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SNMP (unter CentOS 6.x)
28 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
#################### # # This file is intended to only be as a starting point. Many more # configuratio... ############# # As shipped, the snmpd demon will only respond to queries on the # system mib group unti... ent responds to the "public" community for read # only access, if run out of the box without any configu... . #### # Finally, grant the group read-only access to the systemview view. # group
Cacti Installation und Grundkonfiguration unter CentOS 6.x
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
DDR'])) { die("<br><strong>This script is only meant to run at the command line.</strong>"); } ... } } } /* install signal handlers for UNIX only */ if (function_exists("pcntl_signal")) { ... m $task_type period of '$min_period' seconds, but only " . ($seconds - $poller_lastrun) . ' seconds have... 'poller_lastrun'," . $seconds . ')'); /* let PHP only run 1 second longer than the max runtime, plus th