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Authentification auf Userebene und Webseiten unter CentOS 7.x

OpenLDAP Logo Natürlich wollen wir bei der Authentifikation unserer Cleints auf unseren zentralen OpenLDAP-Verzeichnisdienst zurückgreifen. Nachfolgend werden wir auf einige Beispiele eingehen.

  1. lokale Benutzer
    Bei den betreffenden Clients wollen wir nun die Authentifizierung der einzelnen User nicht mehr gegen die lokale /etc/shadow laufen lassen, denn dazu müssten wir nun auf jedem Host die User manuell (nach)pflegen. Schließlich sollen die User, egal an welchem Host sie sich anmelden, immer auch das gleiche Passwort benutzen können. Nicht zuletzt aus diesem Gründen, haben wir uns für einen zentralen OpenLDAP-Server entschieden.
  2. remote Benutzer
    Melden sich unsere Nutzer an unseren Webseiten an, die eine Authentifikation zum Abruf der Seiten notwendig machen, sollen die User sich mit Ihrem bekannten Nutzerkennung und Passwort aus dem zentralen OpenLDAP-Verzeichnisdienst tun. Hierzu betrachetn wir die nötigen Konfigurationsmaßnahmen an den beiden Webservern Apache und NGiNX.

Wir haben nun in der Datei /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem die nötigen Root-Zertifikate und müssen nun nur noch unserem openldap-client mitteilen, diesen auch zu nutzen. Hierzu editieren wir nun die Konfigurationsdatei des openldap-clients.

 # vim /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
# LDAP Defaults
# See ldap.conf(5) for details
# This file should be world readable but not world writable.
#BASE           dc=example,dc=com
#URI            ldap://ldap.example.com ldap://ldap-master.example.com:666
# Django: 2015-07-17
# defaul: unset
#         Definition des standardmässig abgefragten Teilbaums / Searchbase
#         Anfragen werden unterhalb von dc=nausch, dc=org ausgeführt
BASE            dc=nausch, dc=org
#         Definition des LDAP-Servers 
URI             ldap://openldap.dmz.nausch.org
#SIZELIMIT      12
#TIMELIMIT      15
#DEREF          never
# Django : 2015-07-17
# default:      TLS_CACERTDIR   /etc/openldap/certs
# Django : 2015-07-16
#          Pfad und Datei mit den vertrauenswürdigen Root-Zertifikaten
# default: unset
TLS_CACERT      /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
# Turning this off breaks GSSAPI used with krb5 when rdns = false

Zum Testen richten wir erneut eine Anfrage an unseren OpenLDP-Server.

 # ldapsearch -W -x -b "dc=nausch,dc=org" "uid=django" \
              -D "cn=Technischeruser,dc=nausch,dc=org" -LLL \
              -H ldaps://openldap.dmz.nausch.org
Enter LDAP Password: 
dn: uid=django,ou=People,dc=nausch,dc=org
uid: django
cn: django
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
shadowLastChange: 16617
shadowMin: 0
shadowMax: 99999
shadowWarning: 7
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 1000
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /home/django
gecos: django
userPassword:: RGQ0bWRkMyE=
 # yum install nscd nss-pam-ldapd -y
 # rpm -qil nscd
Name        : nscd
Version     : 2.17
Release     : 78.el7
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Mo 20 Jul 2015 16:30:11 CEST
Group       : System Environment/Daemons
Size        : 183104
License     : LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+
Signature   : RSA/SHA256, Sa 14 Mär 2015 09:20:11 CET, Key ID 24c6a8a7f4a80eb5
Source RPM  : glibc-2.17-78.el7.src.rpm
Build Date  : Do 05 Mär 2015 22:50:19 CET
Build Host  : worker1.bsys.centos.org
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager    : CentOS BuildSystem <http://bugs.centos.org>
Vendor      : CentOS
URL         : http://www.gnu.org/software/glibc/
Summary     : A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd).
Description :
Nscd caches name service lookups and can dramatically improve
performance with NIS+, and may help with DNS as well.
 # rpm -qil nss-pam-ldapd
Name        : nss-pam-ldapd
Version     : 0.8.13
Release     : 8.el7
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Mo 20 Jul 2015 16:30:14 CEST
Group       : System Environment/Base
Size        : 416576
License     : LGPLv2+
Signature   : RSA/SHA256, Fr 04 Jul 2014 05:58:15 CEST, Key ID 24c6a8a7f4a80eb5
Source RPM  : nss-pam-ldapd-0.8.13-8.el7.src.rpm
Build Date  : Di 10 Jun 2014 08:03:46 CEST
Build Host  : worker1.bsys.centos.org
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager    : CentOS BuildSystem <http://bugs.centos.org>
Vendor      : CentOS
URL         : http://arthurdejong.org/nss-pam-ldapd/
Summary     : An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
Description :
The nss-pam-ldapd daemon, nslcd, uses a directory server to look up name
service information (users, groups, etc.) on behalf of a lightweight
nsswitch module.
 # man authconfig
AUTHCONFIG(8)                      System Manager's Manual                      AUTHCONFIG(8)

       authconfig,  authconfig-tui  -  an  interface  for  configuring  system authentication

              [options]  {--update|--updateall|--test|--probe|--restorebackup  <name>|--save‐
              backup <name>|--restorelastbackup}

       authconfig  provides  a  simple method of configuring /etc/sysconfig/network to handle
       NIS, as well as /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, the files used for shadow  password  sup‐
       port.  Basic LDAP, Kerberos 5, and Winbind client configuration is also provided.

       If --test action is specified, the authconfig just reads the current settings from the
       various configuration files and prints their values.  If --update action is specified,
       authconfig  must be run by root (or through console helper), and configuration changes
       are saved. Only the files affected by the configuration changes are  overwritten.   If
       --updateall  action  is  specified, authconfig must be run by root (or through console
       helper), and all configuration files are written.  The --probe action instructs  auth‐
       config  to  use DNS and other means to guess at configuration information for the cur‐
       rent host, print its guesses if it finds them, to standard output, and exit.

       The --restorebackup, --savebackup, and --restorelastbackup actions provide a possibil‐
       ity  to  save and later restore a backup of configuration files which authconfig modi‐
       fies. Authconfig also saves an automatic backup of configuration  files  before  every
       configuration  change.  This special backup can be restored by the --restorelastbackup

       If --nostart is specified (which is what the install program does),  ypbind  or  other
       daemons  will  not  be started or stopped immediately following program execution, but
       only enabled to start or stop at boot time.

       The --enablenis, --enableldap, --enablewinbind, and --enablehesiod options are used to
       configure user information services in /etc/nsswitch.conf, the --enablecache option is
       used to configure naming services caching, and the  --enableshadow,  --enableldapauth,
       --enablekrb5,  and  --enablewinbindauth  options  are used to configure authentication
       functions via /etc/pam.d/system-auth.  Each --enable has a matching  --disable  option
       that  disables  the  service  if  it  is already enabled. The respective services have
       parameters which configure their server names etc.

       The algorithm used for storing new password hashes can be specified by the  --passalgo
       option  which  takes  one  of  the following possible values as a parameter: descrypt,
       bigcrypt, md5, sha256, and sha512.

       The --enablelocauthorize option allows to bypass checking network authentication  ser‐
       vices  for  authorization  and  the --enablesysnetauth allows authentication of system
       accounts (with uid < 500) by these services.

       When the configuration settings allow use of SSSD for user  information  services  and
       authentication, SSSD will be automatically used instead of the legacy services and the
       SSSD configuration will be set up so there is a default domain populated with the set‐
       tings  required to connect the services. The --enablesssd and --enablesssdauth options
       force adding SSSD to /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam.d/system-auth, but  they  do  not
       set  up  the  domain in the SSSD configuration files. The SSSD configuration has to be
       set up manually. The allowed configuration of services for SSSD  are:  LDAP  for  user
       information   (--enableldap)   and   either   LDAP   (--enableldapauth),  or  Kerberos
       (--enablekrb5) for authentication.

       In case SSSD does not support some feature of the legacy services  that  are  required
       for  the  site  configuration, the use of the legacy services can be forced by setting
       FORCELEGACY=yes in /etc/sysconfig/authconfig.

       The list of options mentioned here in the manual page is not exhaustive, please  refer
       to authconfig --help for the complete list of the options.

       The  authconfig-tui  supports all options of authconfig but it implies --update as the
       default action. Its window contains a Cancel button by default. If  --back  option  is
       specified  at  run  time, a Back button is presented instead. If --kickstart is speci‐
       fied, no interactive screens will be seen. The values the program  will  use  will  be
       those specified by the other options (--passalgo, --enableshadow, etc.).

       For  namelist  you  may  substitute  either a single name or a comma-separated list of

       The authconfig-tui is deprecated. No new configuration settings will be  supported  by
       its  text user interface. Use system-config-authentication GUI application or the com‐
       mand line options instead.

       The /usr/bin/authconfig uses the consolehelper to  authenticate  as  the  system  user
       before  it starts up. If you want to run it directly without the authentication as the
       system user, run the /usr/sbin/authconfig command.

