it from elsewhere (from www.cpan.org for example).
 +# This plugin reduces AWStats speed by up to 10% !
 +# MAXMIND GEO IP MODULES: Please see documentation for notes on all Maxmind modules
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/geoip.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Builds a country chart and adds an entry to the hosts 
 +# table with country name
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIP.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_City_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPCity.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a column under the hosts field and tracks the pageviews
 +# and hits by city including regions.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-04
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPCity.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoLiteCity.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_ASN_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPASN.dat[+/pathto/override.txt][+http://linktoASlookup]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a chart of AS numbers where the host IP address is registered. 
 +# This plugin can display some ISP information if included in the database. You can also provide 
 +# a link that will be used to lookup additional registration data. Put the link at the end of 
 +# the parameter string and the report page will include the link with the full AS number at the end.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_asn_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/geoip.dat+http://enc.com.au/itools/aut-num.php?autnum="
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_Region_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPRegion.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION:This plugin adds a chart of hits by regions. Only regions for US and 
 +# Canada can be detected.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_region_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPRegion.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_ISP_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPISP.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a chart of hits by ISP.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_isp_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPISP.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_Org_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPOrg.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin add a chart of hits by Organization name
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +#LoadPlugin="geoip_org_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPOrg.dat"
 +# You can define your own charts, you choose here what are rows and columns
 +# keys. This feature is particularly useful for marketing purpose, tracking
 +# products orders for example.
 +# For this, edit all parameters of Extra section. Each set of parameter is a
 +# different chart. For several charts, duplicate section changing the number.
 +# Note: Each Extra section reduces AWStats speed by 8%.
 +# WARNING: A wrong setup of Extra section might result in too large arrays
 +# that will consume all your memory, making AWStats unusable after several
 +# updates, so be sure to setup it correctly.
 +# In most cases, you don't need this feature.
 +# ExtraSectionNameX is title of your personalized chart.
 +# ExtraSectionCodeFilterX is list of codes the record code field must match.
 +#   Put an empty string for no test on code.
 +# ExtraSectionConditionX are conditions you can use to count or not the hit,
 +#   Use one of the field condition
 +#   and a regex to match, after a coma. Use "||" for "OR".
 +# ExtraSectionFirstColumnTitleX is the first column title of the chart.
 +# ExtraSectionFirstColumnValuesX is a string to tell AWStats which field to
 +#   extract value from
 +#   and how to extract the value (using regex syntax). Each different value
 +#   found will appear in first column of report on a different row. Be sure
 +#   that list of different possible values will not grow indefinitely.
 +# ExtraSectionFirstColumnFormatX is the string used to write value.
 +# ExtraSectionStatTypesX are things you want to count. You can use standard
 +#   code letters (P for pages,H for hits,B for bandwidth,L for last access).
 +# ExtraSectionAddAverageRowX add a row at bottom of chart with average values.
 +# ExtraSectionAddSumRowX add a row at bottom of chart with sum values.
 +# MaxNbOfExtraX is maximum number of rows shown in chart.
 +# MinHitExtraX is minimum number of hits required to be shown in chart.
 +# Example to report the 20 products the most ordered by "order.cgi" script
 +#ExtraSectionName1="Product orders"
 +#ExtraSectionCodeFilter1="200 304"
 +#ExtraSectionFirstColumnTitle1="Product ID"
 +# There is also a global parameter ExtraTrackedRowsLimit that limits the
 +# number of possible rows an ExtraSection can report. This parameter is
 +# here to protect too much memory use when you make a bad setup in your
 +# ExtraSection. It applies to all ExtraSection independently meaning that
 +# none ExtraSection can report more rows than value defined by ExtraTrackedRowsLimit.
 +# If you know an ExtraSection will report more rows than its value, you should
 +# increase this parameter or AWStats will stop with an error.
 +# Example: 2000
 +# Default: 500
 +# You can include other config files using the directive with the name of the
 +# config file.
 +# This is particularly useful for users who have a lot of virtual servers, so
 +# a lot of config files and want to maintain common values in only one file.
 +# Note that when a variable is defined both in a config file and in an
 +# included file, AWStats will use the last value read for parameters that
 +# contains one value and AWStats will concat all values from both files for
 +# parameters that are lists of values.
 +#Include ""
 +==== AddOn-Konfiguration (plugins) ====
 +=== Allow To Update Stats From Browser ===
 +Wenn wir später die Statistiken auch mittels Mausklick im Browser aktualisieren wollen müssen wir dafür sorgen, dass unser Webserver auch in das betreffende Verzeichnis schreiben darf.
 +Wir passen hierzu die Berechtigungen unseres Document-Root an.
 +   # chown apache:apache /var/www/awstats
 +In der Konfigurationsdatei von **awstats** aktivieren wir dann noch diese Option.
 +<code bash># When this parameter is set to 1, AWStats adds a button on report page to
 +# allow to "update" statistics from a web browser. Warning, when "update" is
 +# made from a browser, AWStats is run as a CGI by the web server user defined
 +# in your web server (user "nobody" by default with Apache, "IUSR_XXX" with
 +# IIS), so the "DirData" directory and all already existing history files
 +# awstatsMMYYYY[.xxx].txt must be writable by this user. Change permissions if
 +# necessary to "Read/Write" (and "Modify" for Windows NTFS file systems).
 +# Warning: Update process can be long so you might experience "time out"
 +# browser errors if you don't launch AWStats frequently enough.
 +# When set to 0, update is only made when AWStats is run from the command
 +# line interface (or a task scheduler).
 +# Possible values: 0 or 1
 +# Default: 0
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=0
 +=== HostInfo ===
 +Wir können uns auf unseren Statistik-Seiten bei den Hostinformationen eine Spalte **Whois Informationen** anzeigen lassen, wo wir dann über ein popup-Fenster direkt eine **whois-Abfrage** vornehmen können.
 +Hierzu muss das Perl-Modul **//Net::XWhois//** installiert werden.
 +   # yum install perl-Net-XWhois
 +In der betreffenden Hostkonfigurationsdatei von **awstats** aktivieren wir dann nur noch das notwendige plugin.
 +<code bash>
 +# PLUGIN: HostInfo
 +# DESCRIPTION: Add a column into host chart with a link to open a popup window that shows
 +# info on host (like whois records).
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="hostinfo"
 +=== GeoIP ===
 +Auf unseren Statistikseiten können wir uns anzeigen lassen aus welchen Ländern und Orten die Anfragen/Verbindungen kamen.
 +Hierzu wird neben dem Perl-Modul //**perl-Geo-IP**// noch die beiden Datenbanken zur Auflösung der Orte benötigt.
 +Bei der Grundinstallation von [[centos:awstats_c6#installation|AWStats]] wurde bereits da nötige Perl-Modul installiert. Wenn wir wissen wollen, wo dies im System liegt, dann benutzen wir folgenden Aufruf.
 +   # rpm -qil perl-Geo-IP
 +<code>Name        : perl-Geo-IP                  Relocations: (not relocatable)
 +Version     : 1.38                              Vendor: Dag Apt Repository, http://dag.wieers.com/apt/
 +Release     : 1.el6.rf                      Build Date: Fri 12 Nov 2010 08:04:38 AM CET
 +Install Date: Tue 03 Jul 2012 05:53:34 PM CEST      Build Host: lisse.hasselt.wieers.com
 +Group       : Applications/CPAN             Source RPM: perl-Geo-IP-1.38-1.el6.rf.src.rpm
 +Size        : 370904                           License: Artistic/GPL
 +Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Sat 13 Nov 2010 12:05:08 AM CET, Key ID a20e52146b8d79e6
 +Packager    : Dries Verachtert <dries@ulyssis.org>
 +URL         : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Geo-IP/
 +Summary     : Database which maps IP blocks on countries
 +Description :
 +This module a simple file-based database.  This database simply contains
 +IP blocks as keys, and countries as values.  The data contains all
 +public IP addresses and should be more
 +complete and accurate than reverse DNS lookups.
