

Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

TOFU - Trust On First Use - SSH Zertifikate @linux:ssh
19 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
connects and logs into the specified destination, which may be specified as either [user@]hostname or a ... identity_file Selects a file from which the identity (private key) for public key authent... useful for specifying options for which there is no separate command-line flag. For full... programs on a remote ma‐ chine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu s
NTP-Zeitserver mit chrony unter Linux einrichten und nutzen
115 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
chronyc is a command-line interface program which can be used to monitor chronyd's performance and ... v6) and the other is a Unix domain socket, which is accessible locally by the root or chrony user.... . Only the following monitoring commands, which do not affect the behaviour of chronyd, are allow... tracking, waitsync. The set of hosts from which chronyd will accept these commands can be configu
Ansible cowsay: Die sprechende Kuh, oder auch mehr Getier oder doch nur puristisch mit dem Ansible Stdout Compact Logger? @linux:ansible
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
s case. There are several provided modes which change the appearance of the cow depending on its... on to select the appearance of the cow's eyes, in which case the first two characters of the a... is made up of a simple block of perl(1) code, which assigns a picture of a cow to the variable $the_c
DHCPv4|v6-Server mit DHCP ISC Kea unter Arch Linux einrichten und nutzen
8 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
uration must be extended to specify interfaces on which // the servers should listen. There are a number ... udp" }, // Kea supports control channel, which is a way to receive management // commands wh... ives commands formatted in JSON, e.g. config-set (which sets new // configuration), config-reload (which tells Kea to reload its // configuration from f
Ansible @linux:ansible
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Privilege Escalation Options: control how and which user you become as on target hosts -s, --sud... RIPTION the tool to run Ansible playbooks, which are a configuration and multinode deployment syst... others can cause changes to the packages which were in the earlier transaction). [Defaul... dependencies of user-installed packages but which are no longer required by any such packag
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  • Zuletzt geändert: 31.10.2023 18:17.
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