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Ansible - erweiterte Konfigurationsbeispiele: Ansible mit Hilfe von Ansible einrichten @linux:ansible
27 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
"[defaults]\n# Generated by Ansible on {{ }}, do not edit manually!\n\ # default:\ninterpreter_python = auto_silent" ... line: "# Generated by Ansible on {{ }}, do not edit manually!\n\ # default: #inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts\n\
TOFU - Trust On First Use - SSH Zertifikate @linux:ssh
25 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
wed_signers_file ssh-keygen -Y check-novalidate [-O option] -n namespace -s signature_file ... Finally, ssh-keygen can be used to generate and update Key Revocation Lists, and to test whether given k... -M generate Generate candidate Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange (DH-GEX) ... on. -M screen Screen candidate parameters for Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange. Th