// This is a basic configuration for the Kea DHCPv4 server. Subnet declarations // are mostly commented out and no interfaces are listed. Therefore, the servers // will not listen or respond to any queries. // The basic configuration must be extended to specify interfaces on which // the servers should listen. There are a number of example options defined. // These probably don't make any sense in your network. Make sure you at least // update the following, before running this example in your network: // - change the network interface names // - change the subnets to match your actual network // - change the option values to match your network // // This is just a very basic configuration. Kea comes with large suite (over 30) // of configuration examples and extensive Kea User's Guide. Please refer to // those materials to get better understanding of what this software is able to // do. Comments in this configuration file sometimes refer to sections for more // details. These are section numbers in Kea User's Guide. The version matching // your software should come with your Kea package, but it is also available // in ISC's Knowledgebase (https://kea.readthedocs.io; the direct link for // the stable version is https://kea.readthedocs.io/). // // This configuration file contains only DHCPv4 server's configuration. // If configurations for other Kea services are also included in this file they // are ignored by the DHCPv4 server. { // DHCPv4 configuration starts here. This section will be read by DHCPv4 server // and will be ignored by other components. "Dhcp4": { // Add names of your network interfaces to listen on. "interfaces-config": { // See section 8.2.4 for more details. You probably want to add just // interface name (e.g. "eth0" or specific IPv4 address on that // interface name (e.g. "eth0/"). "interfaces": [ ] // Kea DHCPv4 server by default listens using raw sockets. This ensures // all packets, including those sent by directly connected clients // that don't have IPv4 address yet, are received. However, if your // traffic is always relayed, it is often better to use regular // UDP sockets. If you want to do that, uncomment this line: // "dhcp-socket-type": "udp" }, // Kea supports control channel, which is a way to receive management // commands while the server is running. This is a Unix domain socket that // receives commands formatted in JSON, e.g. config-set (which sets new // configuration), config-reload (which tells Kea to reload its // configuration from file), statistic-get (to retrieve statistics) and many // more. For detailed description, see Sections 8.8, 16 and 15. "control-socket": { "socket-type": "unix", "socket-name": "/tmp/kea4-ctrl-socket" }, // Use Memfile lease database backend to store leases in a CSV file. // Depending on how Kea was compiled, it may also support SQL databases // (MySQL and/or PostgreSQL). Those database backends require more // parameters, like name, host and possibly user and password. // There are dedicated examples for each backend. See Section 7.2.2 "Lease // Storage" for details. "lease-database": { // Memfile is the simplest and easiest backend to use. It's an in-memory // C++ database that stores its state in CSV file. "type": "memfile", "lfc-interval": 3600 }, // Kea allows storing host reservations in a database. If your network is // small or you have few reservations, it's probably easier to keep them // in the configuration file. If your network is large, it's usually better // to use database for it. To enable it, uncomment the following: // "hosts-database": { // "type": "mysql", // "name": "kea", // "user": "kea", // "password": "kea", // "host": "localhost", // "port": 3306 // }, // See Section 7.2.3 "Hosts storage" for details. // Setup reclamation of the expired leases and leases affinity. // Expired leases will be reclaimed every 10 seconds. Every 25 // seconds reclaimed leases, which have expired more than 3600 // seconds ago, will be removed. The limits for leases reclamation // are 100 leases or 250 ms for a single cycle. A warning message // will be logged if there are still expired leases in the // database after 5 consecutive reclamation cycles. // If both "flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time" and "hold-reclaimed-time" are // not 0, when the client sends a release message the lease is expired // instead of being deleted from the lease storage. "expired-leases-processing": { "reclaim-timer-wait-time": 10, "flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time": 25, "hold-reclaimed-time": 3600, "max-reclaim-leases": 100, "max-reclaim-time": 250, "unwarned-reclaim-cycles": 5 }, // Global timers specified here apply to all subnets, unless there are // subnet specific values defined in particular subnets. "renew-timer": 900, "rebind-timer": 1800, "valid-lifetime": 3600, // Many additional parameters can be specified here: // - option definitions (if you want to define vendor options, your own // custom options or perhaps handle standard options // that Kea does not support out of the box yet) // - client classes // - hooks // - ddns information (how the DHCPv4 component can reach a DDNS daemon) // // Some of them have examples below, but there are other parameters. // Consult Kea User's Guide to find out about them. // These are global options. They are going to be sent when a client // requests them, unless overwritten with values in more specific scopes. // The scope hierarchy is: // - global (most generic, can be overwritten by class, subnet or host) // - class (can be overwritten by subnet or host) // - subnet (can be overwritten by host) // - host (most specific, overwrites any other scopes) // // Not all of those options make sense. Please configure only those that // are actually useful in your network. // // For a complete list of options currently supported by Kea, see // Section 7.2.8 "Standard DHCPv4 Options". Kea also supports // vendor options (see Section 7.2.10) and allows users to define their // own custom options (see Section 7.2.9). "option-data": [ // When specifying options, you typically need to specify // one of (name or code) and data. The full option specification // covers name, code, space, csv-format and data. // space defaults to "dhcp4" which is usually correct, unless you // use encapsulate options. csv-format defaults to "true", so // this is also correct, unless you want to specify the whole // option value as long hex string. For example, to specify // domain-name-servers you could do this: // { // "name": "domain-name-servers", // "code": 6, // "csv-format": "true", // "space": "dhcp4", // "data": "," // } // but it's a lot of writing, so it's easier to do this instead: { "name": "domain-name-servers", "data": "," }, // Typically people prefer to refer to options by their names, so they // don't need to remember the code names. However, some people like // to use numerical values. For example, option "domain-name" uses // option code 15, so you can reference to it either by // "name": "domain-name" or "code": 15. { "code": 15, "data": "example.org" }, // Domain search is also a popular option. It tells the client to // attempt to resolve names within those specified domains. For // example, name "foo" would be attempted to be resolved as // foo.mydomain.example.com and if it fails, then as foo.example.com { "name": "domain-search", "data": "mydomain.example.com, example.com" }, // String options that have a comma in their values need to have // it escaped (i.e. each comma is preceded by two backslashes). // That's because commas are reserved for separating fields in // compound options. At the same time, we need to be conformant // with JSON spec, that does not allow "\,". Therefore the // slightly uncommon double backslashes notation is needed. // Legal JSON escapes are \ followed by "\/bfnrt character // or \u followed by 4 hexadecimal numbers (currently Kea // supports only \u0000 to \u00ff code points). // CSV processing translates '\\' into '\' and '\,' into ',' // only so for instance '\x' is translated into '\x'. But // as it works on a JSON string value each of these '\' // characters must be doubled on JSON input. { "name": "boot-file-name", "data": "EST5EDT4\\,M3.2.0/02:00\\,M11.1.0/02:00" }, // Options that take integer values can either be specified in // dec or hex format. Hex format could be either plain (e.g. abcd) // or prefixed with 0x (e.g. 0xabcd). { "name": "default-ip-ttl", "data": "0xf0" } // Note that Kea provides some of the options on its own. In particular, // it sends IP Address lease type (code 51, based on valid-lifetime // parameter, Subnet mask (code 1, based on subnet definition), Renewal // time (code 58, based on renew-timer parameter), Rebind time (code 59, // based on rebind-timer parameter). ], // Other global parameters that can be defined here are option definitions // (this is useful if you want to use vendor options, your own custom // options or perhaps handle options that Kea does not handle out of the box // yet). // You can also define classes. If classes are defined, incoming packets // may be assigned to specific classes. A client class can represent any // group of devices that share some common characteristic, e.g. Windows // devices, iphones, broken printers that require special options, etc. // Based on the class information, you can then allow or reject clients // to use certain subnets, add special options for them or change values // of some fixed fields. "client-classes": [ { // This specifies a name of this class. It's useful if you need to // reference this class. "name": "voip", // This is a test. It is an expression that is being evaluated on // each incoming packet. It is supposed to evaluate to either // true or false. If it's true, the packet is added to specified // class. See Section 12 for a list of available expressions. There // are several dozens. Section 8.2.14 for more details for DHCPv4 // classification and Section 9.2.19 for DHCPv6. "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,6) == 'Aastra'", // If a client belongs to this class, you can define extra behavior. // For example, certain fields in DHCPv4 packet will be set to // certain values. "next-server": "", "server-hostname": "hal9000", "boot-file-name": "/dev/null" // You can also define option values here if you want devices from // this class to receive special options. } ], // Another thing possible here are hooks. Kea supports a powerful mechanism // that allows loading external libraries that can extract information and // even influence how the server processes packets. Those libraries include // additional forensic logging capabilities, ability to reserve hosts in // more flexible ways, and even add extra commands. For a list of available // hook libraries, see https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/kea/wikis/Hooks-available. // "hooks-libraries": [ // { // // Forensic Logging library generates forensic type of audit trail // // of all devices serviced by Kea, including their identifiers // // (like MAC address), their location in the network, times // // when they were active etc. // "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/libdhcp_legal_log.so", // "parameters": { // "path": "/var/lib/kea", // "base-name": "kea-forensic4" // } // }, // { // // Flexible identifier (flex-id). Kea software provides a way to // // handle host reservations that include addresses, prefixes, // // options, client classes and other features. The reservation can // // be based on hardware address, DUID, circuit-id or client-id in // // DHCPv4 and using hardware address or DUID in DHCPv6. However, // // there are sometimes scenario where the reservation is more // // complex, e.g. uses other options that mentioned above, uses part // // of specific options or perhaps even a combination of several // // options and fields to uniquely identify a client. Those scenarios // // are addressed by the Flexible Identifiers hook application. // "library": "/usr/lib/kea/hooks/libdhcp_flex_id.so", // "parameters": { // "identifier-expression": "relay4[2].hex" // } // } // ], // Below