 +Die benötigten Datenbanken holen wir uns direkt bei [[http://www.maxmind.com/|MaxMind]]. Die beiden Datenbankfiles legen wir in unserm System z.B. unter //**/usr/local/lib64/perl5/**// ab; hierzu wechseln wir nun in das entsprechende Verzeichnis.
 +   # cd /usr/local/lib64/perl5/
 +Anschließend laden wir uns das **GeoIP** Datenbank auf unseren Rechner.
 +   # wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz
 +Zu guter Letzt entpacken wir die heruntergeladene Datei an Ort und Stelle.
 +   # gunzip GeoIP.dat.gz
 +Das Gleiche machen wir nun mit der **GeoLiteCity** Datenbank.
 +   # wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
 +Auch diese entpacken wir nun noch.
 +   # gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
 +In der betreffenden Hostkonfigurationsdatei von **awstats** aktivieren wir dann noch die beiden plugins.
 +<code bash>
 +# MAXMIND GEO IP MODULES: Please see documentation for notes on all Maxmind modules
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/geoip.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: Builds a country chart and adds an entry to the hosts 
 +# table with country name
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIP.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoIP.dat"
 +# PLUGIN: GeoIP_City_Maxmind
 +# REQUIRED MODULES: Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl (from Maxmind)
 +# PARAMETERS: [GEOIP_STANDARD | GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE] [/pathto/GeoIPCity.dat[+/pathto/override.txt]]
 +# DESCRIPTION: This plugin adds a column under the hosts field and tracks the pageviews
 +# and hits by city including regions.
 +# Replace spaces in the path of geoip data file with string "%20".
 +# Django : 2012-07-03
 +# default: #LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIPCity.dat"
 +LoadPlugin="geoip_city_maxmind GEOIP_STANDARD /usr/local/lib64/perl5/GeoLiteCity.dat"
 +<WRAP round important>**WICHTIG**:
 +Die Geo-Daten werden einmal im Monat aktualisiert zur Verfügung gestellt! Wir aktualisieren als bei Bedarf diese Datenbankdateien regelmäßig.</WRAP>
 +==== erstes Ergebnis ====
 +Nach erfolgreicher Konfiguration steht dem ersten Aufruf nichts mehr im Wege. Der Aufruf erfolgt über folgende URL:
 +   $ firefox http://aw-stats.nausch.org/awstats/awstats.pl?config=dokuwiki.nausch.org
 +{{ :centos:awstats_01.png?nolink&600 |Bild: Bildschirmhardcopy von AWStats}}
 +<WRAP round tip>**HINWEIS**:
 +Der Teil nach //**?config=**// in der URL ist der Name, den wir bei der Konfigurationdatei von **AWStats** im Verzeichnis //**/etc/awstats**// verwendet wurde.
 +Also z.B. <code>http://aw-stats.nausch.org/awstats/awstats.pl?config=wetter.nausch.org</code> für die Konfigurationsdatei  <code>/etc/awstats/awstats.wetter.nausch.org.conf</code>
 +===== Die Kür - BetterAWSstats =====
 +Nachdem uns AWStats ja schon viele Dinge bietet, verbessern wir das ganze noch mittels [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/betterawstats/|BetterAWStats]]. Die ganzten Gimicks sind auf der [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/betterawstats/|Projektseite]] ausfürlich beschrieben.
 +Mir persönlich gefällt vor allem neben der optischen Aufmachung, die komfortable Möglichkeit Auswertungen einzelner VHosts zu wechseln.
 +==== Download ====
 +Von der [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/betterawstats/files/latest/download|Homepage]] laden wir uns das aktuelle ZIP-Archiv auf unseren Rechner.
 +<WRAP round hint>Möchte man folgenden Fehler bei der Installation vermeiden ...
 +<WRAP round warning>
 +**BetterAWstats Fehler**
 +Es gab einen Fehler beim Lesen der awstats library Datei /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/mime.pm um die VariableArray zu erhalten. Bitte verwenden Sie den Debug-Modus und wenden Sie sich an den Support.
 +... greift man am besten bei der Installation von betterawstats gleich auf die angepasste Version von [[http://repository.nausch.org/public/betterawstats-1.0.a.zip|hier]] zurück. 
 +   # wget http://repository.nausch.org/public/betterawstats-1.0.a.zip
 +Bevor wir nun das besagte Programmarchiv auf unseren Rechner holen, wechseln wir als erstes hierzu in unser Programmquellen-Verzeichnis. Haben wir selbiges noch nicht angelegt, dann ist natürlich noch dieses anzulegen:
 +   # mkdir -p /usr/local/src/packages/
 +Anschließend wechseln wir in unser Verzeichnis:
 +   # cd /usr/local/src/packages/
 +Nun laden wir das Programmarchiv von der [[http://www.awstats.org|Projektseite]].
 +   # wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/betterawstats/betterawstats/1.0/betterawstats-1.0.zip
 +oder alternativ: 
 +   # wget http://repository.nausch.org/public/betterawstats-1.0.a.zip
 +==== Installation ====
 +Das gerade heruntergeladene //tar.gz//-Archiv entpacken wir nun als nächstes.
 +   # unzip betterawstats-1.0.zip -d /usr/share/
 +<code>Archive:  betterawstats-1.0.zip
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/bawstats.info  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/bawstats.install  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/bawstats.module  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php  
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/config.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/config_default.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/data.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/display.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/display_helpers.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/extras.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/helpers.inc.php  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/index.html  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/language.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/core/library.inc.php  
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/FAQ.txt  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/history.txt  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/index.html  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/install.drupal.txt  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/install.txt  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/LICENSE.TXT  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/favicon.ico  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/horizontal.css  
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/bar.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/btn_empty.gif  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/circ-blue.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/circ-green.png  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/collapse.gif  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/empty.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/expand.gif  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/external.png  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/fulllist.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/fulllist_btn.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/help.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/index.html  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/screen.png  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/unknown.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/unknown_btn.png  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/versions.png  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/versions_btn.png  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/icons/wmap.png  
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/includes/
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/includes/bawstats.admin.inc  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/includes/bawstats.config.inc  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/includes/bawstats.css  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/includes/bawstats.stats.inc  
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/includes/index.html  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/index.php  
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/language/
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/language/index.html  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/language/lang_de.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/language/lang_en.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/language/lang_nl.inc.php  
 +   creating: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/
 + extracting: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/index.html  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/render_htmlchart.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/render_htmlchart2.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/render_jpgraph.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/render_map.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/modules/render_table.inc.php  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/scripts.js  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/style.css  
 +  inflating: /usr/share/betterawstats/vertical.css 
 +Für den Betrieb von **BetterAWStats** benötigen wir noch das Paket **php-gd** zur PHP Unterstützung der GD Gaphic Library, welches wir noch via **yum** installieren.
 +   yum install php-gd -y
 +==== Konfiguration ====
 +Detaillierte Hinweise zur Installation und Konfiguration von **BetterAWStats** findet man in der mitgelieferten Installations-Datei.
 +   # cat /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/install.txt 
 +<file txt /usr/share/betterawstats/docs/install.txt>REQUIREMENTS:
 +- awstats and generated datafiles from awstats.
 +- PHP 5.2 or above
 +- a Webserver that can process PHP files (Apache, IIS etc)
 +- 1MB space
 +- A recent browser version that can properly render CSS, such as Opera 9, Firefox 2, IE 7 etc.
 +- 1024x786 screen or larger
 +1. Extract the files into any web-accessible directory, preserving the directory structure.
 +2. Edit the file config.php. Specially the paths to the awstats files have to be correct
 +3. Open index.php in your browser and you should see the results.
 +4. Under Linux, in order to use the online config editor, please make your config.php 
 +   file writable by apache:
 +    chown apache:apache ./config.php
 +    chmod 664 ./config.php
 +   and set $BAW_CONF['online_config'] to true.
