Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Nitrokey Pro in der Praxis unter Linux Mint 20 @nitrokey:linuxmint
- >H/W path Device Class Description =================================================... a reason for the revocation. For details see the description of of the gpg command "--generate-revocation" in ... ergänzenden Text anzuführen. Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line: > > Dies war nu
- Nitrokey 3A mini in der Praxis unter ArchLinux @nitrokey:arch
- W path Device Class Description =================================================... : libnitrokey Version : 3.8-2 Description : Communicate with Nitrokey stick devices in
- Nitrokey Start in der Praxis unter ArchLinux @nitrokey:arch
- ric <code>H/W path Device Class Description =================================================... : libnitrokey Version : 3.8-2 Description : Communicate with Nitrokey stick devices in
- Nitrokey 3C NFC und Nitrokey 3A mini in der Praxis unter Linux Mint 21.2 (Victoria) @nitrokey:linuxmint
- <code>H/W path Device Class Description =================================================
- Nitrokey FIDO2 in der Praxis unter Linux Mint 20 @nitrokey:linuxmint
- >H/W path Device Class Description =================================================
- Nitrokey FIDO U2F in der Praxis unter Linux Mint 20 @nitrokey:linuxmint
- >H/W path Device Class Description =================================================