Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Das Perl-Scriptchen
- =ws:ws500 # use Device::SerialPort; use POSIX qw(locale_h); use locale; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; use IO::File; use str... write_Log ("naechste Record(next)-Abfrage: ".localtime($time_next_record)); ... write_Log ("naechste Konfig-Abfrage: ".localtime($time_next_developstatus)); }
- Konfiguration von wetter.cgi
- variable controls if the *output* is in GMT or in Local time # Internally very date and time value is in ... # input as well as output is in # GMT or in Local time. Internally every date and # time value i... l definitions are used. #$externalCssUrl="https://localhost/mypath/wetter.css"; #$externalCssUrl="";... s $deltaNoDst=1; # Difference in h from GMT-> localtime # Some queries may be optimized by using SQL
- WS500 Programmpaket Kurz(installations)anleitung
- figurationsdateien verschieben ==== <code>cd /usr/local/src tar xfvj ws500-0.1.2.tar.bz2 ws500-0.1.2 ln -... 500 mkdir /var/log/Ws500 mkdir /etc/ws500 cp /usr/local/src/ws500/etc/ws500.conf /etc/ws500 ln -s /usr/local/src/ws500/ /usr/local/bin</code> ===== erweiterte Installation ===== ==== Anpassen der Konfigur
- Definitionen für die MySQL-Datenbank
- .3-pl1 -- -- -- Host: localhost -- Erstellungszeit: 08. März 2007 um 19:44 --
- Konfigurationsdatei
- = "/tmp/"; our $mysqlusage = "1"; our $dbhost = "localhost"; our $dbuser = "Datenbank-User"; our $dbpass