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SPF - Sender Policy Framework

SPF Logo Mit Hilfe von SPF1) kann definiert werden, welche Mailserver für welche Domains eMails verschickt werden (können), oder nicht, oder anders ausgedrückt, soll das Fälschen von Absender-Angaben mit Hilfe von SPF erschwert werden. Genauer gesagt schreibt das SPF fest, welcher MTA2) abgehend für den Versandt von e-Mails einer Domain zugelassen ist. Wichtige Hinweise zu SPF findet man bei Bedarf im RFC 4408 oder auch auf der Webseite von openspf.org.

Mit SPF soll hauptsächlich Absenderadressfälschungen verhindert werden, nicht jedoch direkt Spam zu bekämpfen. Dieses here Ziel wirft bei genauerer Betrachtung viele Fragen auf und erzeugt bei manchen Mailserver-Betreibern nicht gerade viel Begeisterungsstürme. Probleme tauchen mit unter bei Mailumleitungen, Mailinglisten und/oder WebFormularen auf. Auch wird bei sehr konservativen SPF-Definition die Möglichkeit verhindert, eMails mit eigener Absender-eMail-Adresse über einen dritten Rechner zu versenden. Es wäre also nur möglich eMails auch über den Mail-Server zu versenden, auf dem auch das Postfach liegt! Speziell auch Beim Versand über ein z.B. WebFormular, oder eine Web-Grußkarte über einen Drittanbieter wäre dann kein Versand mehr möglich!

Beim SPF wird ein TXT-Record in der Zonendatei der betreffenden (Mail)Domain eingetragen. Dort wird definiert, welche SMTP-Server berechtigt sind, Nachrichten der (Mail)Domain zu verschicken. Mailserver können dann bei der Annahme der eMails abfragen, ob der sendende Mailserver überhaupt berechtigt ist, diese Nachricht zu verschicken.

Weitere Informationen rund um SPF findet man im übrigen auf der Wikipedia Seite.

Aus den eingangs genannten Gründen sollte eine Sender Policy Framework Definition so gewählt werden, das auch weiterhin Nachrichten umgeleitet, Mailinglisten oder bei Bedarf Webformulare genutzt werden können.

Ein SPF-Record beinhaltet mehrere Angaben, die jeweils von links nach rechts ausgewertet werden. Der erste Wert gibt an, welche SPF-Version genutzt wird, aktuell SPF-Version „v=spf1“. Anschließend können mehrere IPv4- und/oder IPv6-Adressen angegeben werden, die entweder berechtigt oder vom Mailversand ausgeschlossen sein sollen. Diese Berechtigung wird dabei über einen Qualifier definiert. Es stehen folgende Werte zur Verfügung:

  • + : positiv Die nachfolgende IP-Adresse ist als legitimer Sender definiert. Wird kein Qualifer angegeben, wird automatisch der Wert + herangezogen (Defaulteinstellung).
  • - : negativ Die nachfolgende IP-Adresse definiert ein nicht autorisiertes Sendesystem Fail die Direktive definiert nicht autorisierte Sender
  • ? : neutral Über die Rechtmäßigkeit des Sendesystems kann nichts ausgesagt werden; Der Sender muß daher akzeptiert werden.
  • ~ : soft-fail Die nachfolgende IP-Adresse definiert ein nicht autorisiertes Sendesystem. Das Empfangssystem soll jedoch die Annahme der Nachricht dennoch annehmen (Test-Qualifier).

Neben der IP-Adressangabe mittels ip4 bzw.ip6, gibt es noch vier weitere Parameter, die im SPF-Record Anwendung finden.

  • a definiert einen A-Record der Domäne
  • mx definiert eine IP-Adresse, die im MX-Record der Domäne definiert wurde.
  • all Alle anderen IP-Adressen, also den Rest der weiten Welt.
  • include Einbinden einer weiteren SPF-Abfrage.

In der Regel wird man bei der Definition folgenden Festlegung treffen: eMails werden normalerweise immer von den IP-Adressen des zuständigen Mailserver versandt, können aber auch von anderen Servern verschickt werden. Als SPF-Record ergibt das dann „v=spf1 ip4: mx ?all“ im Falle des Mailservers mx01.nausch.org mit der IP-Adresse:

Wir tragen also bei unserem zuständigen DNS entsprechend die richtigen Daten ein.

 nausch.org                              IN      TXT     "v=spf1 ip4: mx ?all"

Über die URL SPF Record Testing Tools kann man online bei Bedarf testen, ob der SPF-Eintrag soweit richtig ist.

Neben der Befragung von Black-/White-Listen, dem Nutzen von Greylisting oder policyd-weight, können wir SPF bei der Bewertung von eingehenden Sendungen heranziehen. Wir greifen bei der SPF-Bewertung auf den Postfix Poliyd-Daemon pypolicyd-spf einem Python-Script zurück. Wir finden diesen Daemon im EPEL-Repository.