an example of a simple IPv4 subnet declaration. Uncomment to enable // it. This is a list, denoted with [ ], of structures, each denoted with // { }. Each structure describes a single subnet and may have several // parameters. One of those parameters is "pools" that is also a list of // structures. "subnet4": [ { // This defines the whole subnet. Kea will use this information to // determine where the clients are connected. This is the whole // subnet in your network. // Subnet identifier should be unique for each subnet. "id": 1, // This is mandatory parameter for each subnet. "subnet": "", // Pools define the actual part of your subnet that is governed // by Kea. Technically this is optional parameter, but it's // almost always needed for DHCP to do its job. If you omit it, // clients won't be able to get addresses, unless there are // host reservations defined for them. "pools": [ { "pool": " -" } ], // These are options that are subnet specific. In most cases, // you need to define at least routers option, as without this // option your clients will not be able to reach their default // gateway and will not have Internet connectivity. "option-data": [ { // For each IPv4 subnet you most likely need to specify at // least one router. "name": "routers", "data": "" } ], // Kea offers host reservations mechanism. Kea supports reservations // by several different types of identifiers: hw-address // (hardware/MAC address of the client), duid (DUID inserted by the // client), client-id (client identifier inserted by the client) and // circuit-id (circuit identifier inserted by the relay agent). // // Kea also support flexible identifier (flex-id), which lets you // specify an expression that is evaluated for each incoming packet. // Resulting value is then used for as an identifier. // // Note that reservations are subnet-specific in Kea. This is // different than ISC DHCP. Keep that in mind when migrating // your configurations. "reservations": [ // This is a reservation for a specific hardware/MAC address. // It's a rather simple reservation: just an address and nothing // else. { "hw-address": "1a:1b:1c:1d:1e:1f", "ip-address": "" }, // This is a reservation for a specific client-id. It also shows // the this client will get a reserved hostname. A hostname can // be defined for any identifier type, not just client-id. { "client-id": "01:11:22:33:44:55:66", "ip-address": "", "hostname": "special-snowflake" }, // The third reservation is based on DUID. This reservation defines // a special option values for this particular client. If the // domain-name-servers option would have been defined on a global, // subnet or class level, the host specific values take preference. { "duid": "01:02:03:04:05", "ip-address": "", "option-data": [ { "name": "domain-name-servers", "data": "," } ] }, // The fourth reservation is based on circuit-id. This is an option // inserted by the relay agent that forwards the packet from client // to the server. In this example the host is also assigned vendor // specific options. // // When using reservations, it is useful to configure // reservations-global, reservations-in-subnet, // reservations-out-of-pool (subnet specific parameters) // and host-reservation-identifiers (global parameter). { "client-id": "01:12:23:34:45:56:67", "ip-address": "", "option-data": [ { "name": "vivso-suboptions", "data": "4491" }, { "name": "tftp-servers", "space": "vendor-4491", "data": "," } ] }, // This reservation is for a client that needs specific DHCPv4 // fields to be set. Three supported fields are next-server, // server-hostname and boot-file-name { "client-id": "01:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f", "ip-address": "", "next-server": "", "server-hostname": "hal9000", "boot-file-name": "/dev/null" }, // This reservation is using flexible identifier. Instead of // relying on specific field, sysadmin can define an expression // similar to what is used for client classification, // e.g. substring(relay[0].option[17],0,6). Then, based on the // value of that expression for incoming packet, the reservation // is matched. Expression can be specified either as hex or // plain text using single quotes. // // Note: flexible identifier requires flex_id hook library to be // loaded to work. { "flex-id": "'s0mEVaLue'", "ip-address": "" } // You can add more reservations here. ] // You can add more subnets there. } ], // There are many, many more parameters that DHCPv4 server is able to use. // They were not added here to not overwhelm people with too much // information at once. // Logging configuration starts here. Kea uses different loggers to log various // activities. For details (e.g. names of loggers), see Chapter 18. "loggers": [ { // This section affects kea-dhcp4, which is the base logger for DHCPv4 // component. It tells DHCPv4 server to write all log messages (on // severity INFO or more) to a file. "name": "kea-dhcp4", "output_options": [ { // Specifies the output file. There are several special values // supported: // - stdout (prints on standard output) // - stderr (prints on standard error) // - syslog (logs to syslog) // - syslog:name (logs to syslog using specified name) // Any other value is considered a name of the file "output": "/var/log/kea-dhcp4.log" // Shorter log pattern suitable for use with systemd, // avoids redundant information // "pattern": "%-5p %m\n", // This governs whether the log output is flushed to disk after // every write. // "flush": false, // This specifies the maximum size of the file before it is // rotated. // "maxsize": 1048576, // This specifies the maximum number of rotated files to keep. // "maxver": 8 } ], // This specifies the severity of log messages to keep. Supported values // are: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG "severity": "INFO", // If DEBUG level is specified, this value is used. 0 is least verbose, // 99 is most verbose. Be cautious, Kea can generate lots and lots // of logs if told to do so. "debuglevel": 0 } ] } }