Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Einrichten von Asterisk 14.x unter CentOS7 @voip:c7:asterisk14
- -- Posts all pending batched CDR data cel show status -- Display the CEL... -- Wait for Asterisk to be fully booted data get -- Data API get data show providers -- Show data providers database del -- Removes
- cdr.conf @voip:asterisk
- f posting the CDR at the end of ; every call, the data will be stored in a buffer to help alleviate load... WARNING WARNING ; Use of batch mode may result in data loss after unsafe asterisk termination ; ie. soft... til the CDRs are submitted. If ; you don't, then data will likely be lost. You can always check the si... mmand. To enable blocking on ; submission of CDR data during asterisk shutdown, set this to "yes". Def
- Fax-Server mit HylaFAX+ unter CentOS5 @voip:fax
- e (secs) [30]? Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound data calls [Yes]? Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound v