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StormForce XR: Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 6.x @wetter:boltek
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
- **Konfiguration** <code> # vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf </code> <code>... listen_address... %u %d' ... </code> <code> # vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf</code> <code>... # TYPE DATABASE ... OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CA... 30"/> <Setting StrikeCopyright="Lightning Data (c) 2012 - Daniel Knaggs"/> <Setting Debu
Stormforce Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 5.x @wetter:boltek
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CA... ts=""/> <Setting UserCopyright="Lightning Data (c) 2008 - Django"/> <Setting ZoomDistanc... OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CA... formation: COM port opened! Waiting for lightning data from LD-250... Information: Server mode without u
StormForce XR - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 7.x @wetter:boltek
38 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
en removed since StormForce didn't use any of the data provided by the unit. *** Bug fixes will no lon... 4. (S) strikePersistence() XMLRPC call returned data altered, please review the XMLRPC document. 5. (... The SQL views have been amended to return the new data format. The data returned will be the last hour worth of strikes (based on the request time) but never
Einbinden der Wetterdaten der Davis Vantage Pro2 in das Webcam-Bild der Mobotix M25 (HD-Cam) @wetter:mobotix
9 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
= Wie auch schon beim ersten [[wetter:mobotix:m25_data?&#datenaufbereitung_mit_hilfe_von_wview|Konfigura... EAR" - "$PIC_HOURS":"$PIC_MINUTES":"$PIC_SECONDS DATA_1=`cat /usr/local/var/wview/img/m25-west-display.htm` DATA_2=`cat /usr/local/var/wview/img/m25-ost-display.h... hwest -fill black -pointsize 25 -draw "text 7,6 '$DATA_1'" current.jpg $WORKFILE_1 $PRG -gravity northw
Wetterwebcam Mobotix M22M/M25 @wetter:mobotix
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
obotix M22M einblenden]] * [[wetter:mobotix:m25_data|Einbinden der Wetterdaten der Davis Vantage Pro2
Einbinden der Wetterdaten der Davis Vantage Pro2 in das Webcam-Bild der Mobotix M22M @wetter:mobotix
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
e beiden Kameras **M25** ist [[wetter:mobotix:m25_data|hier]] ausführlich beschrieben. Die Wahl auf di
Das Perl-Scriptchen @wetter:ws500
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
} prozess_DATA(); # Weitere Bearbeitung ... cape_Chr" # *** START *** Unterprogramm "prozess_DATA" zum Uebertragen der Daten in die Datenbanken und Dateien sub prozess_DATA { write_lastcount(); ... } # *** ENDE *** Unterprogramm "prozess_DATA" zum Uebertragen der Daten in die Datenbanken und
III) Installation von wview @wetter:wview
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
o stop wview and clear the databases of simulator data after you have changed the station type: #> wviewcleardata This is a first time install so the generation t... configured wview for metric units and/or extended data. If you want start/stop control of wview from th... http user to the sudo group: #> sudo adduser www-data sudo Set the sudo group to no password required p
Konfiguration von wetter.cgi @wetter:ws500
53 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
range ofdays to be initially displayed $doAutoBaseData=185; # If the date range to be displayed has m... Y=Pyranometer # Which sensor to display in Latest data section of display # Only add Sensors you really... # usually "1". If you want to display the latest data of another # sensor (except for the type TH) wit... *** # Some options that can be used to display data that is calculated from the # original data value
IV) Konfiguration von wview @wetter:wview
9 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
69> : HILOW: back filling tables with ALL archive data Aug 1 22:08:31 vml000020 wviewd[12813]: <1343851... 851711071> : Simulator station opened: 720 minute data generation period... Aug 1 22:08:31 vml000020 wv... d[12813]: <1343851711088> : initializing computed data values... Aug 1 22:08:31 vml000020 wviewd[12813]... ---------------------- --NOTE-- ** Serial and USB data loggers are both considered serial - --NOTE--