       The SSSD service is enabled and possibly started by authconfig when at  least  two  of
       the following three conditions are met:
       1) /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file exists (or is configured via the implicit SSSD support)
       2) SSSD authentication is enabled (pam_sss.so is used in PAM configuration)
       3) SSSD is enabled for user identity (nsswitch.conf contains sss)

       When  --update  action  is  used the enablement or disablement and possible restart of
       services happens only in case the changed configuration options affect the service  to
       be  restarted. This means that if for example the ypbind service is enabled with auth‐
       config --update --nostart --enablenis but not started and you  run  the  same  command
       without the --nostart later the ypbind service will not be started because no configu‐
       ration change affecting ypbind happened.

       authconfig returns 0 on success, 1 on backup operation errors, 2 if not  running  with
       sufficient  privileges, 3 if unknown password hash algorithm is specified or incorrect
       values are set for password strength checking (this error is non fatal), 4 if download
       of CA certificate fails, 5 if writing configuration files fails on --updateall action,
       6 if writing fails on --update action, 7 if Winbind or IPA domain join fails.

       authconfig-tui returns 0 on success, 2 on error, and 1 if the user cancelled the  pro‐
       gram (by using either the Cancel or Back button). It can also return the same codes as

              Used to track whether or not particular  authentication  mechanisms  are
              enabled.   Currently includes variables named USESHADOW, USEMD5, USEKER‐
              USENIS, USELDAP, and others.
              Used for shadow password support.
              Configuration file for NIS support.
              Another configuration file for NIS support.
              Used  to  configure nss_ldap, pam_ldap, nslcd, and the OpenLDAP library.
              Only the files already existing on the system are modified.
              Used to configure Kerberos 5.
              Used to configure Hesiod.
              Used to configure winbind authentication.
              Used to configure user information services.
              Used to configure parameters of user accounts (minimum UID of a  regular
              user, password hashing algorithm).
              Common  PAM configuration for system services which include it using the
              include directive. It is created as  symlink  and  not  relinked  if  it
              points to another file.
              Contains  the  actual  PAM  configuration for system services and is the
              default target of the /etc/pam.d/system-auth symlink. If a local config‐
              uration  of  PAM  is  created (and symlinked from system-auth file) this
              file can be included there.

       authconfig-gtk(8), system-auth-ac(5), passwd(5), shadow(5), pwconv(1),  domain‐
       name(1), ypbind(8), nsswitch.conf(5), smb.conf(5), sssd(8)

       Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>, Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com>,
       Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>, Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com>

