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Horde 5 Applikation IMAP Sieve-Filterregeln: Ingo unter CentOS 7.x

Als nächste Applikation installieren wir uns die Anwendung Ingo, mit deren Hilfe können wir dann die am IMAP-Server hinterlegten Sieve-Regeln anlegen, bearbeiten und auch löschen. Informationen zu Installation und Konfiguration findet man auch auf der offiziellen Doku-Seite.

Die Installation der Applikation Ingo können wir ganz einfach über das Paketverwaltungswerkzeug yum vornehmen.

 # yum install php-horde-ingo -y

Was uns das Paket php-horde-ingo alles mitgebracht hat zeigt uns der folgende Aufruf.

 # rpm -qil php-horde-ingo
Name        : php-horde-ingo
Version     : 3.2.0
Release     : 1.el7
Architecture: noarch
Install Date: Fri 12 Sep 2014 01:50:08 PM CEST
Group       : Development/Libraries
Size        : 1409432
License     : BSD
Signature   : RSA/SHA256, Fri 25 Jul 2014 11:50:01 PM CEST, Key ID 6a2faea2352c64e5
Source RPM  : php-horde-ingo-3.2.0-1.el7.src.rpm
Build Date  : Wed 23 Jul 2014 05:17:41 PM CEST
Build Host  : buildppc-01.phx2.fedoraproject.org
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager    : Fedora Project
Vendor      : Fedora Project
URL         : http://www.horde.org/apps/ingo
Summary     : An email filter rules manager
Description :
Ingo is an email-filter management application. It is fully
internationalized, integrated with Horde and the IMP Webmail client, and
supports both server-side (Sieve, Procmail, Maildrop) and client-side
(IMAP) message filtering.

Neben der Konfiguration der Anwendung selbst, müssen wir der Anwendung Ingo auch noch mitteilen, wie es sich zum MDA1) also unserem IMAP-Server verbinden soll.

Die mitgelieferte Konfigurationsdatei backends.php lassen wir unangetastet. Die Konfiguration nehmen wir über die lokale Kopie backends.local.php vor.

 # cp -a /usr/share/horde/ingo/config/backends.php /usr/share/horde/ingo/config/backends.local.php

Als erstes deaktivieren wir den ersten Standardeintrag und ergänzen dann den Eintrag für die Anbindung an unseren Dovecot-IMAP-Server.

 # vim /usr/share/horde/ingo/config/backends.local.php
 * Ingo works purely on a preferred mechanism for server selection. There are
 * a number of properties that you can set for each backend:
 * Local overrides MUST be placed in backends.local.php or backends.d/.
 * If the 'vhosts' setting has been enabled in Horde's configuration, you can
 * use backends-servername.php.
 * Example configuration file that enables the Sieve backend in favor of the
 * IMAP backend:
 * <?php
 * $backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;
 * $backends['sieve']['disabled'] = false;
 * Example configuration to use a Dovecot Managesieve backend on a different
 * host:
 * <?php
 * $backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;
 * $backends['sieve']['disabled'] = false;
 * $backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['hostspec'] = 'sieve.example.com';
 * $backends['sieve']['script'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['utf8'] = true;
 * Properties that can be set for each server:
 * disabled: (boolean) If true, the config entry is disabled.
 * preferred: (string) This is the field that is used to choose which server
 *            is used. The value for this field may be a single string or an
 *            array of strings containing the hostnames to use with this
 *            server.
 * script: (array) The type of script drivers this server uses. Different
 *         drivers can be specified for different filter rules. The following
 *         rules can be set as keys: Ingo::RULE_FILTER, Ingo::RULE_BLACKLIST,
 *         Ingo::RULE_SPAM, and finally Ingo::RULE_ALL as a catch-all key for
 *         any rules not further specified.
 *         'params' is an array containing any additional information that the
 *         script driver needs. See examples below for further details.
 *         Valid options for 'driver' are:
 *   - customsql: Custom SQL queries (only for vacation notices).
 *   - imap:      IMAP client side filtering (POP3 servers NOT supported).
 *   - ispconfig: ISPConfig SOAP Server (only for vacation notices).
 *   - maildrop:  Maildrop scripts.
 *   - procmail:  Procmail scripts.
 *   - sieve:     Sieve scripts.
 * shares: (boolean) Some transport drivers (timsieved, vfs, ispconfig) support
 *         sharing filter rules with other users. Users can then configure
 *         filters for each other if they give them permissions to do so. If
 *         you want to enable this feature, you need to set this parameter to
 *         true. Transport backend authentication needs to be configured, so
 *         that it allows to upload other users' rules, e.g. by granting FTP
 *         access to .procmail files, or using an administrative user for
 *         Sieve.
 * transport: (array) The transport drivers to use to store the scripts on the
 *            backend server. Different drivers can be specified for different
 *            filter rules. The following rules can be set as keys:
 *            Ingo::RULE_VACATION, Ingo::RULE_FORWARD, Ingo::RULE_SPAM, and
 *            finally Ingo::RULE_ALL as a catch-all key for any rules not
 *            further specified.
 *            'params' is an array containing any additional information that
 *            the transport class needs. See examples below for further details.
 *            Valid options for 'driver' are:
 *   - ispconfig: ISPConfig SOAP server (only for vacation notices).
 *   - ldap:      LDAP server.
 *   - null:      No backend server (i.e. for script drivers, such as 'imap',
 *                that does not use scripts).
 *   - sql:       Database server (only for vacation notices).
 *   - timsieved: Timsieved (managesieve) server.
 *   - vfs:       Use Horde VFS.
 *   NOTE: By default, the transport driver will use Horde credentials to
 *         authenticate to the backend. If a different username/password is
 *         needed, use the 'transport_auth' hook (see hooks.php) to define
 *         these values.
/* IMAP Example */
// ENABLED by default
// Django : 2014-09-12
// default: 'disabled' => false,
$backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;
/* Sieve Example */
// Disabled by default
// Django : 2014-09-12
// default: 'disabled' => true,
$backends['sieve']['disabled'] = false;
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['driver'] = 'timsieved';
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['hostspec'] = '';
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['logintype'] = 'CRAM-MD5';
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['usetls'] = true;
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['port'] = 4190;
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['scriptname'] = 'ingo';
$backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['debug'] = false;#
$backends['sieve']['script'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['driver'] = 'sieve';
$backends['sieve']['script'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['utf8'] = true;
$backends['sieve']['shares'] = false;

