#!/usr/bin/perl -w # queuegraph -- a postfix queue statistics rrdtool frontend # based on mailgraph, which is # copyright (c) 2000-2002 David Schweikert # released under the GNU General Public License use RRDs; use POSIX qw(uname); my $VERSION = "1.1"; my $host = (POSIX::uname())[1]; my $scriptname = 'queuegraph.cgi'; my $xpoints = 800; my $points_per_sample = 3; my $ypoints = 160; my $ypoints_err = 80; my $rrd = '/var/lib/queuegraph/mailqueues.rrd'; # path to where the RRD database is my $tmp_dir = '/var/cache/queuegraph'; # temporary directory where to store the images my $rrdtool_1_0 = ($RRDs::VERSION < 1.199908); my @graphs = ( { title => 'Day Graph', seconds => 3600*24, }, { title => 'Week Graph', seconds => 3600*24*7, }, { title => 'Month Graph', seconds => 3600*24*31, }, { title => 'Year Graph', seconds => 3600*24*365, }, ); my %color = ( sent => '000099', # rrggbb in hex received => '00FF00', rejected => '999999', bounced => '993399', virus => 'FFFF00', spam => 'FF0000', ); sub graph($$$) { my $range = shift; my $file = shift; my $title = shift; my $step = $range*$points_per_sample/$xpoints; my $date = localtime(time); $date =~ s|:|\\:|g unless $rrdtool_1_0; my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph($file, '--imgformat', 'PNG', '--width', $xpoints, '--height', $ypoints, '--start', "-$range", '--end', "-".int($range*0.01), '--vertical-label', 'queuefiles', '--title', $title, '--lazy', $rrdtool_1_0 ? () : ( '--slope-mode' ), "DEF:active=$rrd:active:AVERAGE", "DEF:deferred=$rrd:deferred:AVERAGE", 'LINE2:active#00ff00:Active+Incoming+Maildrop\:', 'GPRINT:active:MAX:Maximum\: %0.0lf ', 'GPRINT:active:AVERAGE:Average\: %0.0lf/min\n', 'LINE1:deferred#0000ff:Deferred\:', 'GPRINT:deferred:MAX:Maximum\: %0.0lf ', 'GPRINT:deferred:AVERAGE:Average\: %0.0lf/min\l', 'HRULE:0#000000', 'COMMENT:\n', 'COMMENT:['.$date.']\r', ); my $ERR=RRDs::error; die "ERROR: $ERR\n" if $ERR; } sub print_html() { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print < Queue Statistics for $host HEADER print "

Postfix Queue Statistics for $host

\n"; for my $n (0..$#graphs) { print "


\n"; print "

\"queuegraph\"\n"; } print < queuegraph $VERSION by Ralf Hildebrandt, based on mailgraph by David Schweikert rrdtool FOOTER } sub send_image($) { my $file = shift; -r $file or do { print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\nERROR: can't find $file\n"; exit 1; }; print "Content-Type: image/png\n"; print "Content-Length: ".((stat($file))[7])."\n"; print "\n"; open(IMG, $file) or die; my $data; print $data while read IMG, $data, 1; } sub main() { if($ENV{PATH_INFO}) { my $uri = $ENV{REQUEST_URI}; $uri =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//; $uri =~ s/\//,/g; $uri =~ s/\~/tilde,/g; mkdir "$tmp_dir/$uri", 0777 unless -d "$tmp_dir/$uri"; my $file = "$tmp_dir/$uri$ENV{PATH_INFO}"; if($ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ /^\/queuegraph_(\d+)\.png$/) { graph($graphs[$1]{seconds}, $file, $graphs[$1]{title}); } else { print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\nERROR: unknown image $ENV{PATH_INFO}\n"; exit 1; } send_image($file); } else { print_html; } } main;