 +   If your BetterAWStats installation is not protected by password, you have to make the 
 +   config.php file unwritable after you changed the settings and disable $BAW_CONF['online_config']
 +It is STRONGLY recommended to password-protect the folder where BetterAWStats is installed
 +SPECIALLY when using the online config editor. You can use .htaccess files for example.
 +- update your statistics as usual with awstats
 +- Open BetterAwstats to see the statistics
 +Awstats allows to add aditional extra sections with custom stats. In order to create those,
 +1. Please edit the file /core/extras.inc.php. Take a look at section EXTRAS_1 and copy the whole function again into the file, changing the function to show the data desired.
 +2. Below that, please copy the $BAW_CONF_DIS_DEF section and edit the fariables according to point 1.
 +3. Copy the respective section also in config.php and adjust the values accordingly.
 +Als erstes machen wir eine Sicherungskopie der mitgelieferten Konfigurationsdatei.
 +   # cp /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php.default
 +Als nächstes passen wir die Dateirechte der Konfigurationsdatei an.
 +   # chmod 640 /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php
 +Anschließend schenken wir unserem Apache-Systemuser das Webrootverzeichnis.
 +   # chown apache.apache /usr/share/betterawstats/ -R
 +Nun bearbeiten wir die Konfigurationsdatei von **betterawstats** mit dem Editor unserer wahl, z.B. **vim**.
 +   # vim /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php
 +<file php /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php><?php
 + * betterawstats - an alternative display for awstats data
 + *
 + * @author      Oliver Spiesshofer, support at betterawstats dot com
 + * @copyright   2008 Oliver Spiesshofer
 + * @version     1.0
 + * @link        http://betterawstats.com
 + *
 + * Based on the GPL AWStats Totals script by:
 + * Jeroen de Jong <jeroen@telartis.nl>
 + * copyright   2004-2006 Telartis
 + * version 1.13 (http://www.telartis.nl/xcms/awstats)
 + *
 + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 + *
 + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 + * GNU General Public License for more details.
 + *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 + */
 +// this file can't be used on its own - do not change these 3 lines
 +if (strpos ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'config.php') !== false) {
 +    die ('This file can not be used on its own!');
 +// ATTENTION: BetterAWstats has an online config editor that you can use
 +// instead of editing this file here. The link is on the bottom of the menu!
 +// To use it, set $BAW_CONF['online_config']= true; and make sure that the
 +// file is writable by the server, AND protectthe BetterAWStats installation
 +// by a .htaccess file!
 +//*          SITE SETTINGS
 +// NAME:    Script URL
 +// INFO:    The url of BetterAWstats' directory, No trailing slash
 +// DEFAULT: 'http://awstats.local'
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://awstats.local';
 +$BAW_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://betterawstats.nausch.org';
 +// NAME:    Script path
 +// INFO:    The path of BetterAWstats, No trailing slash
 +// DEFAULT: '/path/to/betterawstats/'
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['site_path'] = '/path/to/betterawstats';
 +$BAW_CONF['site_path'] = '/usr/share/betterawstats';
 +// NAME:    Path to AWStats Data
 +// INFO:    Set this value to the directory where AWStats saves its database
 +//          files into. ATTENTION: If you read those files on windows but have
 +//          them created on linux or the other way round, make sure you transfer
 +//          them 'BINARY'. Otherwise they cannot be read properly. No trailing
 +//          slash
 +// DEFAULT: '/path/to/betterawstats/awstats/data'
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['path_data'] = '/path/to/betterawstats/awstats/data';
 +$BAW_CONF['path_data'] = '/usr/share/awstats/wwwdata';
 +// NAME:    Path to AWStats Libraries
 +// INFO:    Set this value to the directory where AWStats saves its library
 +//          files into. No trailing slash
 +// DEFAULT: '/path/to/betterawstats/awstats/lib'
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['path_lib'] = '/path/to/betterawstats/awstats/lib';
 +$BAW_CONF['path_lib'] = '/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib';
 +// NAME:    Path to AWStats Language files
 +// INFO:    Set this value to the directory where AWStats saves its language
 +//          files into. No trailing slash
 +// DEFAULT: '/path/to/betterawstats/awstats/lang'
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['path_lang'] = '/path/to/betterawstats/awstats/lang';
 +$BAW_CONF['path_lang'] = '/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lang';
 +// NAME:    URL to AWStats Icons
 +// INFO:    The url to the awstats icons, should include the whole http://...,
 +//          no trailing slash.
 +// DEFAULT: 'http://awstats.local/awstats/icon'
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['icons_url'] = 'http://awstats.local/awstats/icon';
 +$BAW_CONF['icons_url'] = 'http://awstats.nausch.org/icon';
 +// NAME:    Web Configuration
 +// INFO:    Enable the online configuration editor? WARNING: Your config.php has
 +//          to be writable in order to enable this. This is a BAD idea to use
 +//          unless the folder is password-protected with a .htaccess file or
 +//          similar.
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['online_config'] = false;
 +// NAME:    Change configuration password?
 +// INFO:    This password is needed to access the online configuration. It has
 +//          to be longer than 5 letters.
 +// DEFAULT: ''
 +// Django : 2013-11-13
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['online_config_password'] = '';
 +$BAW_CONF['online_config_password'] = 'In_god_we_trust_the_rest_we_monitor!';
 +// NAME:    Limit to server?
 +// INFO:    Set this to a simgle server that you want to limit or "false" to
 +//          show all. The server name should be the one used for awstats.
 +// DEFAULT: 'show_all'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'sitename.org', 'show_all'
 +$BAW_CONF['limit_server'] = 'show_all';
 +//*          LAYOUT SETTINGS
 +// NAME:    Layout Type
 +// INFO:    Display page in vertical or horizontal layout?
 +// DEFAULT: 'vertical'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'vertical', 'horizontal'
 +$BAW_CONF['layout_type'] = 'vertical';
 +// NAME:    Language
 +// INFO:    Set your language. Set to "auto" to autodetect from browser
 +// DEFAULT: 'auto'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'auto', 'al', 'ba', 'bg', 'ca', 'tw', 'cn', 'cz', 'dk', 'nl',
 +//                  'en', 'et', 'eu', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'de', 'gr', 'he', 'hu',
 +//                  'is', 'id', 'it', 'jp', 'kr', 'lv', 'nn', 'nb', 'pl', 'pt',
 +//                  'br', 'ro', 'ru', 'sr', 'sk', 'es', 'se', 'tr', 'ua', 'wlk'
 +$BAW_CONF['lang_setting'] = 'auto';
 +// NAME:    Decimal Point
 +// INFO:    Decimal Point Character (99.9)
 +// DEFAULT: '.'
 +$BAW_CONF['dec_point'] = '.';
 +// NAME:    Thousands separator
 +// INFO:    Thousand Digit separator (1'000)
 +// DEFAULT: "'"
 +$BAW_CONF['tho_point'] = "'";
 +// NAME:    Date format (2007-31-12)
 +// INFO:    How should a date look like? For formatting, please consult
 +//          http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
 +// DEFAULT: 'Y-M-d'
 +$BAW_CONF['date_format'] = 'Y-M-d';
 +// NAME:    Date & Time format (2007-31-12 23:59)
 +// INFO:    How should a date & time look like? For formatting,please consult
 +//          http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
 +// DEFAULT: 'Y-M-d H:i'
 +$BAW_CONF['date_time_format'] = 'Y-M-d - H:i';
 +// NAME:    Percentage decimals
 +// INFO:    How many decimals for percentage value? (99.9%)
 +// DEFAULT: '1'
 +$BAW_CONF['percent_decimals'] = '1';
 +// NAME:    Hide Empty data
 +// INFO:    Completely hide graphs with zero entries? (The menu will also be
 +//          hidden)
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['hideempty'] = true;
 +// NAME:    Submit dropdowns on change
 +// INFO:    If enabled, the site/date dropdowns do not have an "OK"-button. The
 +//          page is refreshed as soon as you choose a new value. Not recommended
 +//          for large sites.