Das RPM-Paket aus dem EPEL-Repository installieren wir am einfachsten mittels yum.

 # yum install pypolicyd-spf

Was uns das Paket alles mitbringt, zeigt uns wie immer der Aufruf von rpm -qil <paketname>

 # rpm -qil pypolicyd-spf
Name        : pypolicyd-spf                Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 1.2                               Vendor: Fedora Project
Release     : 3.el6                         Build Date: Mon 12 Aug 2013 04:54:00 AM CEST
Install Date: Sun 16 Mar 2014 10:33:12 AM CET      Build Host: buildvm-05.phx2.fedoraproject.org
Group       : Unspecified                   Source RPM: pypolicyd-spf-1.2-3.el6.src.rpm
Size        : 102907                           License: ASL 2.0
Signature   : RSA/8, Wed 14 Aug 2013 05:28:11 PM CEST, Key ID 3b49df2a0608b895
Packager    : Fedora Project
URL         : https://launchpad.net/pypolicyd-spf
Summary     : SPF Policy Server for Postfix (Python implementation)
Description :
pypolicyd-spf is a Postfix policy engine for Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
checking. It is implemented in pure Python and uses the python-spf (pyspf)

This SPF policy server implementation provides flexible options for different
receiver policies and sender whitelisting to enable it to support a very wide
range of requirements.

Hilfreiche Hinweise zur nötigen Konfiguration finden wir reichlich bei dem gut Dokumentiertem Projekt. Erste Anlaufstelle ist hierbei die Datei README.

 # less /usr/share/doc/pypolicyd-spf-1.2/README
Python Postfix Policy for SPF (python-policy-spf) 1.2
Python based policy daemon for Postfix SPF checking
Tumgreyspf source
 Copyright © 2004-2005, Sean Reifschneider, tummy.com, ltd.
python-policyd-spf changes
 Copyright © 2007-2012 Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>
Documentation inputs:
 Copyright © 2004-2005, Sean Reifschneider, tummy.com, ltd.
 2003-2004 Meng Weng Wong <mengwong@pobox.com> from postfix-policyd-spf-perl
 Copyright © 2007-2013 Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


This is python-policyd-spf, an external policy checker for the postfix mail
server.  It will use pyspf to check SPF records to determine if email should
be rejected by your server.

To install from the tar.gz (if this software has been packaged for your
distribution, the packaged version is recommended and should be installed
using your normal distribution packaging tools):

1.  Extract the package from the tarball (tar -xvvzf ...)
2.  Enter the package directory (cd ...)
3.  python setup.py build
4.  As root python setup.py install

It requires Python (python2.6, python2.7, or python3.2+), the pyspf
(python-spf) library version 2.0 or higher, and (for Python versions before
python3.3, the ipaddr module - for python3.3 and later the built-in ipaddress
module is used).  If pyspf not available through your packaging system, it can
be downloaded from:


If ipaddr not available through your packaging system, it can be downloaded


To use the optional RFC 5451 Authentication-Results header, the authres module
is also needed.  It can be downloaded from pypi or from:


Nothing is configured by default, so this will not interact with Postfix until
it has been set up.

See man 1 policyd-spf for information on setting up and using this policy

See man 5 policyd-spf.conf for configuration file information.


    # man policyd-spf
policy-spf(1)                                                    policy-spf(1)

       python-policyd-spf - pure-Python Postfix policy daemon for SPF checking


       NOTE: Depending on the packaging and distribution, the exact path to the executable may vary.

       $ policyd-spf (Start using installed config file)

       $ policyd-spf -h (Display usage message)

       $ policyd-spf /etc/policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf (Config file name to use)

       Configuration options are described in the sample configuration file provided with the pack-
       age (policyd-spf.conf.commented) and in policyd-spf.conf(5).  The provided setup.py installs
       an uncommented configuration file in /etc/policyd-spf/.

       Additionally, whitelisting certain IP addresses or IP addresses used by listed domains from
       SPF checks is supported.  Skipping SPF checks for local submission or trusted relays is also
       provided.  The sample configuration file and policyd-spf.conf(5) shows the format to use.

       This documentation assumes you have read Postfix’s README_FILES/ SMTPD_POLICY_README and are
       generally familiar with Sender Policy Framework (SPF).  See RFC 4408 for details.

       See man 5 policyd-spf.conf for configuration file information.

       man 5 policyd-spf.peruser provides documentation on setting up and using different configura-
       tion options on a per user (mail reciepient) basis.

       python-policyd-spf is a Postfix SMTPd policy daemon for SPF checking.  It is implemented in
       pure Python and uses the pyspf module.  The SPF web site is http://www.openspf.org/.  The
       Postfix configuration must be changed to check SPF.

       Logging is sent to syslogd.

