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Nitrokey Start in der Praxis unter Fedora 29
8 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ase check the documentation of your card to see what sizes are allowed. Changing card key attribu... n key: 9131 32BE D5AF D08E 4464 89B6 77F0 A5B2 F32A 76AE created ....: 2018-11-27 21:26:26 Gene... card-no: FFFE 43243711 ssb> ed25519/77F0A5B2F32A76AE created: 2018-11-27 expires: never ... PM4eqTXp5BIhTrbONjMYCa4RGXGFaC2oe0 Mr3QJ/b+OfeP4BU2A3w6+tmVxd4xmWRwSixYDORaJQ7WXN4bjcMozA5K82012Jou fV