# -*- python -*- # Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """This module contains your site-specific settings. From a brand new distribution it should be copied to mm_cfg.py. If you already have an mm_cfg.py, be careful to add in only the new settings you want. Mailman's installation procedure will never overwrite your mm_cfg.py file. The complete set of distributed defaults, with documentation, are in the file Defaults.py. In mm_cfg.py, override only those you want to change, after the from Defaults import * line (see below). Note that these are just default settings; many can be overridden via the administrator and user interfaces on a per-list or per-user basis. """ ############################################### # Here's where we get the distributed defaults. from Defaults import * import pwd, grp ################################################## # Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line. #ATTENTION: when you use SELinux, mailman might not #be able to recompile the configuration file #due to policy settings. If this is the case, #please run (as root) the supplied "mailman-update-cfg" script ############################################################## # Here's where we override shipped defaults with settings # # suitable for the RPM package. # MAILMAN_UID = pwd.getpwnam('mailman')[2] MAILMAN_GID = grp.getgrnam('mailman')[2] ############################################################## # Set URL and email domain names # # # Mailman needs to know about (at least) two fully-qualified domain # names (fqdn) # # 1) the hostname used in your urls (DEFAULT_URL_HOST) # 2) the hostname used in email addresses for your domain (DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) # # For example, if people visit your Mailman system with # "http://www.dom.ain/mailman" then your url fqdn is "www.dom.ain", # and if people send mail to your system via "yourlist@dom.ain" then # your email fqdn is "dom.ain". DEFAULT_URL_HOST controls the former, # and DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST controls the latter. Mailman also needs to # know how to map from one to the other (this is especially important # if you're running with virtual domains). You use # "add_virtualhost(urlfqdn, emailfqdn)" to add new mappings. # Default to using the FQDN of machine mailman is running on. # If this is not correct for your installation delete the following 5 # lines that acquire the FQDN and manually edit the hosts instead. from socket import * try: fqdn = getfqdn() except: fqdn = 'mm_cfg_has_unknown_host_domains' # Django : 2013-02-21 # default: DEFAULT_URL_HOST = fqdn # DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = fqdn DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.nausch.org' DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.nausch.org' # Because we've overriden the virtual hosts above add_virtualhost # MUST be called after they have been defined. add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) ############################################################## # Put YOUR site-specific configuration below, in mm_cfg.py . # # See Defaults.py for explanations of the values. # # Django : 2013-02-21 # Postfix als MTA benutzen MTA = 'Postfix' POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['lists.nausch.org'] # Django : 2013-02-21 # Einlieferung auf Port 10025 beim AMaViS, da die eMail ja bereits eingehend vom Virenscanner bearbeitet wurde. SMTPHOST = '' SMTPPORT = '10025' # Django : 2013-02-21 # Standardsprache deutsch DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE = 'de' # Django : 2013-02-21 # SSL-Zugriff auf den Seiten aktivieren DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/' # Django : 2013-02-21 # #DEFAULT_URL_ = 'https://lists.nausch.org/mailman/' # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Mailman setzt einen eigenen reply-to Header auf die Liste DEFAULT_REPLY_GOES_TO_LIST = 1 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe fuer maximale Nachrichtengroesse in kByte DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 512 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Bein an-/Abmelden von der Liste erhaelt der Listenadmin keine Benachrichtigung DEFAULT_ADMIN_NOTIFY_MCHANGES = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # User und Passwort fuer die NNTP-Koppelung #NNTP_USERNAME = 'mailman-it-ignorant' #NNTP_PASSWORD = 'D4ng0-i$-a-G33k!' #DEFAULT_NNTP_HOST = 'news.it-ignorant.de' # Django : 2013-02-21 # Vorhandene DKIM-Header entfernen REMOVE_DKIM_HEADERS = Yes # Django : 2013-02-21 # Contentfilter aktivieren DEFAULT_FILTER_CONTENT = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Soll Mailman von MIME-Mails mit multipart/alternative nur den ersten MIME-Teil nehmen? DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ALTERNATIVES = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Soll Mailman Teile der Nachricht mit dem Mime-Typtext/html in reinen blanken ASCII-Text konvertieren? DEFAULT_CONVERT_HTML_TO_PLAINTEXT = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Aktion die ausgeloest wird, wenn eine Nachricht auf die Filterregeln zutrifft. # 0 = wegwerfen, 1 = ablehnen, 2 = Weiterleiten an Listen-Admin, 3 = Aufheben DEFAULT_FILTER_ACTION = 2 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Optionen fuer die Konvertierung von HTML eMails in Plain-Text eMails HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/lynx -nomargins -dump %(filename)s' # Django : 2013-02-21 # Definition der zugelassenen Zeichen im Listenname ACCEPTABLE_LISTNAME_CHARACTERS = '[-+_.=a-z0-9]' # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Keine monatlichen passwortreminder eMails verschicken DEFAULT_SEND_REMINDERS = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Willkommensnachricht soll verschickt werden DEFAULT_SEND_WELCOME_MSG = Yes # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Benachrichtigungsmail nach dem Abmelden verschicken DEFAULT_SEND_GOODBYE_MSG = Yes # Django : 2013-02-21 # Keine Site Cookies fuer den Administrator nutzen ALLOW_SITE_ADMIN_COOKIES = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Nur der Listenverwalter darf die Teilnehmerliste einsehen. DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ROSTER = 2 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Archivierung ausgeschaltet DEFAULT_ARCHIVE = off # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: Sofern ein Listenarchiv angelegt wird, # ist diese nur den Listenteilnehmern zugaenglich DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_PRIVATE = 1 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Wann soll ein Archiv angelegt werden? # 0 = jaehrlich # 1 = monatlich # 2 = quartalsweise # 3 = woechentlich # 4 = taeglich DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_VOLUME_FREQUENCY = 1 DEFAULT_DIGEST_VOLUME_FREQUENCY = 1 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Listenadministrator darf seine Liste nicht loeschen OWNERS_CAN_DELETE_THEIR_OWN_LISTS = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Listenadministrator darf *nicht* den Personalisierungsmode aktivieren (Performancekritisch) OWNERS_CAN_ENABLE_PERSONALIZATION = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # Listenadministrator darf keine Userpasswoerter loeschen und aendern OWNERS_CAN_CHANGE_MEMBER_PASSWORDS = No # Django : 2013-02-21 # kryptische Passwoerter generieren und Passwortlaenge vorgeben USER_FRIENDLY_PASSWORDS = No MEMBER_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8 ADMIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 10 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Defaultvorgabe: VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW = On # When set to Yes, the listinfo and admin overviews of lists on the machine # will be confined to only those lists whose web_page_url configuration option # host is included within the URL by which the page is visited - only those # "on the virtual host". When set to No, all advertised (i.e. public) lists # are included in the overview. VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW = 0 # Django : 2013-02-21 # Einstellungen fuer das Design der Seite(n) WEB_BG_COLOR = '#fffcfc' # Page background 'white' WEB_HEADER_COLOR = '#ff8800' # Major section headers "99ccff hellblau" WEB_SUBHEADER_COLOR = '#ffbb00' # Minor section headers "dunkles orange" WEB_ADMINITEM_COLOR = '#ffae51' # Option field background "dddddd hellgrau" WEB_ADMINPW_COLOR = '#99cccc' # Password box color "99cccc dreckiges graublau" WEB_ERROR_COLOR = 'red' # Error message foreground WEB_LINK_COLOR = '' # If true, forces LINK= WEB_ALINK_COLOR = '' # If true, forces ALINK= WEB_VLINK_COLOR = '' # If true, forces VLINK= WEB_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = '#ffe292' # If true, alternating rows "#dddddd" # in listinfo & admin display # Django : 2013-02-21 # Mailman Version verstecken VERSION = '2.1.x' # Django : 2013-02-21 # eigenes favicon benutzen SHORTCUT_ICON = 'django_favicon.ico' # Note - if you're looking for something that is imported from mm_cfg, but you # didn't find it above, it's probably in Defaults.py.