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['auto_submit_form'] = true;
 +//*          TABLE SETTINGS
 +// NAME:    First day of the week
 +// INFO:    Should Sunday be the first day of the week or monday?
 +// DEFAULT: '1'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: '1', '2'
 +$BAW_CONF['firstdayofweek'] = '1';
 +// NAME:    Field Length
 +// INFO:    What is the max. text length of table fields? (Applies only to
 +//          links)
 +// DEFAULT: '65'
 +$BAW_CONF['field_length'] = '50';
 +// NAME:    Max. Table Lines
 +// INFO:    What is the max. no. of lines a table can have? Set to "false" to
 +//          disable. If a table reaches this number of lines, The rest is
 +//          summarized into one line. This also applies to the "full list" view
 +//          of a table
 +// DEFAULT: '10000'
 +$BAW_CONF['maxlines'] = '10000';
 +//*          CHART SETTINGS
 +// NAME:    Max scale for Visitors
 +// INFO:    The maximum value of the chosen option will define the maximum
 +//          height of the Visitors bars in the chart
 +// DEFAULT: 'layout_visits'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'layout_visitos', 'layout_visits', 'layout_pages',
 +//                  'layout_hits', 'layout_bytes'
 +$BAW_CONF['max_visitors'] = 'layout_visits';
 +// NAME:    Max scale for Visits
 +// INFO:    The maximum value of the chosen option will define the maximum
 +//          height of the Visits bars in the chart
 +// DEFAULT: 'layout_visits'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'layout_visits', 'layout_pages', 'layout_hits', 'layout_bytes'
 +$BAW_CONF['max_visits'] = 'layout_visits';
 +// NAME:    Max scale for Pages
 +// INFO:    The maximum value of the chosen option will define the maximum
 +//          height of the Pages bars in the chart
 +// DEFAULT: 'layout_pages'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'layout_pages', 'layout_hits', 'layout_bytes'
 +$BAW_CONF['max_pages'] = 'layout_pages';
 +// NAME:    Max scale for Hits
 +// INFO:    The maximum value of the chosen option will define the maximum
 +//          height of the Hits bars in the chart
 +// DEFAULT: 'layout_hits'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'layout_hits', 'layout_bytes'
 +$BAW_CONF['max_hits'] = 'layout_hits';
 +// NAME:    Max no of chart rows
 +// INFO:    When displaying the charts with the full lists, How many items can
 +//          there be displayed? The rest will sum up into "Others". This is done
 +//          to prevent too wide charts
 +// DEFAULT: '50'
 +$BAW_CONF['max_chart_items'] = '30';
 +// NAME:    Chart Titles?
 +// INFO:    If enabled, it will show a title on top of each chart.
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['chart_titles'] = false;
 +//*          JPGRAPH SETTINGS
 +// NAME:    Enable JPgraph?
 +// INFO:    To use JPGraph, you have to download it from
 +//          http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/jpdownload.php.
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['use_jpgraph'] = false;
 +// NAME:    Path to JPGraph
 +// INFO:    Where is your JPGraph installation? (The folder where jpgraph.php is
 +//          in. No trailing slash)
 +// DEFAULT: '/path/to/betterawstats/jpgraph/src'
 +$BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] = '/path/to/betterawstats/jpgraph/src';
 +//*          ADVANCED SETTINGS
 +// INFO:    Do you want output in HTML or XHTML?
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['xhtml'] = false;
 +// NAME:    Debug
 +// INFO:    Do you want to show debug-output (VERY detailed)?
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['debug'] = false;
 +// NAME:    Parser Stats
 +// INFO:    Do you want to show log file parsing data below the stats summary?
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +$BAW_CONF['show_parser_stats'] = true;
 +// NAME:    Module settings
 +// INFO:    Are you using BetterAWstats as a module for another software?
 +//          (Currently only Drupal is supported)
 +// DEFAULT: 'none'
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: 'none', 'drupal'
 +$BAW_CONF['module'] = 'none';
 +//*          DISPLAY
 +// NAME:    Summary
 +// INFO:    General Overview of key figures and dates
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['overview'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '1',    // Item Sequence
 +// NAME:    Monthly history
 +// INFO:    Monthly data
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['months'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '2',    // Item Sequence
 +    'top_x' => '24',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +// NAME:    Days of month
 +// INFO:    Daily data
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['days'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '3',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +// NAME:    Days of week (Averages)
 +// INFO:    Weekdays
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['weekdays'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '4',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +// NAME:    Hours (Averages)
 +// INFO:    Hours of the day
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['hours'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '5',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=Hours, '2'=Pages, '3'=Hits, '4'=Bandwidth
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_ASC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Visitors domains/countries
 +// INFO:    Domains of visitors
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['domains'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '6',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'map' => true,    // Show Map Image?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '0',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // 'key'=Visitors domains/countries, '0'=Pages, '1'=Hits, '2'=Bandwidth
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Hosts
 +// INFO:    IP addresses of visitors
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['visitors'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '7',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Hosts, '1'=Pages, '2'=Hits, '3'=Bandwidth, '4'=Ratio(Hits/Pages),
 +    // '5'=Last visit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +    'assumebot' => '1',    // Hits/pages minimum ratio to assume normal user?
 +// NAME:    Authenticated users
 +// INFO:    Logins for username/password protected pages
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['logins'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '8',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '5',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // 'key'=Authenticated users, '0'=Pages, '1'=Hits, '2'=Bandwidth, '3'=Last
 +    // visit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Robots/Spiders visitors
 +// INFO:    Spiders, Robots of Search engines etc.
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['robots'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '9',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Robots/Spiders visitors, '1'=Hits, '2'=Hits (robots.txt),
 +    // '3'=Bandwidth, '4'=Last visit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Worms
 +// INFO:    Worms searching for security holes
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['worms'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '10',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '2',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Worms, '1'=Sensitive targets, '2'=Hits, '3'=Bandwidth, '4'=Last visit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Visits duration
 +// INFO:    How long have people been on the site?
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['sessions'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '11',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +// NAME:    File type
 +// INFO:    What filetypes are on the site
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['filetype'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '12',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'sort' => '0',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // 'key'=File type, '0'=Hits, '1'=Bandwidth, '2'=Compression on,
 +    // '3'=Compression result
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Pages-URL
 +// INFO:    Pages on the site
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['urls'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '13',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Pages-URL, '1'=Viewed, '2'=Average size, '3'=Entry, '4'=Exit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Files/paths
 +// INFO:    Files/paths on the site
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['paths'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '14',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => true,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Files/paths, '1'=Viewed
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Operating Systems
 +// INFO:    Operating system of users
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['os'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '15',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '2',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=Operating Systems, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Unknown OS (useragent field)
 +// INFO:    Unknown Operating system
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['unknownos'] = array(
 +    'show' => false,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '17',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=User Agent, '2'=Last visit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Operating Systems (+Versions)
 +// INFO:    Operating system of users including versions
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['osversions'] = array(
 +    'show' => false,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '16',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '2',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=Operating Systems, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Browsers
 +// INFO:    User Browser Type
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['browsers'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '18',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '3',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=Browsers, '2'=Grabber, '3'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Browsers (+Versions)
 +// INFO:    User Browser Type (+Versions)
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['browserversions'] = array(
 +    'show' => false,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '19',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'chart' => false,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '4',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '2'=Browsers, '3'=Grabber, '4'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Unknown browsers (useragent field)
 +// INFO:    Unknown Browsers
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['unknownbrowser'] = array(
 +    'show' => false,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '20',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=User Agent, '2'=Last visit
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Screen sizes
 +// INFO:    Screensizes of users
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['screensizes'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '21',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'chart' => true,    // Show HTML chart?
 +    'top_x' => '5',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '2',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '1'=Screen sizes, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Referring search engines
 +// INFO:    Referrals from search engines
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['se_referers'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '22',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Referring search engines, '1'=Pages, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +    'favicon' => true,    // Retrieve favicons for external URLs?
 +// NAME:    Referring sites
 +// INFO:    Referrals from other sites
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['referers'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '23',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Referring sites, '1'=Pages, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +    'favicon' => false,    // Retrieve favicons for external URLs?
 +// NAME:    Referring sites by Domains
 +// INFO:    Referrals from other sites, grouped by 2-nd level domains
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['referer_domains'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '24',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Referring sites, '1'=Pages, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +    'favicon' => false,    // Retrieve favicons for external URLs?
 +    'domain_lvls' => '3',    // Shorten URL to how many domain levels? (-1 to disable)
 +// NAME:    Hotlinks
 +// INFO:    Pages linking to images/data on your site
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['hotlinks'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '25',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Referring sites, '1'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +    'favicon' => false,    // Retrieve favicons for external URLs?
 +// NAME:    Hotlinks by Domains
 +// INFO:    Domains linking to images/data on your site
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['hotlink_domains'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '26',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Referring sites, '1'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +    'favicon' => false,    // Retrieve favicons for external URLs?
 +    'domain_lvls' => '3',    // Shorten URL to how many domain levels? (-1 to disable)
 +// NAME:    Search�Keyphrases
 +// INFO:    Search phrases
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['searchphrases'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '27',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=different keyphrases, '1'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Search�Keywords
 +// INFO:    Search words
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['searchwords'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '28',    // Item Sequence
 +    'avg' => false,    // Show averages?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=different keywords, '1'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Miscellaneous
 +// INFO:    User system features
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['misc'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '29',    // Item Sequence
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +// NAME:    HTTP Status codes
 +// INFO:    Acesses to pages that returned errors
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['errors'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '30',    // Item Sequence
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '2',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=HTTP Status codes, '2'=Hits, '3'=Average size
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Error�Hits
 +// INFO:    Required but not found URLs (HTTP code 404)
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['errors404'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '31',    // Item Sequence
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'total' => true,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Error�Hits, '1'=Hits, '2'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +// NAME:    Color depth
 +// INFO:    Screen colors of users
 +$BAW_CONF_DIS['extra_1'] = array(
 +    'show' => true,    // Show this Data?
 +    'collapse' => false,    // Collapsed?
 +    'order' => '32',    // Item Sequence
 +    'total' => false,    // Show total Sum?
 +    'table' => true,    // Show data table?
 +    'top_x' => '10',    // Show how many entries?
 +    'sort' => '1',    // Sort for which column?  Possible values are:
 +    // '0'=Color depth in bits, '1'=Hits
 +    'sort_dir' => SORT_DESC,    // Sort direction? Possible values are:
 +    // SORT_ASC=Ascending, SORT_DESC=Descending
 +==== Konfiguration des Apache vHosts ====
 +Für den Zugriff auf unsere Webserver-Statistiken legen wir uns einen virtuellen Host an. Die entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei **vhosts.conf** haben wir im Verzeichnis **/etc/httpd/conf.d** angelegt.
 +Mit dem Editor unserer Wahl ergänzen wir nun unsere virtuelen Hosts um einen weiteren:
 +   # vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf
 +<file apache /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf>#
 +# betterawstats.nausch.org
 +<VirtualHost *:80>
 +        ServerAdmin webmaster@nausch.org
 +        ServerName betterawstats.nausch.org
 +        ServerAlias www.betterawstats.nausch.org
 +        ServerPath /
 +        DocumentRoot "/usr/share/betterawstats"
 +        <Directory "/usr/share/betterawstats">
 +                AllowOverride None
 + #Options +ExecCGI
 +  #DirectoryIndex awstats.pl
 +  Order deny,allow
 + Deny from all
 + Allow from
 +                Allow from
 +                Allow from
 +        </Directory>
 +        Alias /awstatsclasses "/var/www/awstats/classes/"
 +        Alias /awstatscss "/var/www/awstats/css/"
 +        Alias /awstatsicons "/var/www/awstats/icon/"
 +        ScriptAlias /awstats/ "/var/www/awstats/cgi-bin/"  
 + ErrorLog logs/betterawstats_error.log
 + CustomLog logs/betterawstats_access.log combined
 +==== Fehlerhandling - Anpassung ====
 +<WRAP round important>**Achtung:**
 +Hat man **BetterAWStats** aus den offiziellen Quellen installiert, kommt es beim Aufruf unserer dynamischen Webseite zu nachfolgendem Fehler. Zur Korrektur müssen wir die nachfolgenden PHP-Module **data.inc.php** und **library.inc.php** im Verzeichnis //**/usr/share/betterawstats/core**// austauschen!
 +<WRAP round alert>
 +**BetterAWstats Fehler**
 +Es gab einen Fehler beim Lesen der awstats library Datei /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/lib/mime.pm um die VariableArray zu erhalten. Bitte verwenden Sie den Debug-Modus und wenden Sie sich an den Support.
 +<file perl /usr/share/betterawstats/core/data.inc.php><?php
 + * betterawstats, an alternative display for awstats data
 + *
 + * @author      Oliver Spiesshofer, support at betterawstats dot com
 + * @copyright   2008 Oliver Spiesshofer
 + * @version     1.0
 + * @link        http://betterawstats.com
 + * Based on the GPL AWStats Totals script by:
 + * Jeroen de Jong <jeroen@telartis.nl>
 + * copyright   2004-2006 Telartis
 + * version 1.13 (http://www.telartis.nl/xcms/awstats)
 + *
 + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 + *
 + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 + * GNU General Public License for more details.
 + *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place','Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 + */
 + * File contents:
 + *
 + * This file contains functions that read data from files process it and store it
 + * in an array. This concerns library-data as well as stats-data. Language files
 + * are NOT processed here.
