Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Das Perl-Scriptchen
- bh); # MySQL-Variablen my $time_next_record; my $time_next_developstatus; my $time_nr; my $tmp; my $tmpstring; my $type; my $Version = "0.1.2"; my $wettervor... atenbankanbindung herstellen, sofern gewuenscht $time_next_developstatus = time(); $time_next_record =
- Konfiguration von wetter.cgi
- le controls if the *output* is in GMT or in Local time # Internally very date and time value is in GMT. User input is converted to GMT. $timeIsGMT=0; # This variable controls if the script time # input as well as output is in # GMT or in