

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

Mailserver - Logfileauswertungen unter CentOS 6.x
82 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
present, this includes only a per-message report, sorted by sender domain, ... Normally pflogsumm lower-cases only the host and domain par... Message size is reported only by the queue manager. ... ent rejected" and "percent discarded" figures are only approximations. They are calculated a
Grundabsicherung von Postfix
30 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ments # Empty lines and whitespace-only lines are ignored, # as are lines w... .tld also matches subdomains, but # only when the string smtpd_access_maps is listed in # ... .tld also matches subdomains, but # only when the string smtpd_access_maps is listed in # ... Note: The "521" response should be used only # with botnets and other mal
Horde eMail/WebMail Plattform: IMP
24 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ryption. * * The 'ssl' and 'tls' options will only work if you've compiled PHP * with SSL support... IMP authentication username). * * admin: [IMAP only] (array) Use this if you want to enable mailbox ... * stored. * * acl: [IMAP only] (boolean) Access Control Lists (ACLs). One of: ... an) By default, IMAP debugging (see 'debug') will only * output a short summary of the message text s
Webmail mit Roundcube
20 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
olute path in DSN: // PEAR database DSN for read only operations (if empty write database will be used)... 'imap_cache'] = null; // Enables messages cache. Only 'db' cache is supported. $rcmail_config['messages... R TO RUN AND CAN EXPOSE SENSITIVE CONFIG DATA. // ONLY ENABLE IT IF YOU'RE REALLY SURE WHAT YOU'RE DOING... ogin form. // 0 - disabled, 1 - username and host only, 2 - username, host, password $rcmail_config['log
Installation und Konfiguration von ClamAV
19 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
llation options) DatabaseDirectory /var/clamav # Only load the official signatures published by the ClamAV project. # Default: no #OfficialDatabaseOnly no # The daemon can work in local mode, network ... ivated) #ExcludePUA NetTool #ExcludePUA PWTool # Only include a specific PUA category. This directive c... hish detected by heuristic scans will be reported only at # the end of a scan. If an archive contains bo
DMARC - Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance
15 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
stfix 2.3, (or later) and libmilter. (These are only required if you are building the filter.) o Access to a working nameserver (required only for signature verification). o If you are intere... For parameters that are Boolean in nature, only the first byte of the value is processed. ... fe- time of the process. Currently only supported on Linux. ForensicReports (Bool
Installation eines sicheren Mailservers mit Postfix unter CentOS 6.x
14 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
lobal Postfix configuration file. This file lists only a subset # of all parameters. For the syntax, and... al machine. # On Linux, this does works correctly only with interfaces specified # with the "ifconfig" c... works_style = host" when Postfix should "trust" # only the local machine. # #mynetworks_style = class #... ${name?value} or # ${name:value} to expand value only when $name does (does not) exist. # # luser_relay
Horde Adressbuch: Turba
11 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
parameters. * * Settings that only apply to LDAP servers: * - bind_dn: (string) Only applies to LDAP servers which do not * ... rightless" user, * which is only allowed to connect to the server, and * ... ,dc=com'). * - bind_password: (string) Only applies to LDAP servers which do *
Grundinstallation von AMaViS
9 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
12-05-21 # default: unset # listening only on localhost $inet_socket_bind = '*'; # liste... si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html # COMMONLY ADJUSTED SETTINGS: # @bypass_virus_checks_maps =... 12-05-21 # default: unset # listening only on localhost $inet_socket_bind = '*'; # liste... }; $interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'AM.PDP-SOCK'; # only applies with $unix_socketname # Use with amavis-
Installation des Mailinglistenservers Mailman
9 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
e located in /var/run. The FHS says when there is only a single pid file it should be located in /va... subdirectory, /var/run/<name>/. Currently mailman only has a single pid file, but it does have multi... f this is 100% FHS compliant because there is only currently a single pid file, but this gives u... ed is renamed to have the .rpmsave extension. RPM only performs these backup operations if the file is m
erweiterte gewichtete Prüfungen mittels policyd-weight
8 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
$DEFER_LEVEL = 5; # DEFER mail only up to this level ... n. Contact YOUR administrator'; $dnsbl_checks_only = 0; # 1: ON, 0: OFF (default) ... # If ON request that ALL clients are only # checked against RBLs @dnsbl_checks_only_regexps = ( # qr/[^.]*(exch|smtp|mx|mail).*\.
Mailfilterung mit SIEVE auf dem Cyrus-IMAP-Server unter CentOS 6.x
8 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
nnection to the managesieve server. This will * only work with PHP-5.1 and above built with OpenSSL su... your server supports virtual domains but can * only determine the domain from the username, and you w... _DE"; // Default character set to use. This will only be used if there is no // charset set for the sel... ers. This is called proxy authorization. Usually, only admins // and sieve_admins can do this. The follo
Der Cyrus Hochleistungs-Mailserver mit Unterstützung für IMAP und SIEVE unter CentOS 6.x
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ntry! recover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r" # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE idled c... imsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0 # these are only necessary if receiving/exporting usenet via NNTP ... /var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=1 # this is only necessary if using notifications # Django : 201... point cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30 # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
Postfixadmin zur Verwaltung des Dovecot-IMAP-Server unter CentOS 6.x
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
PostfixAdmin documentation, and use those HOWTOs only if you need some additional information that is m... , it will be fine. The next 'step', is optional. Only do it, if other non-trusted users have access to... onfiguration file (which can be set to be visible only by root) using something like the following ... will also be subscribed to automatically. // Will only work with IMAP server which implement sub-folders
SPAM-Abwehr mit Hilfe von Greylisting
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
06774) # (retries only during 270 seconds, Debian #406774) smtp.liberal.... fman) /^netmail\d+\.thehartford\.com$/ # (only one retry, reported by Roman Plessl) /^nse\d+\.ab
Horde Passwortänderungen: Passwd
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Filter-Regeln (sieve) - ingo
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
lizenzierte Nutzung der SPAMHAUS DNSBL
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
SRS - Sender Rewriting Scheme
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Basiskonfiguration von horde
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Administration des Cyrus IMAP-Servers (WEB-GUI)
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert: