language = "en_GB"; $default->language = "de_DE"; // Default character set to use. This will only be used if there is no // charset set for the selected language in conf/locales.php. //$default->charset = "ISO-8859-1"; $default->charset = "ISO-8859-1"; /** * Login options. */ // Cyrus allows certain users to authenticate as themselves, but authorize to // act as other users. This is called proxy authorization. Usually, only admins // and sieve_admins can do this. The following array should contain a list of // users who you want to see the authz box visible on the login page. Set this // to array('all') to make it visible to all users. //$default->proxy_authz_users = array(); $default->proxy_authz_users = array(); // Should we allow users to select which language they wish to view // SmartSieve in? If false $default->language will always be used. //$default->user_select_lang = true; $default->user_select_lang = false; // Should we allow the user to choose from a list of servers? The list // itself is in servers.php. If this is false, the first entry in // servers.php will be used. //$default->user_select_server = true; $default->user_select_server = false; // Should we provide a box on the login page for users to specify which // script to edit? This is ignored if allow_multi_scripts is false. //$default->user_supply_scriptfile = false; $default->user_supply_scriptfile = false; /** * Usability options. */ // Will we allow the user to access multiple scripts? // If true, the user will be able to create and modify multiple scripts // on the server. If false, the user will only be able to access the // script $default->scriptfile. //$default->allow_multi_scripts = true; $default->allow_multi_scripts = false; // Default script to use on the server. This is only used if the user has no // existing scripts, or if $default->allow_multi_scripts is set to false. Note // that timsieved will add a '.script' extension to the file name on the server. //$default->scriptfile = 'smartsieve'; $default->scriptfile = 'smartsieve'; // If SmartSieve does not recognise the encoding on a Sieve script, it // will allow the user to edit it's content in a direct edit mode. If, // however, you do not want users to be able to modify scripts which were // not created using SmartSieve or Websieve, set this to false. //$default->allow_write_unrecognised_scripts = true; $default->allow_write_unrecognised_scripts = true; // Should we allow users to switch between GUI mode into the direct edit mode? // Note, this is generally a bad idea because any changes made in direct edit // mode will be lost if the user reverts to GUI mode. //$default->allow_change_mode = false; $default->allow_change_mode = false; // Should we allow regular expression matching in sieve rules? // FIXME: note, this currently doesn't work. //$default->allow_regex = true; $default->allow_regex = false; // Should we allow users to create custom sieve rules? // Note: existing custom rules will always be handled. //$default->allow_custom = true; $default->allow_custom = true; // Notification methods to allow. This should be an array containing valid notify // methods, of which only 'mailto' and 'sms' are supported. Note, the server must // support the "notify" extension, and have notifyd configured to send notifications. // The notify action is disabled by default. //$default->notify_methods = array('mailto', 'sms'); $default->notify_methods = array('mailto', 'sms'); // What IMAP flags should we allow users to set via the "addflag" action? The default // list appears below. Setting this to an empty array will disable the addflag action. //$default->imap_flags = array('\\\\Seen', '\\\\Deleted', '\\\\Answered', '\\\\Flagged', 'Junk', 'NotJunk', '$Label1', '$Label2', '$Label3', '$Label4', '$Label5'); // Should we enable the "Forward Mail" interface? This is enabled by default. //$default->use_forward_mail_interface = true; $default->use_forward_mail_interface = true; // Should we enable the vacation interface? This is enabled by default. //$default->use_vacation_interface = true; $default->use_vacation_interface = true; // Should we enable the "Whitelist" interface? This is enabled by default. //$default->use_whitelist = true; $default->use_whitelist = false; // The following array provides a mechanism for specifying a site-specific // spam filtering policy. If your mail domain adds a particular message // header to mail either indicating that the message is spam, or holding // some sort of spam score (like those added by SpamAssissin for example) // you can specify those here. The user will then see a "Filter spam" menu // item which will link to a simple GUI asking them what they want to do // with such messages. // $default->spam_filter = array('header'=>'X-Spam-Score', // 'matchStr'=>'^[0-9]', // 'matchType'=>':regex', // 'not'=>false); /** * Compatibility options. */ // Websieve 0.61 included a feature which automatically used the ':matches' // comparator where the match