       Each time a Postfix SMTP server process is started it connects to the policy service socket
       and Postfix runs one instance of this Python script.  By default, a Postfix SMTP server pro-
       cess terminates after 100 seconds of idle time, or after serving 100 clients.  Thus, the cost
       of starting this Python script is smoothed over time

       The default policy_time_limit is 1000 seconds.  This may be too short for some SMTP transac-
       tions to complete.  As recommended in SMTPD_POLICY_README, this should be extended to 3600
       seconds.  To do so, set "policy_time_limit = 3600" in /etc/postfix/main.cf.

       Messages that get a Fail SPF result will be rejected.  Messages that get a Permerror are, by
       default, treated as if they had no SPF record.  Messages that get a Temperror result are, by
       default, treated as if they had no SPF record, but can (and probably should) be deferred if
       otherwise permitted.  Messages that get other SPF results (Pass, None, Neutral, Softfail)
       will have the SPF Received header prepended.  Note: Spamasassisn 3.2 and follow will use this
       header for spam scoring so there is no need to configure a separate SPF check in these Spa-
       massassin versions.  See Spamassassin documentation for details.

       Default Mail From rejection/deferal criteria are, by design, conservative.  Default HELO
       check actions are to reject mail with other than Pass/None. HELO records are much simpler
       than Mail From records and rejecting based on HELO checking does not present a false positive
       risk.  These settings are a matter of local policy and should be adjusted to meet the
       requirements of site administrators.  See policyd-spf.conf(5) for configuration file details.
       Policyd-spf will log messages to syslog about it’s activities.  The "debugLevel" value in
       "policyd-spf.conf" can be increased to get additional information to be logged.  When set to
       a value of "0", only test results (SPF hits/misses) are logged.  Results will be returned to
       Postfix and logged as a warning by Postfix also.  For logging by this policy server, look for
       "policyd-spf" in your mail log files.

       Testing the policy daemon

       To test the policy daemon by hand, execute:


       Each query is a bunch of attributes.  Order does not matter, and the daemon uses only a few
       of all the attributes shown below:

           [empty line]

       The policy daemon will answer in the same style, with an attribute list followed by a empty

           [empty line]

        1. Add the following to /etc/postfix/master.cf:

               policyd-spf  unix  -       n       n       -       0       spawn
                   user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/policyd-spf

           NOTE: Check the path to both the installed Python interpreter and
                 policyd-spf.  These vary from system to system.  To use non-default
                 settings, you must also add the config file (see above and
                 policyd-spf.conf(5) for details).  If you run other services with
                 user nobody, create a dedicated user for this policy server and use
                 that instead.

        2. Configure the Postfix policy service in /etc/postfix/main.cf:

               smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
                   check_policy_service unix:private/policyd-spf
               policyd-spf_time_limit = 3600

           NOTE:  Specify check_policy_service AFTER reject_unauth_destination or
                  else your system can become an open relay.

        3. Reload Postfix.

       policyd-spf.conf(5), policyd-spf.peruser(5), python-spf, <http://www.openspf.org>, RFC 4408
       This version of python-policyd-spf was written by Copyright © 2007-2012 Scott Kitterman
       <scott@kitterman.com>.  It is derived from Tumgreyspf, written by Sean Reifschneider,
       tummy.com, ltd <jafo@tummy.com>. Portions of the documentation were written by Meng Weng Wong

       This man-page was created by Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>.

                                  2012-03-17                     policy-spf(1)


 # man 5 policyd-spf.conf
policy-spf.conf(5)                                          policy-spf.conf(5)

       python-policyd-spf - pure-Python Postfix policy daemon for SPF checking


         policyd-spf [/etc/policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf]

       This documentation assumes you have read Postfix’s README_FILES/ SMTPD_POLICY_README and are
       generally familiar with Sender Policy Framework (SPF).  See RFC 4408 for details.

       man 1 policyd-spf provides general operation documentation for this package.

       man 5 policyd-spf.peruser provides documentation on setting up and using different configura-
       tion options on a per user (mail reciepient) basis.

       python-policyd-spf operates with a default installed configuration file and set of default
       configuration options that are used if the configuration file cannot be found.  These options
       can be changed by changing the installed configuration files or through giving a path to an
       alternate configuration file.

       Configuration options are described here and in the configuration file provided with the
       package.  The provided setup.py installs this configuration file in /etc/policyd-spf/.

       Additionally, whitelisting certain IP addresses from SPF checks is supported.  This man page
       and the sample configuration file show the format to use.  These options can be adjusted on a
       per user (mail recipient) basis.  Details on per user settings can be found in policyd-

       "debugLevel" controls the amount of information logged by the policy server.

       The default, 1, logs no debugging messages, just basic SPF results and errors generated
       through the policy server.  This value can be increased up to 5 (values higher than 5 will
       not cause an error, but will not log any additional information).

       debug level 2 adds a log message if no client address (IP address from which the connection
       was made), Mail From addresss, or HELO/EHLO name is received by the policy server, and logs
       SPF results for each Mail From and HELO check.

       debug level 3 generates a log message each time the policy server starts and each time it
       exits, as well as logging a copy of the exact header returned to Postfix to be prepended into
       the message.  Each time the policy server starts, debug level 3 also logs the configuration
       information used by the policy server.

       debug level 4 logs the complete data set received by Postfix via the policy interface and
       when the end of the entry is read.

       debug level 5 is used to debug config file processing and can only be set in code and not via
       the config file.

