Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
- Nitrokey 3A mini in der Praxis unter ArchLinux @nitrokey:arch
- libnitrokey | <code>Name : libnitrokey Version : 3.8-2 Description : Communicate wit... 0_commands.h libnitrokey /usr/include/libnitrokey/version.h libnitrokey /usr/lib/ libnitrokey /usr/lib/libn... y 8 │ # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 9 │ # any later version. 10 │ # 11 │ # libnitrokey is distributed in the
- Nitrokey 3C NFC und Nitrokey 3A mini in der Praxis unter Linux Mint 21.2 (Victoria) @nitrokey:linuxmint
- with Nitrokey Storage devices, see subcommands. version Version of pynitrokey library and tool.</code> $ nitropy list <code>Command line tool to interact wi... ates the given firmware image and prints the... version Query the firmware version of the device. wink Send wink command to the device (bli
- Nitrokey Pro in der Praxis unter Linux Mint 20 @nitrokey:linuxmint
- twickler des Kryptostick in einer nicht aktuellen Version bei CentOS 7 verfügbar (CentOS 7: 2.0.22 - aktuelle Version: 2.2.11)((Stand November 2018)). Das hat leider z... . # apt install nitrokey-app Die installierte Version können wir bei Bedarf wie folgt ermitteln: # d... 1020100066000425D0000 Application type .: OpenPGP Version ..........: 2.1 Manufacturer .....: ZeitControl S
- Nitrokey Start in der Praxis unter ArchLinux @nitrokey:arch
- libnitrokey | <code>Name : libnitrokey Version : 3.8-2 Description : Communicate wit... 0_commands.h libnitrokey /usr/include/libnitrokey/version.h libnitrokey /usr/lib/ libnitrokey /usr/lib/libn... lication ID ...: D276000124010200FFFE140819670000 Version ..........: 2.0 Manufacturer .....: unmanaged S/N... lication ID ...: D276000124010200FFFE140819670000 Version ..........: 2.0 Manufacturer .....: unmanaged S/N