 + */
 +// this file can't be used on its own
 +if (strpos ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'data.inc.php') !== false) {
 +    die ('This file can not be used on its own!');
 +* Data function: read the data directories this function is called by
 +* baw_match_files() and itself recursively
 +* @param    str     $dir  directory
 +* @return   arr     ALL files found in that directory
 +function baw_parse_dir($dir = false) {
 +    global $BAW_CONF;
 +    if ($dir == false) {
 +       $dir = $BAW_CONF['path_data'];
 +    }
 +    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
 +        echo baw_raise_error('datafilesdir', array($dir));
 +        return array();
 +    }
 +    // add trailing slash if not exists
 +    if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') {
 +        $dir .= '/';
 +    }
 +    baw_debug('dbg_start_parse_dir', $dir);
 +    $files = array();
 +    if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) {
 +        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
 +            if (!preg_match('/^\./s', $file)) {
 +                if (is_dir($dir.$file)) {
 +                    $newdir = $dir.$file.'/';
 +                    $files = array_merge($files, baw_parse_dir($newdir));
 +                    baw_debug('dbg_found_dir', $dir);
 +                } else {
 +                    $files[] = $dir.$file;
 +                    baw_debug('dbg_found_file', $file);
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        closedir($dh);
 +    }
 +    baw_debug('dbg_finished_parse_dir', $dir);
 +    return $files;
 +* Data function: find all files that contain the data for the current month and
 +* 12 month before now to write a rolling month data chart. This function is called
 +* by index.php
 +* fills the gl. arrays: $BAW_CURR['years'], $BAW_CURR['months'], $BAW_DFILES
 +function baw_match_files() {
 +    // read all the files in the directory
 +    $dirfiles = baw_parse_dir();
 +    $pat_others = '/awstats(\d{6})\.((.+))\.txt$/';
 +    // go through all files and find matching ones
 +    $year_array = array();
 +    $month_array = array();
 +    foreach ($dirfiles as $file) {
 +        $filename = explode("/", $file);
 +        $filename = $filename[count($filename)-1];
 +        if (preg_match($pat_others, $file, $match)) {
 +            $month = substr($filename, 7, 2);
 +            $year = substr($filename, 9, 4);
 +            $year_array[$year] = $year;
 +            $month_array[$month] = $BAW_MES[$month + 59];
 +            // future feature where the admin can tell which sites to read/ exclude
 +            // if (!$BAW_CONF['filter_configs'] || in_array($site, $BAW_CONF['filter_configs'])) {
 +            $site = $match[2];
 +            $BAW_DFILES[$site][$year.$month] = array(
 +                'file' => $file,
 +                'map' => null
 +            );
 +            // add the sites to another array since we need that for the config editor
 +            $BAW_SERVERS[$site] = $site;
 +            baw_debug("site found for month $month and year $year: $file, SITE: {$site}");
 +        }
 +    }
 +    if (count($year_array)>0) {
 +        $year_array = array_unique($year_array);
 +        ksort($year_array);
 +    }
 +    if (count($month_array)>0) {
 +        ksort($month_array);
 +        $month_array = array_unique($month_array);
 +    }
 +    $BAW_CURR['years'] = $year_array;
 +    $BAW_CURR['months'] = $month_array;
 +    // since we added sites with each file, remove duplicates
 +    ksort($BAW_DFILES);
 +    ksort($BAW_SERVERS);
 +    $BAW_SERVERS = array('show_all' => $BAW_MES['cfg_show_all']) + $BAW_SERVERS;
 +    if (!isset($BAW_CURR['site_name'])) {
 +        $BAW_CURR['site_name'] = key($BAW_DFILES); // we dont have a selected, take first in line
 +        reset($BAW_DFILES);
 +    }
 +* Data function: calculate the month-data by summing up days and retrieving
 +* single-value data. This function is called by different display-functions
 +* @param    arr     $t  TIME data array of the current file
 +* @param    arr     $g  GENERAL data array of the current file
 +* @return   arr     summed dataset for processing
 +function baw_calc_monthdata($t, $g) {
 +    baw_debug("Calculating Month-data");
 +    $pages = 0;
 +    $hits = 0;
 +    $bandwidth = 0;
 +    $not_viewed_pages = 0;
 +    $not_viewed_hits = 0;
 +    $not_viewed_bandwidth = 0;
 +    $num_t = count($t);
 +    for ($i=0; $i<$num_t; $i++) {
 +        $pages += $t[$i][0];
 +        $hits += $t[$i][1];
 +        $bandwidth += $t[$i][2];
 +        $not_viewed_pages += $t[$i][3];
 +        $not_viewed_hits += $t[$i][4];
 +        $not_viewed_bandwidth += $t[$i][5];
 +    }
 +    $result = array(
 +        $g['TotalUnique'][0],
 +        $g['TotalVisits'][0],
 +        $pages,
 +        $hits,
 +        $bandwidth,
 +        $not_viewed_pages,
 +        $not_viewed_hits,
 +        $not_viewed_bandwidth
 +    );
 +    return $result;
 +* Data Function: read data from awstats library files (perl format)
 +* Opens a file, reads the contents and does corrections and makes PHP out of PERL
 +* This function is called by the file library.inc.php
 +* @param    str     $file    path to the library file
 +* @param    str     $data    the name of the array in the file
 +* @return   arr     summed dataset for processing
 +function baw_get_library($file, $data) {
 +    global $BAW_CONF, $BAW_LOGTYPE;
 +    $file = $BAW_CONF['path_lib'] . $file;
 +    baw_debug("Trying to read library data ($data) from file: $file");
 +    if (!file_exists($file)) {
 +        echo baw_raise_error('libraryfiles', array($file));
 +        exit;
 +    }
 +    // read the whole file in one go
 +    $file_text = file_get_contents($file);
 +    // these are to attempt to convert the perl data file to PHP
 +    $search = array(
 +        "\$LogType eq 'S'",
 +        "= ", // remove spaces between = and (
 +        "@",
 +        "%",
 +        "'=>'",
 +        "=(",
 +        "=\n(",
 +        "=\r(",
 +        "=\r\n(",
 +        ",,",
 +        ' target="_blank"',
 +        ' [new window]',
 +        '<a href="',
 +        '&',
 +        '/" Searc',
 +        '[',
 +        ']'
 +    );
 +    $replace  = array(
 +        "\$LogType = 'S'",
 +        "=",
 +        "$",
 +        "$",
 +        "', '",
 +        "= array(",
 +        "= array(",
 +        "= array(",
 +        "= array(",
 +        ",",
 +        " ",
 +        " ",
 +        '<a class="ext_link" href="',
 +        '&amp;',
 +        '/" title="Searc',
 +        'array(',
 +        ')'
 +    );
 +    $file_text = str_replace($search, $replace, $file_text);
 +    $check = eval($file_text);
 +    // check if we have an error with the conversion
 +    if ($check === false) {
 +        echo baw_raise_error('libraryeval', array($file, $data));
 +    }
 +    if (is_array($data)) {
 +        $a = 0;
 +        foreach($data as $arr_name) {
 +            $countpairs = count($$arr_name);
 +            $parr = $$arr_name;
 +            for ($i=0; $i<$countpairs; $i=$i+2) {
 +                $new_arr[$a][$parr[$i]] = $parr[$i+1];
 +            }
 +            $a++;
 +        }
 +    } else {
 +        $countpairs = count($$data);
 +        $parr = $$data;
 +        for ($i=0; $i<$countpairs; $i=$i+2) {
 +            $new_arr[$parr[$i]] = $parr[$i+1];
 +        }
 +    }
 +    return $new_arr;
 +* Data Function: read data from awstats data file. Identifies the file to read,
 +* locates the data-map, reads the data. This function is called by every single
 +* display-function on need for data. Some data might be read twice or more.
 +* @param    str     $site    which site do we read
 +* @param    str     $data_type    the name of the data-type to read
 +* @param    str     $date    YYYYMM, date of datafile
 +* @return   arr     data from file as assoc. array
 +function baw_data($site, $data_type, $date) {
 +    $MAP = array();
 +    baw_debug("reading  $site datafile, type $data_type from $date");
 +    // we have to remove the linebreaks otherwise they end up in the data
 +    $brs_arr = array("\n", "\r");
 +    $brr_arr = array("", "");
 +    $dataset = array();
 +    // reduce the dataset to the necessary data
 +    if (!isset($BAW_DFILES[$site][$date])) {
 +        return false;
 +    } else {
 +        $dataset[$date] = $BAW_DFILES[$site][$date];
 +    }
 +    // iterate each data file
 +    $file = $dataset[$date]['file'];
 +    $f = fopen($file, 'r');
 +    $map = $dataset[$date]['map'];
 +    baw_debug("reading site $site datafile, date $date, file $file");
 +    // read the map if required
 +    if ($map == null) {
 +        baw_read_filemap($f, $site, $date);
 +        if (!isset($BAW_DFILES[$site][$date]['map'][$data_type])) {
 +            return false;
 +        } else {
 +            $offset = $BAW_DFILES[$site][$date]['map'][$data_type];
 +        }
 +    } else if (isset($map[$data_type])) {
 +        $offset = $map[$data_type];
 +        baw_debug("data map present, reading data $data_type from offset $offset");
 +    } else {
 +        baw_debug("data map present, type $data_type not existant in map!");
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +    $filedata = array();
 +    fseek($f , $offset, SEEK_SET);
 +    $check = 1;
 +    while ($check !== 0) {
 +        baw_debug("reading aditional line to find data...");
 +        $firstline = fgets($f, 20000);
 +        $check = strpos($firstline,"BEGIN_$data_type");
 +    }
 +    if ($check !== 0) {
 +        $err_data = array($file, $firstline);
 +        echo baw_raise_error('datafile', $err_data);
 +        exit;
 +    }
 +    $index = explode(' ', $firstline);
 +    $lines_count = $index[1];
 +    baw_debug("Data $data_type found at offset ". ftell($f) . " instead of $offset (" . (ftell($f) - $offset) . " diff), is $lines_count lines long, reading now:");
 +    for ($i=0; $i<$lines_count;$i++) {
 +        baw_debug("reading Line $data_type $i");
 +        $str = fgets($f, 20000);
 +        if (substr($str,0,4) == 'END_') { // this is a security check since sometimes we are off
 +            continue;
 +        }
 +        // remove linebreaks from string
 +        $str = str_replace($brs_arr,$brr_arr, $str);
 +        $line_arr = explode(' ', $str);
 +        // shift first element as array name
 +        $first_element = array_shift($line_arr);
 +        // check if one dataset has occurred twice and would
 +        // overwrite another. SIDER and PAGEREF had this issue for sure.