Red Hat, Inc.                            22 July 2011                           AUTHCONFIG(8)
 # authconfig --enableldap \
     --enableldapauth \
     --ldapserver=dlp.nausch.org \
     --ldapbasedn="dc=nausch,dc=org" \
     --enablemkhomedir \
 # vim /etc/nslcd.conf
# This is the configuration file for the LDAP nameservice
# switch library's nslcd daemon. It configures the mapping
# between NSS names (see /etc/nsswitch.conf) and LDAP
# information in the directory.
# See the manual page nslcd.conf(5) for more information.
# The user and group nslcd should run as.
uid nslcd
gid ldap
# The uri pointing to the LDAP server to use for name lookups.
# Multiple entries may be specified. The address that is used
# here should be resolvable without using LDAP (obviously).
#uri ldap://
#uri ldaps://
#uri ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fldapi_sock/
# Note: %2f encodes the '/' used as directory separator
# Django : 2015-07-20
# default: uri ldap://
uri ldaps://openldap.dmz.nausch.org
# The LDAP version to use (defaults to 3
# if supported by client library)
#ldap_version 3
# The distinguished name of the search base.
# Django : 2015-07-20
# default: base dc=example,dc=com
base dc=nausch,dc=org
# The distinguished name to bind to the server with.
# Optional: default is to bind anonymously.
#binddn cn=proxyuser,dc=example,dc=com
# Django : 2015-07-20
# default: unset
binddn cn=Technischeruser,dc=nausch,dc=org
# The credentials to bind with.
# Optional: default is no credentials.
# Note that if you set a bindpw you should check the permissions of this file.
#bindpw secret
# Django : 2015-07-20
# default: unset
bindpw e1n531f!D4xIi57n393I1354u!
# The distinguished name to perform password modifications by root by.
#rootpwmoddn cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
# The default search scope.
#scope sub
#scope one
#scope base
# Customize certain database lookups.
#base   group  ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
#base   passwd ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
#base   shadow ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
#scope  group  onelevel
#scope  hosts  sub
# Bind/connect timelimit.
#bind_timelimit 30
# Search timelimit.
#timelimit 30
# Idle timelimit. nslcd will close connections if the
# server has not been contacted for the number of seconds.
#idle_timelimit 3600
# Use StartTLS without verifying the server certificate.
#ssl start_tls
#tls_reqcert never
# CA certificates for server certificate verification
#tls_cacertdir /etc/ssl/certs
#tls_cacertfile /etc/ssl/ca.cert
# Seed the PRNG if /dev/urandom is not provided
#tls_randfile /var/run/egd-pool
# SSL cipher suite
# See man ciphers for syntax
#tls_ciphers TLSv1
# Client certificate and key
# Use these, if your server requires client authentication.
# Mappings for Services for UNIX 3.5
#filter passwd (objectClass=User)
#map    passwd uid              msSFU30Name
#map    passwd userPassword     msSFU30Password
#map    passwd homeDirectory    msSFU30HomeDirectory
#map    passwd homeDirectory    msSFUHomeDirectory
#filter shadow (objectClass=User)
#map    shadow uid              msSFU30Name
#map    shadow userPassword     msSFU30Password
#filter group  (objectClass=Group)
#map    group  member           msSFU30PosixMember
# Mappings for Services for UNIX 2.0
#filter passwd (objectClass=User)
#map    passwd uid              msSFUName
#map    passwd userPassword     msSFUPassword
#map    passwd homeDirectory    msSFUHomeDirectory
#map    passwd gecos            msSFUName
#filter shadow (objectClass=User)
#map    shadow uid              msSFUName
#map    shadow userPassword     msSFUPassword
#map    shadow shadowLastChange pwdLastSet
#filter group  (objectClass=Group)
#map    group  member           posixMember
# Mappings for Active Directory
#pagesize 1000
#referrals off
#idle_timelimit 800
#filter passwd (&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer))(uidNumber=*)(unixHomeDirectory=*))
#map    passwd uid              sAMAccountName
#map    passwd homeDirectory    unixHomeDirectory
#map    passwd gecos            displayName
#filter shadow (&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer))(uidNumber=*)(unixHomeDirectory=*))
#map    shadow uid              sAMAccountName
#map    shadow shadowLastChange pwdLastSet
#filter group  (objectClass=group)
# Alternative mappings for Active Directory
# (replace the SIDs in the objectSid mappings with the value for your domain)
#pagesize 1000
#referrals off
#idle_timelimit 800
#filter passwd (&(objectClass=user)(objectClass=person)(!(objectClass=computer)))
#map    passwd uid           cn
#map    passwd uidNumber     objectSid:S-1-5-21-3623811015-3361044348-30300820
#map    passwd gidNumber     objectSid:S-1-5-21-3623811015-3361044348-30300820
#map    passwd homeDirectory "/home/$cn"
#map    passwd gecos         displayName
#map    passwd loginShell    "/bin/bash"
#filter group (|(objectClass=group)(objectClass=person))
#map    group gidNumber      objectSid:S-1-5-21-3623811015-3361044348-30300820
# Mappings for AIX SecureWay
#filter passwd (objectClass=aixAccount)
#map    passwd uid              userName
#map    passwd userPassword     passwordChar
#map    passwd uidNumber        uid
#map    passwd gidNumber        gid
#filter group  (objectClass=aixAccessGroup)
#map    group  cn               groupName
#map    group  gidNumber        gid
# This comment prevents repeated auto-migration of settings.
 # systemctl start nslcd.service
 # systemctl status nslcd.service -l

nslcd.service - Naming services LDAP client daemon.
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nslcd.service; disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mo 2015-07-20 17:06:44 CEST; 34s ago
  Process: 8771 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nslcd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 8774 (nslcd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/nslcd.service
           └─8774 /usr/sbin/nslcd

Jul 20 17:06:44 vml010052.intra.nausch.org systemd[1]: Starting Naming services LDAP client daemon....
Jul 20 17:06:44 vml010052.intra.nausch.org systemd[1]: PID file /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
Jul 20 17:06:44 vml010052.intra.nausch.org nslcd[8774]: version 0.8.13 starting
Jul 20 17:06:44 vml010052.intra.nausch.org systemd[1]: Started Naming services LDAP client daemon..
Jul 20 17:06:44 vml010052.intra.nausch.org nslcd[8774]: accepting connections

# systemctl enable nslcd.service
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/nslcd.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nslcd.service'
# systemctl is-enabled nslcd.service
# systemctl is-enabled nslcd.service


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  • centos/ldap_c7/clientauth.1437405215.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 20.07.2015 15:13.
  • von django