

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

TOFU - Trust On First Use - SSH Zertifikate @linux:ssh
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ading from stdin). This must be used when ssh is run in the background. A common trick is to use this to run X11 programs on a remote machine. For exa... rver and reported to the client at run time. When used together with -O forward, the al... he passphrase from the current terminal if it was run from a terminal.
NTP-Zeitserver mit chrony unter Linux einrichten und nutzen @linux
48 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
multiple commands -h HOST Specify server (/var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock,,::1) -p PORT Spec... hronyc> will be displayed when it is being run from a terminal. If chronyc's input or output are... main socket. The compiled-in default path is /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock. If that fails (e.g. because ... a fallback. The default value is /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock,,::1, i.e. the host
Ansible cowsay: Die sprechende Kuh, oder auch mehr Getier oder doch nur puristisch mit dem Ansible Stdout Compact Logger? @linux:ansible
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
a cow saying something provided by the user. If run with no arguments, it accepts standard inp
Dovecot, Nachrichten auf dem Server mit SIEVE filtern @centos:mail_c7
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ory where to store runtime data. #base_dir = /var/run/dovecot/ # Name of this instance. In multi-insta... ity fix). #shutdown_clients = yes # If non-zero, run mail commands via this many connections to dovead
DHCPv4|v6-Server mit DHCP ISC Kea unter Arch Linux einrichten und nutzen @linux
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert: kea /usr/lib/kea/hooks/ kea /usr/lib/kea/hooks/libdhcp_stat_cmd
Ansible @linux:ansible
19 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
clear the fact cache --force-handlers run handlers even if a task fails -f FORKS, --forks... -skip-tags=SKIP_TAGS only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these ... execute it -t TAGS, --tags=TAGS only run plays and tasks tagged with these values --vaul... ecome as on target hosts -s, --sudo run operations with sudo (nopasswd) (deprecated, use
Fax-Server mit HylaFAX+ unter CentOS 6.x @centos
19 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
c This will create the iaxmodem binary. You may run the binary from its present location, or you may ... you are ready to start IAXmodem. IAXmodem can be run in two manners, daemon mode, or non-daemon. Initially you should probably run iaxmodem at least once in non-daemon mode, just t... be: /etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX You should probably run IAXmodem like this at least once to check to see
Fax-Server mit HylaFAX+ unter CentOS5 @voip:fax
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
when the routine server maintainence scripts are run (e.g. faxcron). Should an entry be added for the... with the faxaddmodem(8C) command. Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure a modem [yes]? Serial p... ar/spool/hylafax/etc/config.sav. Don't forget to run faxmodem(8C) (if you have a send-only environment) or configure init to run faxgetty on modem. Do you want to run faxaddmodem
SNMP (unter CentOS 6.x) @centos:cacti_c6
20 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
snmp/snmpconf-data/snmptrapd-data/traphandle /var/run/net-snmp </code> === net-snmp-utils === # rpm... the "public" community for read # only access, if run out of the box without any configuration file in ... tables/scripts # # # You can also have programs run by the agent that return a single # line of outp... each exec statement. # PROGRAM: The program to run. Include the path! # ARGS: optional argumen
Cacti Installation und Grundkonfiguration unter CentOS 6.x @centos:cacti_c6
12 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
',120,'',500,'','100','','0','','processes in the run queue','0','on','','on','',2,'','','0','','','on'... ',120,'',500,'','100','','0','','processes in the run queue','0','on','','on','',2,'','','0','','','on'... 0,'0',500,'0','100','0','0','0','processes in the run queue','0','on','0','on','0',2,'0','','0','','0',... gnore all other signals */ } } /* do NOT run this script through a web browser */ if (!isset($
Einrichten von Asterisk 14.x unter CentOS7 @voip:c7:asterisk14
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
/etc/asterisk/vpb.conf /etc/logrotate.d/asterisk /run/asterisk /usr/lib/systemd/system/asterisk.service... database value database query -- Run a user-specified query on the astdb database show... rs and statuses timing test -- Run a timing test udptl set debug {on|off|ip} -- E... Log directory: /var/log/asterisk Run/Sockets directory: /run/asterisk PID file
Installation und Konfiguration von mISDN @voip
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
found the following devices: card=1,avmfritz [ii] run "/usr/sbin/misdn-init config" to store this infor... K] /etc/misdn-init.conf created. It's now safe to run "/usr/sbin/misdn-init start" [ii] make your port
StormForce XR - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 7.x @wetter:boltek
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
7. (S) The TRAC update period (ie. how often it's run) is now set in the settings XML file. Defaults t... hanged to the last five minutes to match the TRAC run period. 4. (S) runTRAC() XMLRPC call removed. 5. ... functions will be handled by the program itself. Run the following commands: - # su pgsql $ created... nnections=on". Some parameters can be changed at run time # with the "SET" SQL command. # # Memory uni
Einbinden der Wetterdaten der Davis Vantage Pro2 in das Webcam-Bild der Mobotix M25 (HD-Cam) @wetter:mobotix
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
# DAEMON=/usr/local/bin/ PIDFILE=/var/run/ PROG="cam2pic+" test -x $DAEMON |
WS500 Programmpaket Kurz(installations)anleitung @wetter:ws500
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
YSFS{idProduct}=="e0e9", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0403", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe -q ftdi_sio product=0xe0e9 vendo
III) Installation von wview @wetter:wview
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
  • start.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 31.10.2023 18:17.
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