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Filtergruppen bei Dansguardian
79 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
uardian Logo}} Oft ist es wünschenswert einzelen User(gruppen) bei der Bewertung der Verbindungswünsche... t # filtering options you can apply to a group of users. The value must be 1 or more. # DansGuardian wi... fN.conf where N is the filter # group. To assign users to groups use the filtergroupslist option. All users default # to filter group 1. You must have some
Optimierung von Dansguardian
78 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
g Authentication ==== Damit in den Logfiles die **User** angezeigt werden können, aktivieren wir noch di... ian.conf <code># Auth plugins # These replace the usernameidmethod* options in previous versions. They # handle the extraction of client usernames from various sources, such as # Proxy-Author... to be # handled according to the settings of the user's filter group. # Multiple plugins can be specifi
Dansguardian Version - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 6.x
47 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ornographie) * bestimmte Inhalte nur bestimmten Usern zur Verfügung zu stellen (Multimediainhalte des ... y on proxyport = 3128 </code> Zur Information der User bei anwahl von gesperrten Seiten bietet Dansguard... on 1 is preferable; this option is # only for users using both transparent proxying and a non-local ... = 2 # Log Exception Hits # Log if an exception (user, ip, URL, phrase) is matched and so # the page ge
Zeitbegrenzung bei Dansguardian
43 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
t # filtering options you can apply to a group of users. The value must be 1 or more. # DansGuardian wi... fN.conf where N is the filter # group. To assign users to groups use the filtergroupslist option. All users default # to filter group 1. You must have some sort of authentication to be able to map users # to a group. The more filter groups the more c
Virenfilterung bei Dansguardian
30 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
= 1 # Log Exception Hits # Log if an exception (user, ip, URL, phrase) is matched and so # the page ge... xlogitemlength = 400 # anonymize logs (blank out usernames & IPs) #anonymizelogs = on # Syslog loggin... on 1 is preferable; this option is # only for users using both transparent proxying and a non-local ... t # filtering options you can apply to a group of users. The value must be 1 or more. # DansGuardian wi