Da die Authentifizierung mit Username = eMail-Adresse und Passwort gegen die mySQL-Datenbank erfolgt, müssen wir dien Umstand noch über die Datei hooks.php unserer Installation mitgeben.

Die mitgelieferte Konfigurationsdatei hooks.php lassen wir unangetastet. Die Konfiguration nehmen wir über die lokale Kopie hooks.local.php vor.

 cp -a /usr/share/horde/ingo/config/hooks.php.dist /usr/share/horde/ingo/config/hooks.local.php
 # vim /usr/share/horde/ingo/config/hooks.local.php
 * Ingo Hooks configuration file.
 * For more information please see the horde/config/hooks.php.dist file.
 * $Id: fdf1f95f36a8b0c339f61ac27badcdce094a0388 $
class Ingo_Hooks
     * Returns the username/password needed to connect to the transport
     * backend.
     * @param string $driver  The driver name (array key from backends.php).
     * @return mixed  If non-array, uses Horde authentication credentials
                      (DEFAULT). Otherwise, an array with the following keys
     *                (non-existent keys will use default values):
     *  - euser: (string; SIEVE ONLY) For the sieve driver, the effective
     *           user to use.
     *  - password: (string) Password.
     *  - username: (string) User name.
    // Django : 2014-09-12
    // default: //    public function transport_auth($driver)
    //          //    {
    //          //        switch ($driver) {
    //          //        case 'foo':
    public function transport_auth($driver)
        switch ($driver) {
        case 'timsieved':
//    public function transport_auth($driver)
//    {
//        switch ($driver) {
//        case 'foo':
//            // Example #1: Use full Horde username for password.
//            return array(
//                'username' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(null)
//            );
            // Django : 2014-09-12
            // default: //            // Example #2: Use IMP password/username.
            //          //            $ob = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('mail/imapOb');
            //          //            return array(
            //          //                'password' => $ob->getParam('password'),
            //          //                'username' => $ob->getParam('username')
            //          //            );
            //          //        }
            // Example #2: Use IMP password/username.
            $ob = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('mail/imapOb');
            return array(
                'password' => $ob->getParam('password'),
                'username' => $ob->getParam('username')
//        // DEFAULT: Use hordeauth (identical to not defining hook at all).
//        return true;
// Django : 2014-09-12
// default: //    }
     * Set the default addresses used for the vacation module.
     * @param string $user  The username.
     * @param array $value  The default/current value.
     * @return array  A list of vacation addresses.
//    public function vacation_addresses($user = null, $value = null)
//    {
//        // Example #1: User has 2 vacation addresses.
//        return array($user . '@example.com', $user . '@foobar.com');
//        // Example #2: Keep user-supplied values, return defaults only
//        return is_array($value) && count($array)
//            ? $value
//            : array($user . '@example.com', $user . '@foobar.com');
//    }

Die Konfiguration der Applikation Ingo erfolgt dann über die GUI des Web-Frameworks. Dazu rufen wir unseren angelegten VHOST im Webbrowser auf.

 $ firefox https://horde.sec-mail.guru/admin/config/

Bild: Bildschirmhardcopy Horde "Configuration"

Da wir die Anwendung Ingo noch nicht konfiguriert haben und auch die nötigen mySQL-Datenbanktabellen angelegt haben, sind die beiden Fehlermeldungen normal.

Als erstes legen wir die notwendigen Datenbanktabellen an. Hierzu klicken wir auf den Punkt Update all DB schemas.

Nun fehlt nur noch die Konfiguration vom Filters Ingo, diese legen wir nun an, in dem wir auf den Punkt Filters (ingo) klicken.

Bild: Bildschirmhardcopy Horde "Configuration Ingo"

Hier erfolgt nun die Konfiguration der Horde-Applikation Ingo.

Rules Storage

$conf[storage][driver]                                                         SQL
$conf[storage][params][driverconfig]                                           Horde defaults
$conf[storage][maxblacklist]                                                   0
$conf[storage][maxwhitelist]                                                   0

Rules Options

$conf[rules][userheader]                                                       [✔]

Spam Filtering

$conf[spam][compare]                                                           numeric
$conf[spam][header]                                                            X-Spam-Level

Am Ende unserer Konfigurationsarbeit, sichern wir die Konfiguration mit einem Klick auf die Schaltfläche: Bild: Schaltfläche "Generate Filters Configuration" Die erfolgreiche Sicherung wird uns entsprechend angezeigt.

Bild: Bildschirmhardcopy Horde "Configuration"


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  • centos/mail_c7/horde_8.1430755690.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 04.05.2015 16:08.
  • von django