string contains the special wildcard characters // ? or *. Versions of SmartSieve up to 1.0-RC1 maintained this feature if the // following option was enabled. The rule format has changed and this option // now only affects the conversion of legacy scripts, but if you have scripts // created by either of the above cases you can enable the following option to // maintain the match type of legacy rules. //$default->websieve_auto_matches = false; $default->websieve_auto_matches = false; /** * Site-specific options. */ // The base url for SmartSieve. If you make SmartSieve the web root, // set this (and cookie_path) to '/'. //$default->baseurl = '/smartsieve/'; $default->baseurl = '/'; // Location of include files. //$default->include_dir = './include'; $default->include_dir = './include'; // Location of config files. //$default->config_dir = './conf'; $default->config_dir = './conf'; // Location of language files. //$default->lang_dir = './conf/locale'; $default->lang_dir = './conf/locale'; // Location of library files. Warning: don't change this. //$default->lib_dir = './lib'; $default->lib_dir = './lib'; // Location of images. //$default->image_dir = './images'; $default->image_dir = './images'; // What name should we use for the PHP session? //$default->session_name = 'SmartSieve'; $default->session_name = 'SmartSieve'; // Cookie domain. This should be the name of the server SmartSieve is running // on. If the domain of your site is different to the web servcer's server name // you should set your site's domain here. If all else fails, set this to an // empty string, but beware that doing so is a security risk as cookies will // be sent to other websites as well. //$default->cookie_domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $default->cookie_domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // Cookie path. This should be the location of SmartSieve under your web root. // If you leave this empty, all scripts on the server will have access to the // cookie data. This should match the value of baseurl above. //$default->cookie_path = '/smartsieve'; $default->cookie_path = '/'; // Title of each page //$default->page_title = 'SmartSieve'; $default->page_title = 'SmartSieve'; // Welcome message on the login page. //$default->login_page_heading = 'Welcome to SmartSieve'; $default->login_page_heading = 'Willkommen beim SmartSieve-Server bei'; // Which page should users see following login? //$default->initial_page = 'main.php'; $default->initial_page = 'main.php'; // The default number of vacation days for a new vacation action. //$default->vacation_days = '7'; $default->vacation_days = '1'; // The maximum number of vacation days the user can choose from. //$default->max_vacation_days = '30'; $default->max_vacation_days = '365'; // What is the maximum number of characters an input field should accept? //$default->max_field_chars = 500; $default->max_field_chars = 500; // What is the maximum number of characters a text box should accept? // e.g. the reject message on the rule page. //$default->max_textbox_chars = 50000; $default->max_textbox_chars = 50000; // Should we set the working script as the active script when saving? Note that // the working script will always be set as the active script if there are no // other scripts, or if allow_multi_scripts is false. //$default->update_activate_script = false; $default->update_activate_script = false; // Following logout, users will be redirected to the login page. If you // prefer to have them redirected elsewhere you can specify this here. // Note, this should be a complete URI including the scheme and hostname. // $default->logout_redirect = ''; $default->logout_redirect = ''; // Should we return to the View Rules page following rule changes? //$default->return_after_update = false; $default->return_after_update = false; // What format should we use for the date on the script head? // See //$default->script_date_format = 'Y/m/d H:i:s'; $default->script_date_format = 'Y/m/d H:i:s'; // The timeout (in seconds) to use when reading from the socket. Increase // this if you are experiencing empty bad response errors. //$default->socket_timeout = 2; $default->socket_timeout = 4; // SmartSieve will select a cryptography library to use for encryption. You // can override the one it chooses by setting this option. Choices are // 'MCRYPT', 'RC4', 'HCEMD5', and ''. //$default->crypt_lib = null; $default->crypt_lib = 'null'; // An array containing any values needed by the Crypt object. //$default->crypt_args = array(); $default->crypt_args = array(); // SmartSieve will auto negotiate which SASL mechanism to use to authenticate. // If you want to specify a mechanism instead set this to something other // than an empty string. Currently, 'plain' and 'digest-md5' are supported. //$default->sasl_mech = null; $default->sasl_mech = 'digest-md5'; /** * Logging options. */ // Should we log messages? //$default->logging = false; $default->logging = true; // At what level should we log? Can be LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, // LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, and LOG_DEBUG. //$default->logging_level = LOG_INFO; $default->logging_level = LOG_WARNING; // Logging method. Can be 'file', 'syslog' //$default->logging_method = 'syslog'; $default->logging_method = 'syslog'; // This should either be a filename if logging_method = 'file', or // a syslog facility (eg. LOG_LOCAL4) if logging_method = 'syslog' //$default->logging_facility = LOG_LOCAL4; $default->logging_facility = 'syslog'; // What identifier should we use to identify log messages in the log? //$default->logging_ident = 'smartsieve'; $default->logging_ident = 'smartsieve'; // An associative array contaning additional configuration information // needed by the PEAR Log class. //$default->logging_args = array(); $default->logging_args = array(); /** * Menu items. */ // If any of the following are set, a 'Help' menu item will be displayed // on the corresponding pages linked to the values set here. These should // be full URLs. // $default->main_help_url = ''; //$default->main_help_url = ''; //$default->spam_help_url = ''; //$default->forward_help_url = ''; //$default->custom_help_url = ''; //$default->vacation_help_url = ''; //$default->whitelist_help_url = ''; //$default->rule_help_url = ''; //$default->scripts_help_url = ''; // The following should be an array containing extra items you want // to include in SmartSieve's menu. Each element should be an // associative array containing the keys 'uri' and 'label'. The anchor's // "target" attribute can be set via the optional 'target' value, and // the icon can be set via the optional 'img' value. // $default->menu_items = array( // array('uri'=>'', // 'label'=>'Menu Item', // 'img'=>'./images/item.gif', // 'target'=>'_blank')); /** * Custom function hooks. */ // If this is set to a function name, that function will be called to // retrieve login details for the user. Note, the details supplied when // the login page is submitted take precedence over this. The function // must return an array of the form expected by the SmartSieve::getLoginDetails // function. //$default->get_login_details_hook = null; // If you have an external source of email addresses you want your users // to see on the vacation settings page, set the following to the name // of a function that will retrieve these. SmartSieve will then include // these in the list of addresses the user might include in their vacation // addresses. The function should return an array of addresses. //$default->get_email_addresses_hook = null; // If you want to extend the sanity checking done prior to the user saving a // rule you can define a function and set the function name here. The function // must take a rule array as a parameter, and will be expected to return boolean // true to allow the rule to be saved, or false to disallow it. There is an // example isSaneHook() function below. //$default->is_sane_hook = null; /** * Example get_login_details_hook function. * * This example looks for credentials set by a single-sign-on * system. If set, the user will not need to log in again. * * @return array Login details */ //function getSSODetails() //{ // $details = array(); // if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['AUTH_TYPE']) && // $_SERVER['AUTH_TYPE'] == 'sso' && isset($_COOKIE['sso'])) { // $details['auth'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; // $details['passwd'] = $_COOKIE['sso']; // $details['authz'] = ''; // $details['server'] = 'example'; // } // return $details; //} /** * Example get_email_addresses_hook function. * * @return array The list of email addresses */ //function getEmailAddresses() //{ // $addresses = array(); // if (extension_loaded('ldap')) { // $ds = ldap_connect(''); // if ($ds) { // // Anonymous bind. // $r = ldap_bind($ds); // $sr = ldap_search($ds, "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", // "uid=".$_SESSION['smartsieve']['authz']); // $entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); // for ($i=0; $i<$entries['count']; $i++) { // $addresses[] = $entries[$i]['mail'][0]; // } // } // ldap_close($ds); // } // return $addresses; //} /** * Example is_sane_hook function. * * This function will be called (if set via is_sane_hook above) prior to a user * saving a rule, and will be passed a rule array as a parameter. This allows * you to add custom sanity checks to those of isSane(). You must return boolean * true to allow the user to save the rule, or false to disallow it. * * @param array $rule The rule values * @return boolean True if rule values are acceptable, false if not */ //function isSaneHook($rule) //{ // foreach ($rule['actions'] as $action) { // if ($action['type'] == ACTION_REDIRECT && // !preg_match("/\\$/", $action['address'])) { // SmartSieve::setError(sprintf("Not allowed to forward mail to %s", $action['address'])); // return false; // } // } // return true; //} ?>