       If debug level is 0, then the policy server logs errors only.


       debugLevel = 1

       The policy server can operate in a test only mode. This allows you to see the potential
       impact of SPF checking in your mail logs without rejecting mail.  Headers are prepended in
       messages, but message delivery is not affected. This mode is not enabled by default.  To
       enable it, set defaultSeedOnly = 0.


       defaultSeedOnly = 1

       HELO check rejection policy options are:

       SPF_Not_Pass (default) - Reject if result not Pass, None, or Temperror (alternatively put,
       reject if the SPF result is Fail, Softfail, Neutral, PermError). Unlike Mail From checking,
       there are no standard e-mail use cases where a HELO check should not Pass if there is an SPF
       record for the HELO name (transparent forwarding, for example, is not an issue). Technically
       this option is not fully RFC 4408 compliant since the SPF check for the Mail From identity is
       mandatory and Neutral and None results must be treated the same.  HELO/EHLO is known first in
       the SMTP dialogue and there is no practical reason to waste resources on Mail From checks if
       the HELO check will already cause the message to be rejected. These deviations should not
       cause interoperability problems when used for HELO.

       Softfail - Reject on HELO Softfail or Fail.  Technically this option is not fully RFC 4408
       compliant since the Mail From identity is mandatory, but HELO/ EHLO is known first in the
       SMTP dialogue and there is no practical reason to waste resources on Mail From checks if the
       HELO check will already cause the message to be rejected.

       Fail - Reject only on HELO Fail.  Technically this option is not fully RFC 4408 compliant
       since the Mail From identity is mandatory, but HELO/EHLO is known first in the SMTP dialogue
       and there is no practical reason to waste resources on Mail From checks if the HELO check
       will already cause the message to be rejected.

       Null - Only reject HELO Fail for Null sender (SPF Classic).  This is the approach used by the
       pre-RFC 4408 reference implementation and many of the pre- RFC specifications.  Use of at
       least this option (SPF_Not_Pass or Fail) are preferred) is highly recommended.

       False - Never reject on HELO, append header only. This is useful for post-SMTP spam filters
       such as SpamAssassin.

       No_Check - Never check HELO.  This is only recommended if you are calling the policy server
       twice (once for HELO checks and once for Mail From) with two different configuration files.
       This approach is useful to get both the HELO and Mail From headers prepended to a message.


       HELO_reject = SPF_Not_Pass

       HELO Pass Restriction allows integration with other Postfix access controls by provding a
       user supplied name of a postfix access restriction to be applied to a message when the HELO
       checking result is Pass.  The indicated restriction must be an action as defined for a Post-
       fix SMTP server access table access(5) and explained in the Postfix RESTRICTION CLASS README.
       The README.per_user_whitelisting file provided with this distribution provides examples.
       Note: A helo pass restriction will be the returned result even if the mail from result would
       cause the message to be rejected.


       HELO_pass_restriction = helo_passed_spf


       Mail From rejection policy options are:

       SPF_Not_Pass - Reject if result not Pass/None/Tempfail. This option is not RFC 4408 compliant
       since the mail with an SPF Neutral result is treated differently than mail with no SPF record
       and Softfail results are not supposed to cause mail rejection.  Global use of this option is
       not recommended. Use per-domain if needed (per-domain usage described below).

       Softfail - Reject on HELO Softfail or Fail.  Technically this option is not fully RFC 4408
       compliant since Softfail results are not supposed to cause mail rejection.  Global use of
       this option is not recommended. Use per-domain if needed (per-domain usage described below).

       Fail (default) - Reject on Mail From Fail.

       False - Never reject on Mail From, append header only.  This is useful for post-SMTP spam
       filters such as SpamAssassin.

       No_Check - Never check Mail From/Return Path.  This is only recommended if you are calling
       the policy server twice (once for HELO checks and once for Mail From) with two different con-
       figuration files.  This approach is useful to get both the HELO and Mail From headers
       prepended to a message.  It could also be used to do HELO checking only (because HELO check-
       ing has a lower false positive risk than Mail From checking), but this approach would not be
       fully RFC 4408 compliant since the Mail From identity is mandatory.


       Mail_From_reject = Fail

       Mail From Pass Restriction allows integration with other Postfix access contlols by provding
       a user supplied name of a postfix access restriction to be applied to a message when the HELO
       checking result is Pass.  The indicated restriction must be an action as defined for a Post-
       fix SMTP server access table access(5) and explained in the Postfix RESTRICTION CLASS README.
       Note: A mail from pass restriction will be the returned result even if the helo result would
       cause the message to be rejected.


       mail_from_pass_restriction = mfrom_passed_spf



Limit Rejections To Domains That Send No Mail
       No_Mail - Only reject when SPF indicates the host/domain sends no mail. This option will only
       cause mail to be rejected if the HELO/Mail From record is "v=spf1 -all".  This option is use-
       ful for rejecting mail in situations where the tolerance for rejecting wanted mail is very
       low. It operates on both HELO and Mail From identities if set.


       No_Mail = False

Domain Specific Receiver Policy
       Using this option, a list of domains can be defined for special processing when messages do
       not Pass SPF.  This can be useful for commonly spoofed domains that are not yet publishing
       SPF records with -all.  Specifically, if mail from a domain in this list has a Neutral/Soft-
       fail result, it will be rejected (as if it had a Fail result).  This option is not supported
       by RFC 4408, but if needed, it is better to do it on a per-domain basis rather than globally.


       Reject_Not_Pass_Domains = aol.com,hotmail.com



Permanent Error Processing
       Policy for rejecting due to SPF PermError options are:

       True - Reject the message if the SPF result (for HELO or Mail From) is PermError.  This has a
       higher short-term false positive risk, but does result in senders getting feedback that they
       have a problem with their SPF record.

       False - Treat PermError the same as no SPF record at all.  This is consistet with the pre-RFC
       usage (the pre-RFC name for this error was "Unknown").

       This is a global option that affects both HELO and Mail From scopes when checks for that
       scope are enabled. The only per scope setting that can over-ride this is
       Mail_From/HELO_reject = False/


       PermError_reject = False

Temporary Error Processing
       Policy for deferring messages due to SPF TempError options are:

       True - Defer the message if the SPF result (for HELO or Mail From) is TempError.  This is the
       traditional usage and has proven useful in reducing acceptance of unwanted messages.  Some-
       times spam senders do not retry.  Sometimes by the time a message is retried the sending IP
       has made it onto a DNS RBL and can then be rejected.  This is not the default because it is
       possible for some DNS errors that are classified as "Temporary" per RFC 4408 to be permanent
       in the sense that they require operator intervention to correct.

       This is a global option that affects both HELO and Mail From scopes when checks for that
       scope are enabled. The only per scope setting that can over-ride this is
       Mail_From/HELO_reject = False/

       False - Treat TempError the same as no SPF record at all.  This is the default to minimize
       false positive risk.


       TempError_Defer = False

Prospective SPF Check
       Prospective SPF checking - Check to see if mail sent from the defined IP address would pass.
       This is useful for outbound MTAs to avoid sending mail that would Fail SPF checks when
       received.  Disable HELO checking when using this option.  It’s only potentially useful for
       Mail From checking. SPF Received headers are not added when this option is used.

       Prospective =



       Do not check SPF for localhost addresses - add to skip addresses to skip SPF for internal
       networks if desired. Defaults are standard IPv4 and IPv6 localhost addresses. This can also
       be used, to allow mail from local clients submitting mail to an MTA also acting as a Mail
       Submission Agent (MSA) to be skipped.  An x-header is prepended indicating SPF checks were
       skipped due to a local address.  This is a trace header only.  Note the lack of spaces in the


       skip_addresses =,::ffff:,::1

       A comma separated CIDR Notation list of IP addresses to skip SPF checks for.  Use this list
       to whitelist trusted relays (such as a secondary MX and trusted forwarders).  An x-header is
       prepended indicating the IP was whitelisted against SPF checks.  This is a trace header only.
       Note the lack of spaces in the list.


       Whitelist =,



       Domain_Whitelist: List of domains whose sending IPs should be whitelisted from SPF checks.
       Use this to list trusted forwarders by domain name.  Client IP addresses are tested against
       SPF records published by the listed domains.  This is useful for large forwarders with com-
       plex outbound infrastructures and SPF records.  This option is less scalable than the SPF IP
       Whitelist.  An x-header is prepended indicating the IP was whitelisted against SPF checks.
       This is a trace header only.  This option does nothing if the domain does not have an SPF
       record.  In this case use the SPF IP Whitelist described above or Domain_Whitelist_PTR
       (below). Note the lack of spaces in the list.


       Domain_Whitelist = pobox.com,trustedforwarder.org


       Domain_Whitelist_PTR: List of domains (and subdomains)  whose sending IPs should be
       whitelisted from SPF checks based on PTR match of the domain. Use this to list trusted for-
       warders by domain name if they do not publish SPF records.  Client IP addresses PTR names are
       tested to see if they match the listed domains.  This is useful for large forwarders with
       complex outbound infrastructures, but no SPF records and predictable host naming. Matching is
       done using the same rules as the SPF PTR mechanism as described in RFC 4408.  List the parent
       domain and all subdomains will match. This option is less scalable than the SPF IP Whitelist.
       An x-header is prepended indicating the IP was whitelisted against SPF checks.  This is a
       trace header only.  This option does nothing if the host does not have a PTR record record.
       In this case use the SPF IP Whitelist described above. Note the lack of spaces in the list.


