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Dansguardian Version - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 6.x
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Release : 1.el6 Build Date: Sat 15 Oct 2011 10:23:02 PM CEST Install Date: Tue 15 Nov 2011 10:09:04 AM CET Build Host: vml010... cript// nutzen, so trägt man in die Konfigurationsdate den Ort des Perl-Scriptes ein. Als Ergebnis wird ... annedurllist cache files. # This will compare the date stamp of the list file with the date stamp of # t
Virenfilterung bei Dansguardian
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
annedurllist cache files. # This will compare the date stamp of the list file with the date stamp of # the cache file and will recreate as needed. # If a bsl
Filtergruppen bei Dansguardian
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
annedurllist cache files. # This will compare the date stamp of the list file with the date stamp of # the cache file and will recreate as needed. # If a bsl ... ext line to leave only a '*ips': #*ips # Django 2011-11-16 # Nutzerindivid... zil|filip|french|chinese|ukrain|thai|tour|foreign|date)+.*(dar?[lt]ing|(sing|coup)le|m[ae]n|girl|boy|guy
Optimierung von Dansguardian
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
annedurllist cache files. # This will compare the date stamp of the list file with the date stamp of # the cache file and will recreate as needed. # If a bsl ... ext line to leave only a '*ips': #*ips # Django 2011-11-15 # Nutzerindivid... zil|filip|french|chinese|ukrain|thai|tour|foreign|date)+.*(dar?[lt]ing|(sing|coup)le|m[ae]n|girl|boy|guy
Zeitbegrenzung bei Dansguardian
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
annedurllist cache files. # This will compare the date stamp of the list file with the date stamp of # the cache file and will recreate as needed. # If a bsl