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centos:mail_c6:mta_14 [18.03.2014 16:31. ] djangocentos:mail_c6:mta_14 [28.03.2014 10:27. ] django
Zeile 281: Zeile 281:
    # chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/postsrsd    # chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/postsrsd
 +Nun benötigen wir noch ein passendes Shell-Script für unseren **PostSRSd**.
 +   # vim /etc/init.d/postsrsd
 +<file bash /etc/init.d/postsrsd>#!/bin/bash
 +# postsrsd      Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) for Postfix
 +# chkconfig:         2345 75 35
 +# description:      PostSRSd provides Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) for \
 +#                    the popular and secure Postfix Mail Transport Agent
 +# processname:      postsrsd
 +# pidfile:      /var/run/postsrsd.pid
 +# config:      /etc/default/postsrsd
 +# sec-key:      /etc/postsrsd.secret
 +# Provides:          postsrsd
 +# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs
 +# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $remote_fs
 +# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
 +# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
 +# Short-Description: start and stop postsrsd
 +# Description:       PostSRSd provides Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) for
 +#                    the popular and secure Postfix Mail Transport Agent       
 +# Source function library.
 +. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
 +# Source networking configuration.
 +. /etc/sysconfig/network
 +DESC="Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme Daemon"
 +if [ -f $POSTSRSD_CONFIG ]; then
 +  exit 0
 +test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
 +# Read config file if it is present.
 +if [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ]
 +    . /etc/default/$NAME
 + echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
 +                -u"$RUN_AS" -p"$PIDFILE" -c"$CHROOT" -X"$SRS_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS" -D
 + RETVAL=$?
 + echo
 +    [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/$NAME
 +    return $RETVAL
 + echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
 + killproc $NAME
 +        RETVAL=$?
 +        echo
 +        [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$NAME
 +        return $RETVAL
 +case "$1" in
 +  start)
 + do_start
 + ;;
 +  stop)
 + do_stop
 + ;;
 +  status)
 + status $NAME
 + ;;
 +  restart|force-reload)
 + do_stop
 + do_start
 + ;;
 +  reload)
 + ;;
 +  condrestart|try-restart)
 + if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/$NAME ]; then
 + do_stop
 + do_start
 + fi
 + ;;
 +  *)
 + echo "Usage: $NAME {start|stop|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload|status|usage}"
 + [ "$1" = "usage" ] && exit 0
 + exit 2
 + ;;
 +exit $?
 ===== Konfiguration ===== ===== Konfiguration =====
 ==== SRS-Deamon ==== ==== SRS-Deamon ====
 +Auf unserem Entwicklungsrechner finden wir eine README-Datei mit weiteren Informationen.
 +   # less /usr/local/src/postsrsd-master/README.md
 +<file bash README.md>
 +PostSRSd provides the Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) via TCP-based 
 +lookup tables for Postfix. SRS is needed if your mail server acts
 +as forwarder. 
 +Imagine your server receives a mail from alice@example.com
 +that is to be forwarded. If example.com uses the Sender Policy Framework 
 +to indicate that all legit mails originate from their server, your 
 +forwarded mail might be bounced, because you have no permission to send
 +on behalf of example.com. The solution is that you map the address to
 +your own domain, e.g. 
 +SRS0+xxxx=yy=example.com=alice@yourdomain.org (forward SRS). If the
 +mail is bounced later and a notification arrives, you can extract the
 +original address from the rewritten one (revere SRS) and return the
 +notification to the sender. You might notice that the reverse SRS can
 +be abused to turn your server into an open relay. For this reason, xxxx
 +and yy are a cryptographic signature and a time stamp. If the signature
 +does not match, the address is forged and the mail can be discarded.
 +PostSRSd requires a POSIX compatible system and CMake to build. 
 +Optionally, help2man is used to create a manual page.
 +For convenience, a Makefile fragment is provided which calls CMake with
 +the recommended command line options. Just run `make`.
 +Run `make install` as root to install the daemon and the configuration
 +The configuration is located in `/etc/default/postsrsd`. You must store
 +at least one secret key in `/etc/postsrsd.secret`. The installer tries to generate
 +one from `/dev/urandom`. Be careful that no one can guess your secret,
 +because anyone who knows it can use your mail server as open relay!
 +Each line of `/etc/postsrsd.secret` is used as secret. The first secret is
 +used for signing and verification, the others for verification only.
 +PostSRSd exposes its functionality via two TCP lookup tables. The
 +recommended Postfix configuration is to add the following fragment to
 +your main.cf:
 +    sender_canonical_maps = tcp:
 +    sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
 +    recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:
 +    recipient_canonical_classes= envelope_recipient
 +This will transparently rewrite incoming and outgoing envelope addresses.
 +Run `service postsrsd start` and `postfix reload` as root, or reboot.
 +Wir legen uns nun im ersten Schritt für unsere Konfigurationsdatei im entsprechende Verzeichnis an.
 +   # vim /etc/default/postsrsd
 +<file bash /etc/default/postsrsd># Default settings for postsrsd
 +# Local domain name. 
 +# Addresses are rewritten to originate from this domain. The default value 
 +# is taken from `postconf -h mydomain` and probably okay.
 +# Django : 2014-03-17
 +# default: #SRS_DOMAIN=example.com
 +# Exclude additional domains.
 +# You may list domains which shall not be subjected to address rewriting.
 +# If a domain name starts with a dot, it matches all subdomains, but not
 +# the domain itself. Separate multiple domains by space or comma.
 +# Secret key to sign rewritten addresses.
 +# When postsrsd is installed for the first time, a random secret is generated
 +# and stored in /etc/postsrsd.secret. For most installations, that's just fine.
 +# Local ports for TCP list.
 +# These ports are used to bind the TCP list for postfix. If you change
 +# these, you have to modify the postfix settings accordingly. The ports
 +# are bound to the loopback interface, and should never be exposed on
 +# the internet.
 +# Drop root privileges and run as another user after initialization. 
 +# This is highly recommended as postsrsd handles untrusted input.
 +Zum Signieren der umgeschriebenen Adressen benötigen wir noch einen secret-key, den wir nun anlegen.
 +   # dd if=/dev/urandom bs=18 count=1 | base64  > /etc/postsrsd.secret
 +Anschließend setzen wir die Dateirechte unseres privat-keys, damit diese nicht von unpreviligierten Usern ausgelesen werden kann. Der **PostSRSd** hat damit keine Probleme, da er den Schlüssel einliest, bevor diese seine Rechte abtritt/dropped.
 +   # chmod 400 /etc/postsrsd.secret
 ==== Postfix ==== ==== Postfix ====
-FIXME //... coming soon...// FIXME+In der Postfix-Konfigurationsdatei //**/etc/postfix/main.cf**// tragen wir nun noch die Erweiterungen für die TCP Lookup Tabellen nach. 
 +<file bash /etc/postfix/main.cf>... 
 +# Django : 2014-03-18 
 +# Lookup-Tabelle zum Umschreibungen von Absender eMail-Adressen im SMTP-Envelop und im Header der eMail 
 +sender_canonical_maps = btree:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical_maps, tcp: 
 +# Definition welche Adressen umgeschrieben werden sollen 
 +sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender 
 +# Lookup-Tabelle zum Umschreibungen von Empfänger eMail-Adressen im SMTP-Envelop und im Header der eMail 
 +recipient_canonical_maps = btree:/etc/postfix/recipient_canonical_maps, tcp: 
 +# Definition welche Adressen umgeschrieben werden sollen 
 +recipient_canonical_classes = envelope_recipient 
 +===== Programmstart ===== 
 +==== erster manueller Start des Daemon ==== 
 +Nun können wir das erste mal **PostSRSd** anstarten. 
 +   # service postsrsd start 
 +  Starting Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme Daemon:            OK  ] 
 +In der Prozessliste finden wir mindestens einen neuen Prozess, der gestartet wurde: 
 +   # ps aux | grep postsrsd 
 +  nobody    5185  0.0  0.0   6184   344 ?        S    20:46   0:00 /usr/local/sbin/postsrsd -4 -f10001 -r10002 -dnausch.org -s/etc/postsrsd.secret -unobody -p -c -X -D 
 +Mittels **netstat** können wir überpfüfen, ob die beiden Ports **10001** und **10002** geöffnet wurden. 
 +   # netstat -tulpen | grep 1000 
 +  tcp        0      0                     LISTEN      0          40632      5185/postsrsd        
 +  tcp        0      0                     LISTEN      0          40634      5185/postsrsd 
 +Läuft unser Daemon kann mit Hilfe von **lsof** sehen wir nicht nur den geöffneten port, sondern auch die Verbindungen die dort anliegen. 