       Domain_Whitelist_PTR = yahoo.com,yahoogroups.com



       The standard method for documenting SPF results in a message (for consumption by downstream
       processes) is the Received-SPF header defined in RFC 4408. This is the default header to use.
       Results can also be documented in the Authentication-Results header defined by RFC 5451. The
       default is Received-SPF (SPF), but inclusion of Authentication-Results (AR) headers as an
       alternative to Received-SPF can be specified.

       If there is a requirement to prepend both Received-SPF and Authentication- Results headers,
       then it must be done by processing the message with more than one instance of the policy
       server using different configuration files with different Header_Type settings.

       Header_Type = SPF or Header_Type = AR



Authentications Results Authentication Identifier
       Every Authentication-Results header field has an authentication identifier field (’Auth-
       serv_Id’). This is similar in syntax to a fully-qualified domain name. See policyd-spf.conf.5
       and RFC 5451 paragraph 2.3 for details.  Default is None.  Authserv-Id must be provided if
       Header_Type ’AR’ is used.

       The authentication identifier field provides a unique identifier that refers to the authenti-
       cating service within a given administrative domain. The identifier MUST be unique to that
       domain.  This identifier is intended to be machine-readable and not necessarily meaningful to


       Authserv_Id = mx.example.com

       man 1 policyd-spf, man 5 policyd-spf.peruser, python-spf, <http://www.openspf.net>, RFC 4408,
       RFC 5451

       This version of pypolicyd-spf was written by Copyright © 2007-2012, Scott Kitterman
       <scott@kitterman.com>.  It is derived from Tumgreyspf, written by Sean Reifschneider,
       tummy.com, ltd <jafo@tummy.com>. Portions of the documentation were written by Meng Weng Wong

       This man-page was created by Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>.

                                  2012-03-17                policy-spf.conf(5)


 # man 5 policyd-spf.peruser
policy-spf.peruser(5)                                    policy-spf.peruser(5)

       python-policyd-spf - pure-Python Postfix policy daemon for SPF checking


         policyd-spf [/etc/policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf]

       This documentation assumes you have read Postfix’s README_FILES/ SMTPD_POLICY_README and are
       generally familiar with Sender Policy Framework (SPF).  See RFC 4408 for details.

       man 1 policyd-spf provides general operation documentation for this package.

       See man 5 policyd-spf.conf for configuration file information.

       python-policyd-spf operates with a default installed configuration file and set of default
       configuration options that are used if the configuration file cannot be found.  These options
       can be changed by changing the installed configuration files or through giving a path to an
       alternate configuration file.

       Additionally, different configurations can be provided on a per user basis.  This man page
       describes setup and user of per user (mail recipient) configurations.  Currently these con-
       figurations can either be stored in a text file or a Berkeley DB (libdb) datase.  If there is
       sufficient interest, other data storage methods may be supported in the future.

       Use of per-user configuration is defined in the application configuration file with the set-
       ting "Per_User".  The value of the setting gives the type and location of the per-user con-
       figuration information.  Currently supported types are text and bsddb.  User is defined an
       email address of a recipient of the message.

       All options available at the application level (See man 5 policyd-spf.conf) can be adjusted
       on a per-user basis.  Per-user checks can only be done as part of smtpd_recipient_restric-
       tions.  Per-user actions are not possible at other stages of the SMTP dialogue.  The user is
       not yet known for smtpd_client_restrictions, smtpd_helo_restrictions, or
       smtpd_sender_restrictions.  If used during smtpd_data_restrictions or
       smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions, the entire message will be available only if the message was
       only to a single recipient.  If per-user configurations are used when recipient information
       is not available, warnings will be logged and the per-user information will be ignored.

       In addition to specifying individual users, regular expression matching is also available,
       but may have performance implications since the entire user table has to be traversed for
       each message recipient.

Text Per-User Configuration File
       The text file option is useful for testing and when only a small number of users require per-
       user configurations.  It is specified in the main configuration file:

       "Per_User = text,/etc/pypolicyd-spf/userconf"

       Lines beginning with "#" are treated as comments and ignored.  The location of the file is
       determined by the system administrator. No default file is provided in or installed by the

       The configuration of the file is a comma separated combination of user and configuration
       information, with one line per user’s configuration information (NOTE: due to man page for-
       mating requirements, these lines are wrapped - in the config file, it must be one line per

       It is not necessary to specify all configuration parameters for each user, only those that
       are different than the overall configuration need to be specified.

       If the specified per user configuration file is missing, an error is logged and the global
       configuration is used instead.

       man 1 policyd-spf, man 5 policyd-spf.conf, python-spf, <http://www.openspf.org>, RFC 4408

       This version of pypolicyd-spf was written by Copyright © 2007-2011, Scott Kitterman
       <scott@kitterman.com>.  It is derived from Tumgreyspf, written by Sean Reifschneider,
       tummy.com, ltd <jafo@tummy.com>.

       This man-page was created by Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>.

                                  2012-03-17             policy-spf.peruser(5)

Im RPM-Paket wird zwar eine Konfigurationsdatei schon an die richtige Stelle /etc/python-policyd-spf kopiert, aber die Vorgabedatei kommentierte Musterdatei policyd-spf.conf.commented im Verzeichnis /usr/share/doc/pypolicyd-spf-1.2/ enthält doch wesentliche Hinweise und Tips.

Wir kopieren uns also daher diese Musterdatei an die richtige Stelle im Verzeichnis /etc/.

 # cp /usr/share/doc/pypolicyd-spf-1.2/policyd-spf.conf.commented /etc/python-policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf -y

Anschließende bearbeiten wir diese Datei mit unserem Editor der Wahl. Als wichtigen ersten Schrittsetzen wir die Option defaultSeedOnly auf den wert 0. Somit ist schon mal sichergestellt, dass wir bis zum endgültigen Produktivbetrieb die Annahme von Mails fälschlicher weise ablehnen. Fernen Passen wir noch den Loglevel und die Angaben zum eigenen Netzwerk/IP-Adressbereich an.

 # vim /etc/python-policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf
#  Amount of debugging information logged.  0 logs no debugging messages
#  5 includes all debug messages.
# Django : 2014-03-16
# default: debugLevel = 1 
debugLevel = 1debugLevel = 5 
#  If set to 0, no messages are rejected by SPF.  This allows you to see the 
#  potential impact of SPF checking in your mail logs without rejecting mail.
# Django : 2014-03-16
# default: defaultSeedOnly = 1
defaultSeedOnly = 0
#  HELO check rejection policy. Options are:
#  HELO_reject = SPF_Not_Pass (default) - Reject if result not Pass/None/Tempfail.
#  HELO_reject = Softfail - Reject if result Softfail and Fail
#  HELO_reject = Fail - Reject on HELO Fail
#  HELO_reject = Null - Only reject HELO Fail for Null sender (SPF Classic)
#  HELO_reject = False - Never reject/defer on HELO, append header only. 
#  HELO_reject = No_Check - Never check HELO.
HELO_reject = SPF_Not_Pass
#  HELO pass restriction policy.
#  HELO_pass_restriction = helo_passed_spf - Apply the given restriction when
#    the HELO checking result is Pass.  The given restriction must be an
#    action as defined for a Postfix SMTP server access table access(5).
#  Mail From rejection policy.  Options are:
#  Mail_From_reject = SPF_Not_Pass - Reject if result not Pass/None/Tempfail.
#  Mail_From_reject = Softfail - Reject if result Softfail and Fail
#  Mail_From_reject = Fail - Reject on Mail From Fail (default)
#  Mail_From_reject = False - Never reject/defer on Mail From, append header only
#  Mail_From_reject = No_Check - Never check Mail From/Return Path.
Mail_From_reject = Fail
#  Reject only from domains that send no mail. Options are:
#  No_Mail = False - Normal SPF record processing (default)
#  No_Mail = True - Only reject for "v=spf1 -all" records
#  Mail From pass restriction policy.
#  Mail_From_pass_restriction = mfrom_passed_spf - Apply the given
#    restriction when the Mail From checking result is Pass.  The given 
#    restriction must be an action as defined for a Postfix SMTP server
#    access table access(5).
#  Reject mail for Netural/Softfail results for these domains.
#  Recevier policy option to reject mail from certain domains when SPF is not
#  Pass/None even if their SPF record does not produce a Fail result.  This
#  Option does not change the effect of PermError_reject or TempError_Defer
#  Reject_Not_Pass_Domains = aol.com,hotmail.com
#  Policy for rejecting due to SPF PermError.  Options are:
#  PermError_reject = True
#  PermError_reject = False
PermError_reject = False
#  Policy for deferring messages due to SPF TempError.  Options are:
#  TempError_Defer = True
#  TempError_Defer = False
TempError_Defer = False
#  Prospective SPF checking - Check to see if mail sent from the defined IP
#  address would pass.
#  Prospective =
#  Do not check SPF for localhost addresses - add to skip addresses to 
#  skip SPF for internal networks if desired. Defaults are standard IPv4 and
#  IPv6 localhost addresses.
# Django : 2014-03-16
# default: skip_addresses =,::ffff:,::1
skip_addresses =,,
#  Whitelist: CIDR Notation list of IP addresses not to check SPF for.
#  Example (default is no whitelist):
#  Whitelist =,
#  Domain_Whitelist: List of domains whose sending IPs (defined by passing
#  their SPF check should be whitelisted from SPF.
#  Example (default is no domain whitelist):
#  Domain_Whitelist = pobox.com,trustedforwarder.org
# Domain_Whitelist_PTR: List of domains to whitelist against SPF checks base
# on PTR match.
# Example (default is no PTR whitelist)
# Domain_Whitelist_PTR = yahoo.com
# Type of header to insert to document SPF result. Can be RFC 4408
# Received-SPF (SPF) or RFC 5451 Authentication Results (AR). It cannot be
# both.
# Examples: (default is Received-SPF):
# Header_Type = AR
# Header_Type = SPF
# Every Authentication-Results header field has an authentication identifier
# field ('Authserv_Id'). This is similar in syntax to a fully-qualified domain
# name. See policyd-spf.conf.5 and RFC 5451 paragraph 2.3 for details.
# Default is None.  Authserv-Id must be provided if Header_Type 'AR' is used.
# Authserv_Id = mx.example.com

In der Konfigurationsdatei master.cf unseres Postfix-Mailserver tragen wir nun nachfolgende Zeilen ein.

