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Dansguardian Version - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 6.x
31 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
cription : DansGuardian is a web filtering engine that checks the content within the page itself in addi... Settings**. <code># Network Settings # # the IP that DansGuardian listens on. If left blank DansGuardian will # listen on all IPs. That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc. # N... individual filterip line. filterip = # the port that DansGuardian listens to. filterport = 8080 # the
Virenfilterung bei Dansguardian
18 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
urrent number of IPs in the cache, and the most # that have been in the cache since the daemon was start... sguardian/stats' # Network Settings # # the IP that DansGuardian listens on. If left blank DansGuardian will # listen on all IPs. That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc. # N... individual filterip line. filterip = # the port that DansGuardian listens to. filterport = 8080 # the
Filtergruppen bei Dansguardian
36 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
urrent number of IPs in the cache, and the most # that have been in the cache since the daemon was start... sguardian/stats' # Network Settings # # the IP that DansGuardian listens on. If left blank DansGuardian will # listen on all IPs. That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc. # N... individual filterip line. filterip = # the port that DansGuardian listens to. filterport = 8080 # the
Optimierung von Dansguardian
40 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
urrent number of IPs in the cache, and the most # that have been in the cache since the daemon was start... sguardian/stats' # Network Settings # # the IP that DansGuardian listens on. If left blank DansGuardian will # listen on all IPs. That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc. # N... individual filterip line. filterip = # the port that DansGuardian listens to. filterport = 8080 # the
Zeitbegrenzung bei Dansguardian
26 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
urrent number of IPs in the cache, and the most # that have been in the cache since the daemon was start... sguardian/stats' # Network Settings # # the IP that DansGuardian listens on. If left blank DansGuardian will # listen on all IPs. That would include all NICs, loopback, modem, etc. # N... individual filterip line. filterip = # the port that DansGuardian listens to. filterport = 8080 # the