Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- cdr.conf
- . Detailed call information can be recorded to ; databases, files, etc. Useful for billing, fraud prev... f posting the CDR at the end of ; every call, the data will be stored in a buffer to help alleviate load... WARNING WARNING ; Use of batch mode may result in data loss after unsafe asterisk termination ; ie. soft... til the CDRs are submitted. If ; you don't, then data will likely be lost. You can always check the si
- Wählplanerweiterungen für die ISDN-Anbindungen
- Diese Datenbank erreichen wir über die Funktion **database**. Wir können damit z.B. unsere Registrierten... pid = 5458) Verbosity is at least 3 asterisk*CLI> database show /SIP/Registry/13 ... k-Konsole an. # asterisk -r <code>asterisk*CLI> database put 13 MSN 08121883176 Updated database successfully asterisk*CLI> database put 14 MSN 08121883179
- MySQL-Datenbankdefinitionen
- ------------- -- -- Datenbank anlegen -- CREATE DATABASE `asterisk_db`; -- --------------------------... `lastapp` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', `lastdata` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', `duration` in... ', `app` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', `appdata` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ... readline 5.0 Connection id: 677 Current database: asterisk_db Current user: as
- odbc.ini
- serven in die MySQL-Datenbank wird die ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) verwendet. \\ \\ Hierzu legen w... ode>[MySQL-asterisk] Description = MySQL Asterisk database Trace = Off TraceFile = stderr Driver = MySQL
- Asterisk-Repository einbinden
- on files for Asterisk asterisk14-odbc.i386 : Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers for Asterisk aste... on files for Asterisk asterisk16-odbc.i386 : Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers for Asterisk aste