 +   # lsof -i :10002 
 +postsrsd 5185  nobody    6u  IPv4  40634      0t0  TCP localhost:documentum (LISTEN) 
 +smtpd    5364 postfix   39u  IPv4  43230      0t0  TCP localhost:48910->localhost:documentum (ESTABLISHED) 
 +postsrsd 5367  nobody    0u  IPv4  43231      0t0  TCP localhost:documentum->localhost:48910 (ESTABLISHED) 
 +postsrsd 5367  nobody    6u  IPv4  40634      0t0  TCP localhost:documentum (LISTEN) 
 +cleanup  5369 postfix   23u  IPv4  43281      0t0  TCP localhost:48917->localhost:documentum (ESTABLISHED) 
 +postsrsd 5370  nobody    6u  IPv4  40634      0t0  TCP localhost:documentum (LISTEN) 
 +postsrsd 5371  nobody    0u  IPv4  43282      0t0  TCP localhost:documentum->localhost:48917 (ESTABLISHED) 
 +postsrsd 5371  nobody    6u  IPv4  40634      0t0  TCP localhost:documentum (LISTEN) 
 +   # lsof -i :10001 
 +postsrsd 5185  nobody    5u  IPv4  40632      0t0  TCP localhost:scp-config (LISTEN) 
 +postsrsd 5367  nobody    5u  IPv4  40632      0t0  TCP localhost:scp-config (LISTEN) 
 +cleanup  5369 postfix   22u  IPv4  43278      0t0  TCP localhost:56006->localhost:scp-config (ESTABLISHED) 
 +postsrsd 5370  nobody    0u  IPv4  43279      0t0  TCP localhost:scp-config->localhost:56006 (ESTABLISHED) 
 +postsrsd 5370  nobody    5u  IPv4  40632      0t0  TCP localhost:scp-config (LISTEN) 
 +postsrsd 5371  nobody    5u  IPv4  40632      0t0  TCP localhost:scp-config (LISTEN) 
 +==== automatisches Starten des Dienste beim Systemstart  ==== 
 +Damit der Deamon **PostSRSd** automatisch bei jedem Systemstart startet, denn ohne laufenden **postsrsd** verweigert nun unser **postfix** die Annahme der Nachrichten, kann die Einrichtung des Start-Scripte über folgenden Befehle erreicht werden: 
 +   # chkconfig postsrsd on 
 +Die Überprüfungung ob postsrsd wirklich bei jedem Systemstart automatisch mit gestartet werden, kann durch folgenden Befehle erreicht werden: 
 +   # chkconfig --list | grep postsrsd 
 +   postsrsd        0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off 
 +Wichtig sind jeweils die Schalter **on** bei den Runleveln - **2 3 4 5**.  
 +===== Umschreibungen / Logging ===== 
 +Im Maillog unseres Mailservers werden die Umschreibungen entsprechend dokumentiert. 
 +   # less /var/log/maillog 
 +  Mar 18 21:01:59 vml000080 postsrsd[5806]: srs_forward: <honeypot_for_spam@web.de> rewritten as <SRS0+BaCI=YT=web.de=honeypot_for_spam@nausch.org> 
 +Im Header zugestellten eMail beim Empfänger wird dies auch im **Return-Path**hinterlegt. 
 +  Return-Path: <SRS0+BaCI=YT=web.de=honeypot_for_spam@nausch.org> 
 +Bounced das Zielsystem die Nachricht, weil dieses z.B. die Nachricht wegen einer vollen Mailbox nicht zustellen kann, kann das relayende System nun problemlos den eigentlichen Absender informieren, da der **PostSRSd** die Zieladresse wieder ermitteln und umschreiben (**srs_reverse**) kann. 
 +  Mar 13 21:27:25 vml000080 postsrsd[6883]: srs_reverse: <SRS0+bCev=YT=web.de=honeypot_for_spam@nausch.org> rewritten as <honeypot_for_spam@web.de> 
 +  ... 
 +  ... 
 +  Mar 18 21:27:26 vml000080 postfix/smtp[6884]: 8413383: to=<honeypot_for_spam@web.de>, orig_to=<SRS0+bCev=YT=web.de=honeypot_for_spam@nausch.org>, relay=mx-ha03.web.de[]:25, delay=0.75, delays=0.06/0/0.41/0.29, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Requested mail action okay, completed: id=0LtrOf-1X9H7q3CS5-011BDN) 
 +====== Links ====== 
 +  * **[[centos:mail_c6:start|Zurück zum Kapitel >>Mailserverinstallation unter CentOS 6<<]]** 
 +  * **[[wiki:start|Zurück zu >>Projekte und Themenkapitel<<]]** 
 +  * **[[http://dokuwiki.nausch.org/doku.php/|Zurück zur Startseite]]** 
  • centos/mail_c6/mta_14.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 21.11.2022 20:53.
  • von django