# Django : 2014-03-16
# SPF-Check
policy     unix  -       n       n       -       -       spawn
        user=nobody argv=/usr/libexec/postfix/policyd-spf

In der Konfigurationsdatei main.cf unseres Postfix-Mailserver ergänzen wir nun noch unsere smtpd_recipient_restrictions und tragen von den RBL-Checks noch ein.

 # vim /etc/postfix/main.cf
# Django : 2014-03-16
# SPF Check
        check_policy_service unix:private/policy,
# policy_time_limit = 3600,

Anschließend starten wir unseren Postfix-Mailserver einmal durch, damit unsere Konfigurationsänderungen aktiv werden.

Zum Testen schicken wir uns von einem fremden Mailserver aus, der einen gültigen SPF-Record vorweisen kann eine eMail an unseren Mailserver und beobachten unser Maillog. Beim gesetzten Loglevel 5 wird entsprechend ausfürlich berichtet.

 # less /var/log/maillog
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Starting
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "request=smtpd_access_policy"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "protocol_state=RCPT"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "protocol_name=ESMTP"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "client_address="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "client_name=mx1.mailbox.org"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "reverse_client_name=mx1.mailbox.org"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "helo_name=mx1.mailbox.org"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "sender=n3rd@mailbox.org"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "recipient=django@nausch.org"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "recipient_count=0"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "queue_id="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "instance=2fef.5325882d.9ad5b.0"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "size=2054"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "etrn_domain="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "stress="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "sasl_method="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "sasl_username="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "sasl_sender="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "ccert_subject="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "ccert_issuer="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "ccert_fingerprint="
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "encryption_protocol=TLSv1.2"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "encryption_cipher=AECDH-AES256-SHA"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: "encryption_keysize=256"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Read line: ""
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Found the end of entry
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Config: {'Mail_From_reject': 'Fail', 'PermError_reject': 'False',, 'HELO_reject': 'SPF_Not_Pass', 'Header_Type': 'SPF', 'defaultSeedOnly': 0, 'debugLevel': 5, 'skip_addresses': ',', 'TempError_Defer': 'False'}
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Cached data for this instance: []
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: spfcheck: pyspf result: "['None', '', 'helo']"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: None; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org 
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: spfcheck: pyspf result: "['Pass', 'sender SPF authorized', 'mailfrom']"
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Pass; identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org 
Mar 16 12:17:01 vml000080 policyd-spf[12354]: Action: prepend: Text: Received-SPF: Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org 

Im Mailheader der empfangenen eMail findet sich dann auch ein entsprechender Eintrag:

Received-SPF: Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org

Bei einem produktiven System wird man meist mit dem Loglevel=1 ausreichende Informationen vorfinden.

Mar 16 13:19:05 vml000080 policyd-spf[14906]: Config: {'Mail_From_reject': 'Fail', 'PermError_reject': 'False', 'HELO_reject': 'SPF_Not_Pass', 'Header_Type': 'SPF', 'defaultSeedOnly': 0, 'debugLevel': 3, 'skip_addresses': ',', 'TempError_Defer': 'False'}
Mar 16 13:19:05 vml000080 policyd-spf[14906]: spfcheck: pyspf result: "['None', '', 'helo']"
Mar 16 13:19:05 vml000080 policyd-spf[14906]: None; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org 
Mar 16 13:19:05 vml000080 policyd-spf[14906]: spfcheck: pyspf result: "['Pass', 'sender SPF authorized', 'mailfrom']"
Mar 16 13:19:05 vml000080 policyd-spf[14906]: Pass; identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org 
Mar 16 13:19:05 vml000080 policyd-spf[14906]: Action: prepend: Text: Received-SPF: Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mx1.mailbox.org; envelope-from=n3rd@mailbox.org; receiver=django@nausch.org 

Zu Beginn dieses Artikels wurde bereits darauf hingewiesen, dass mit unter Probleme auftauchen bei der Mailumleitungen, Mailinglisten und/oder WebFormularen auf. Mit SRS3) kann ein Mailserver die eMail-Adresse im Envelop umschreiben und anpassen.

FIXME … coming soon… FIXME

Sender Policy Frameworks
Mail Transport Agent
Sender Rewriting Scheme
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  • centos/mail_c6/mta_10.1395093705.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 17.03.2014 22:01.
  • von django