 +        if (!isset($filedata[$first_element])) {
 +            $filedata[$first_element] = $line_arr;
 +        } else {
 +            foreach ($line_arr as $no => $line_item) {
 +                if (is_numeric($line_item)) {
 +                    // this could cause trouble in case this was a date, percentage etc.
 +                    $filedata[$first_element][$no] += $line_item;
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +    }
 +    fclose($f);
 +    baw_debug("data read, file closed");
 +    return $filedata;
 +* Data Function: read the filemap at the begginning of a data file. This function
 +* is called only by baw_data if the data was not read before.
 +* @param    obj     &$f    file-handler to read
 +* @param    str     $site    the concerned site
 +* @param    str     $date    YYYYMM, date of datafile
 +* adds the data to gl. array $BAW_DFILES
 +function baw_read_filemap(&$f, $site, $date) {
 +    global $BAW_DFILES;
 +    // $f = fopen($file, 'r');
 +    $str ='';
 +    $check = 1;
 +    // read this file until we hit the offsets
 +    while ($check !== 0) {
 +        $str = fgets($f, 20000);
 +        // check for XML Data
 +        if (strstr($str, '<xml') !== false) { // we have XML
 +            echo baw_raise_error('xmldata');
 +            exit;
 +        }
 +        $check = strpos($str, 'BEGIN_MAP');
 +    }
 +    $check = explode(' ', $str);
 +    $lines_count = $check[1]; // line length of the map
 +    baw_debug("found data map for file, has $lines_count lines");
 +    // now read x more lines
 +    for ($i=0; $i<$lines_count;$i++) { // read the complete offset map
 +        $str = fgets($f, 512);
 +        // split the info in string - byte offset
 +        $check = explode(' ', $str);
 +        $type = substr($check[0], 4);
 +        $offset = $check[1];
 +        if ($offset > 1) {
 +            baw_debug("data type $type, starts at offset $offset");
 +            $BAW_DFILES[$site][$date]['map'][$type] = $offset;
 +        } else {
 +            echo baw_raise_error('datafileindex', $err_data);
 +            exit;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    baw_debug("map read");
 +<file perl /usr/share/betterawstats/core/library.inc.php><?php
 + * betterawstats - an alternative display for awstats data
 + *
 + * @author      Oliver Spiesshofer, support at betterawstats dot com
 + * @copyright   2008 Oliver Spiesshofer
 + * @version     1.0
 + * @link        http://betterawstats.com
 + * Based on the GPL AWStats Totals script by:
 + * Jeroen de Jong <jeroen@telartis.nl>
 + * copyright   2004-2006 Telartis
 + * version 1.13 (http://www.telartis.nl/xcms/awstats)
 + *
 + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 + *
 + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 + * GNU General Public License for more details.
 + *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 + */
 + * File contents:
 + *
 + * This file sets default/addon data for libraries and reads the aditional data
 + * from the library files.
 + */
 +// this file can't be used on its own
 +if (strpos ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'library.inc.php') !== false) {
 +    die ('This file can not be used on its own!');
 +$BAW_LIB['formats'] = array(
 +    // class img text format
 +    'layout_visitors' => array(
 +        'img' => 'vu.png',
 +        'txt' => 11,
 +        'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> 'layout_visits'),
 +    'layout_visits' => array(
 +        'img' => 'vv.png',
 +        'txt' => 10,
 +        'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> 'layout_visits'),
 +    'layout_pages' => array(
 +        'img' => 'vp.png',
 +        'txt' => 56,
 +        'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> 'layout_pages'),
 +    'layout_hits' => array(
 +        'img' => 'vh.png',
 +        'txt' => 57,
 +        'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> 'layout_hits'),
 +    'layout_bytes' => array(
 +        'img' => 'vk.png',
 +        'txt' => 75,
 +        'frm' => 'baw_byte_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> 'layout_bytes'),
 +    'layout_percent' => array(
 +        'img' => '',
 +        'txt' => 15,
 +        'frm' => 'baw_percent_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> ''),
 +    'layout_date' => array(
 +        'img' => '',
 +        'txt' => '',
 +        'frm' => 'baw_getdate_format(%s);',
 +        'max'=> ''),
 +    'layout_text' => array(
 +        'img' => '',
 +        'txt' => '',
 +        'frm' => false,
 +        'max'=> ''),
 +    'layout_ratio' => array(
 +        'img' => '',
 +        'txt' => '',
 +        'frm' => 'baw_num_format(%s,2);',
 +        'max'=> '')
 +// this is defined here to indicate the order of the array, otherwise the information is in the datafile
 +$BAW_LIB['sessions'] = array(
 +    '0s-30s', '30s-2mn', '2mn-5mn', '5mn-15mn', '15mn-30mn', '30mn-1h', '1h+'
 +$BAW_LIB['os']['families'] = array(
 +    'win'  => array('win', '<b>Windows</b>',0),
 +    'mac'  => array('mac', '<b>Macintosh</b>',0),
 +    'linux'=> array('linux', '<b>Linux</b>',0),
 +    'bsd'  => array('bsd', '<b>BSD</b>',0)
 +$BAW_LIB['os']['codes'] = array('win', 'mac', 'linux', 'bsd');
 +$BAW_LIB['os']['list'] = baw_get_library("/operating_systems.pm", 'OSHashLib');
 +$BAW_LIB['domains'] = baw_get_library("/domains.pm", 'DomainsHashIDLib');
 +$BAW_LIB['robots'] = baw_get_library("/robots.pm", 'RobotsHashIDLib');
 +list (
 +    $BAW_LIB['worms']['names'],
 +    $BAW_LIB['worms']['targets']) = baw_get_library(
 +        "/worms.pm",
 +        array('WormsHashLib', 'WormsHashTarget')
 +list (
 +    $mime_hash_lib,
 +    $mime_hash_family) = baw_get_library (
 +        "/mime.pm",
 +        array('MimeHashLib', 'MimeHashFamily')
 +// In the 7.x version of AWStats the meanings of the mime arrays is
 +// different from the 6.x versions. We can check for this by seeing if the
 +// first element of $mime_hash_lib has two elements.
