Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Download und Installation der Programm(pakete)
- embers/remi/for-tuxsetup-and-voices-release/voice-files-tar.gz/tuxdroid-tts-voices.British.tar.gz wget h... embers/remi/for-tuxsetup-and-voices-release/voice-files-tar.gz/tuxdroid-tts-voices.German.tar.gz</code> ... -------------------------- Tux TTS British voice files installation wizard -----------------------------... ------------------------------- Old British voice files will be deleted, continue? [y/n]y New voice files
- GPS Datenerfassung und Auswertung
- -f filename Base name for saved files (.bin and .gpx) -h Prin... oints from GPS device, creating the following files: gpsdata.bin, gpsdata_trk.gpx and gpsdata_wpt.gpx
- WLAN mit OpenWrt auf dem WRT54GL-DE
- nterface for TFTP, which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. This program and T