 +$mime_hash_lib_values = array_values($mime_hash_lib);
 +if (count($mime_hash_lib_values[0]) == 2) {
 +    // This is the 7.x version of AWStats
 +    $BAW_LIB['files']['types'] = $mime_hash_family;
 +    foreach ($mime_hash_lib as $ext => $family_type) {
 +        $BAW_LIB['files']['family'][$ext] = $family_type[0];
 +    }
 +    $BAW_LIB['files']['icons'] = $BAW_LIB['files']['family'];
 +else {
 +    // This is the 6.x version of AWStats
 +    $mime_hash_icon = baw_get_library("/mime.pm", 'MimeHashIcon');
 +    $BAW_LIB['files']['types'] = $mime_hash_lib;
 +    $BAW_LIB['files']['icons'] = $mime_hash_icon;
 +    $BAW_LIB['files']['family'] = $mime_hash_family;
 +$BAW_LIB['browser']['familes'] = array('msie'=>1,'firefox'=>2,'netscape'=>3,'svn'=>4);
 +list (
 +    $BAW_LIB['browser']['names'],
 +    $BAW_LIB['browser']['grabbers'],
 +    $BAW_LIB['browser']['icons']) = baw_get_library(
 +        "/browsers.pm",
 +        array('BrowsersHashIDLib','BrowsersHereAreGrabbers','BrowsersHashIcon')
 +$BAW_LIB['searchengines']['names']= baw_get_library("/search_engines.pm", 'SearchEnginesHashLib');
 +$BAW_LIB['misc'] = array(
 +    // 'TotalMisc' => 0,
 +    // 'AddToFavourites' => 137,
 +    'JavascriptDisabled' => 168,
 +    'JavaEnabled' => 140,
 +    'DirectorSupport'=> 141,
 +    'FlashSupport' => 142,
 +    'RealPlayerSupport'=> 143,
 +    'QuickTimeSupport' => 144,
 +    'WindowsMediaPlayerSupport' => 145,
 +    'PDFSupport' => 146
 +$BAW_LIB['http_status'] = baw_get_library("/status_http.pm", 'httpcodelib');
 +$BAW_LIB['item_groups'] = array(
 +    'time' => array(
 +        'title' => $BAW_MES['time'],
 +        'members' => array('overview', 'months', 'days', 'weekdays', 'hours')
 +    ),
 +    'userinfo' => array(
 +        'title' => $BAW_MES['user_information'],
 +        'members' => array('domains', 'visitors', 'os', 'osversions', 'browsers','browserversions', 'misc', 'screensizes')
 +    ),
 +    'actions' => array(
 +        'title' => $BAW_MES['user_actions'],
 +        'members' => array('logins', 'sessions', 'filetype', 'urls')
 +    ),
 +    'origin' => array(
 +        'title' => $BAW_MES['user_origin'],
 +        'members' => array('referers', 'referer_domains', 'se_referers','searchphrases', 'searchwords')
 +    ),
 +    'other' => array(
 +        'title' => $BAW_MES['other_access'],
 +        'members' => array('robots', 'worms', 'unknownos', 'unknownbrowser', 'hotlinks', 'hotlink_domains', 'errors', 'errors404')
 +    )
 +  this is obsolete but kept here for ev. future usage
 +$BAW_LIB['data']['full'] = array(
 +    'GENERAL' => array('Misc ID', 'Pages', 'Hits', 'Bandwidth'),
 +    'TIME' => array('Hour','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Not viewed Pages','Not viewed Hits','Not viewed Bandwidth'),
 +    'VISITOR' => array('Host','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit date','[Start date of last visit]','[Last page of last visit]'),
 +    'DAY' => array('Date','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Visits'),
 +    'DOMAIN' => array('Domain','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth'),
 +    'LOGIN' => array('Login','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit'),
 +    'ROBOT' => array('Robot ID','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit','Hits on robots.txt'),
 +    'WORMS' => array('Worm ID','Hits','Bandwidth','Last visit'),
 +    'SESSION' => array('Session range','Number of visits'),
 +    'SIDER' => array('URL','Pages','Bandwidth','Entry','Exit'),
 +    'FILETYPES' => array('Files type','Hits','Bandwidth','Bandwidth without compression','Bandwidth after compression'),
 +    'OS' => array('OS ID','Hits'),
 +    'BROWSER' => array('Browser ID','Hits'),
 +    'SCREENSIZE' => array('Screen size','Hits'),
 +    'UNKNOWNREFERER' => array('Unknown referer OS','Last visit date'),
 +    'UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER' => array('Unknown referer Browser','Last visit date'),
 +    'ORIGIN' => array('Origin','Pages','Hits '),
 +    'SEREFERRALS' => array('Search engine referers ID','Pages','Hits'),
 +    'PAGEREFS' => array('External page referers','Pages','Hits'),
 +    'SEARCHWORDS' => array('Search keyphrases','Number of search'),
 +    'KEYWORDS' => array('Search keywords','Number of search'),
 +    'MISC' => array('Misc ID','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth'),
 +    'ERRORS' => array('Errors','Hits','Bandwidth'),
 +    'CLUSTER' => array('Cluster ID','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth'),
 +    'SIDER_404' => array('URL with 404 errors','Hits','Last URL referer'),
 +    'EXTRA_1' => array('Extra key','Pages','Hits','Bandwidth','Last access')
 +Alternativ kann man auch gleich bei der Installation von betterawstats, auf die angepasste Version von [[http://repository.nausch.org/public/betterawstats-1.0.a.zip|hier]] zurückgreifen. 
 +==== erstes Ergebnis ====
 +Nach erfolgreicher Konfiguration steht dem ersten Aufruf nichts mehr im Wege. Der Aufruf erfolgt bei dem hier gezeigtem Konfigurationsbeispiel über folgende URL:
 +   $ firefox http://betterawstats.nausch.org
 +{{ :centos:betterawstats_00.png?nolink&600 |Bild: Bildschirmhardcopy von BetterAWStats}}
 +==== Optimierung mit JpGraph ====
 +Mit Hilfe der objektorientiereten Graphikbibliothek [[http://jpgraph.net/|JpGraph]], die speziell für PHP entwickelt wurde, optimieren wir nun noch unsere BetterAWStatsinstallation.
 +Hierzu laden wir uns von der [[http://jpgraph.net/download/|Downloadseite des Projekts]] die [[http://jpgraph.net/download/download.php?p=5|aktuelle Version 3.x]] auf unseren Server. Anschließend entpacken wir das Archiv direkt in unserem lokalen BetterAWStats-Installationsverzeichnis.
 +   # tar xzfv jpgraph-3.5.0b1.tar.gz -C /usr/share/betterawstats/
 +Bevor wir uns nun an die Anpassung unserer Konfiguration machen, passen wir kurz noch die Verzeichnis und Dateirechte an.
 +   # chown apache.apache /usr/share/betterawstats/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/ -R
 +Abschließend ergänzen wir noch die Konfigurationsdatei von BetterAWStats.
 +   # vim /usr/share/betterawstats/config.php
 +<code php>...
 +//*          JPGRAPH SETTINGS
 +// NAME:    Enable JPgraph?
 +// INFO:    To use JPGraph, you have to download it from
 +//          http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/jpdownload.php.
 +// DEFAULT: true
 +// POSSIBLE VALUES: true, false
 +// Django : 2013-12-29
 +// default: 
 +//$BAW_CONF['use_jpgraph'] = false;
 +$BAW_CONF['use_jpgraph'] = true;
 +// NAME:    Path to JPGraph
 +// INFO:    Where is your JPGraph installation? (The folder where jpgraph.php is
 +//          in. No trailing slash)
 +// DEFAULT: '/path/to/betterawstats/jpgraph/src'
 +// Django : 2013-12-29
 +// default: $BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] = '/path/to/betterawstats/jpgraph/src';
 +$BAW_CONF['jpgraph_path'] = '/usr/share/betterawstats/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src';
 +===== Website Analytics mit Piwik =====
 +Einen ganz anderen Ansatz, nämlich nicht das Auswerten der Serverlogs, sondern das Sammeln von Informationen über den Client, geht [[http://piwik.org|Piwik]]. Ähnlich wie bei **Google Analytics** werden Informationen zum Besuch unserer Seiten gewonnen. Diese Daten werden jedoch nicht an Dritte, in dem Falle Google, weitergegeben - die ev. dann sonst was damit veranstalten - sondern auf unserem eigenen Server abgespeichert.
 +Eine ausführliche (Installations-)Beschreibung zu **Piwik** findet man [[centos:piwik|hier]].
 +====== Links ======
 +  * **[[wiki:start|Zurück zu Projekte und Themenkapitel]]**
 +  * **[[http://dokuwiki.nausch.org/doku.php/|Zurück zur Startseite]]**