Konfiguration von wetter.cgi

Zur Darstellung der Messdaten verwendete ich das wetter.cgi aus dem Paket WS 2500 von Rainer Krinke.

Speziell für die Darstellung der Sonnenscheinwerte (sofern man bei dieser Station davon sprechen kann :-/ ) hat Rainer eine spezielle Version des wetter.cgi Scriptes geschrieben. Bei Bedarf einfach bei ihm Anfragen.

Der Konfigurationsteil aus dem Script für meine Station war:

# -------- START CONFIG VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------


# This variable controls if the *output* is in GMT or in Local time
# Internally very date and time value is in GMT. User input is converted to GMT.
$timeIsGMT=0;		# This variable controls if the script time 
			# input as well as output is in
			# GMT or in Local time. Internally every date and
			# time value is in GMT. User input is converted
			# to GMT if needed.
$colGrfxTable=2;	# Number of columns in HTML table for graphics
$initialDisplayDays=7;  # range ofdays to be initially displayed
$doAutoBaseData=185;    # If the date range to be displayed has more than
			# this number of days we automatically use average
			# values on hourly basis for display. If you don't
			# want this, set this variable to 0
$navPanelPos="top";     # Position where the navigation panel (Darstellungsparameter) is 
                        # displayed. May be "top" (above graphics) or "bottom" (beneath graphics)			

# If you assign a URL to this variable the target (should be a .css text file)
# is used to get all the css definitions instead of the internal definitions
# made below (search for variable $docCss). If you leave $externalCssUrl
# empty the internal definitions are used.

# Unit of Windspeed to be displayed
# 0: km/h, 1: Knots, 10: Knots and Km/h
# TH=Temp/Hum; PR=Pressure; WI=Wind; LI=Light; RA=Rain; PY=Pyranometer
# Which sensor to display in Latest data section of display 
# Only add Sensors you really have!!!
# eg: $latestSens="TH,PR,WI,RA,LI,LD";
# By default for each sensor the sensor with its default Id is used
# usually "1". If you want to display the latest data of another 
# sensor (except for the type TH) with a
# different sensorId, then set the Variable %latestSensId like:
#   $latestSensId{"RA"}=2
# meaning, that the rain sensor with the sensorId 2 will be displayed 
# instead of the rain sensor with id 1. For a TH-sensor see $latest_th below.

# If you secifies sensor type TH above, you can say here which T/H sensors
# should be displayed inlatest sensor display
#$latest_th=[10,9,2,1];           # LATEST T/H VALS only from inside sens (id: 17)
                           # You may list more ids here like
                           # $latest_th=[1,17,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
			   # *** You HAVE TO specify sens ids that ***
			   # *** really exist                      *** 

# Some options that can be used to display data that is calculated from the
# original data values. The value on the right side is a list of logical names
# that can be calculated like WindChill and Dewpoint.
# The latest_do variable defines for the sensor type and sensor id that is noted on 
# the left side, what shall be calculated with which another additional sensor id 
# noted on the right side.  .
# So  $latest_do->{"wind"}->{"1"}="WindChill(1)"; means that we want to display the 
# windchill temperature for the windsensor with id 1, based on the temperature
# sensor (right side) with sensor id 1
# $latest_do->{"th"}->{"1"}="DewPoint,absHum"; means that we want to calculate 
# dewpoint and the abolute humidity based on data of temp/hum sensor 1.
undef %latest_do;

# This variable lets you omit some values from the latest data display of one sensor
# If you want eg not to display the Humidity value of a TH sensor but only the 
# temperature in the latest data section of this sensor
# the following will do the job for a sensor with sensor id 1 
# The value ("H") is the name of the database column to be omitted.

# For rain and pressure sensors you can activate the trendData display. Doing this
# shows at *most* 3 older values from these sensors (as well as the current value anyway) 
# in the latest display. Note: Only *3* values are allowed since there is no more room for more
# values. You have to specify the number of hours for each of the three values of each sensor.
# If you e.g. say: 1h,6h,12h this means that for this sensor the value one/six/12 hour(s) ago will be
# displayed. Please keep the format: eg "6h" not "6" nor "360Minutes"!!! If you do not want these
# values to be displayed say eg: $latest_trendRain=[ ]; 
$latest_trendRain=[ "1h", "12h", "24h" ];
$latest_trendPressure=[ "3h", "12h", "24h" ];
$latest_trendLight=[ "1h", "3h", "5h" ];

# Watch out this is for a trend sign (up or downarrow) for temperature/humidity
# sensors. The left value is the sensorid, the right value the time in *MINUTES*
# to look back in order to compare this value with the current one. 
# So "17:10" means that for temp/hum sensor with id 17 we look for a value that
# is 10 minutes old. For each sensor only one value is allowed here.
# Be sure to choose a time that is long enough. If eg your station collects data at an 
# interval of 15 minutes it does not make sense to use eg 10 minutes below.
# You can define it here for all sensors it will be used only for those you
# add below using  addSensor()
$latest_trendTemp=[ "17:30", "1:30", "2:30", "3:30", "4:30", "5:30", "6:30", "7:30", "8:30"];

# The threshold values for sensors which show trends by an arrow sign. If the difference 
# of the current value of such a sensor and an older value is larger than the first value 
# given below an arrow (up or down) will be displayed. 
# The values given below define ranges for the value difference. For example the 
# values 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 define three ranges:  0.1->0.2[, 0.2->0.4[, 0.4 ->.... 
# Differencevalues smaller than the first value (here:0.1) will not be decorated 
# with a trend sign. Depending on which range the current difference fits in, a different 
# symbol for "small change", "more change" and "big change" will be displayed. 
# Exactly three  values a,b,c (defining three ranges) are allowed.
$latest_trendThresholdT=["0.1", "0.3", "0.5"];  # Tempdifference values little, some, a lot
$latest_trendThresholdH=["1", "3", "5"];   	# Humidity difference
$latest_trendThresholdPres=["1", "2", "3"];     # Pressure difference

# The trend-symbol definition. There are three up and three down symbols that indicate 
# a week, average and a strong thrend up or down.
$latest_trendSymbDown= ['<FONT color="black">&darr;</FONT>',     # a  little
                        '<FONT color="darkRed">&darr;</FONT>',   # somewhat more     
                        '<FONT color="red">&darr;</FONT>' ];	 # a lot 
$latest_trendSymbUp=['<FONT color="black">&uarr;</FONT>',       # a  little
                     '<FONT color="darkRed">&uarr;</FONT>',	 # somewhat more
                     '<FONT color="red">&uarr;</FONT>' ];	 # a lot 

# You may choose if a trend symbol or the symbol and the difference value or
# only the difference value without a symbol should be printed.
# The colors for different amounts of the difference. Corresponds to 
# $latest_trendSymbDown[123] and $latest_trendSymbUp[123] 
$latest_trendSymbTextCol=["black", "darkRed","red"];
# Relative text size: Allowed are values like -1, -2, ... which makes the text size
# used for printing the value one, two, ... steps smaller than regular text.
# This variable controls whether in the latest data output a sensors errors
# will be displayed. If its !=0 then if a sensor had more dropouts in the last
# hours (given by $latestAlertHours) the sensors name will be printed in 
# the color $latestAlertColor, to show the user that this sensor had 
# to much errors (==drop outs) in this period of time. 
# The numbers of errors is taken from the error table in the database.
# So, for example
# you could say, that if any of sensors displayed in the latest data section
# had more than 10 errors in the last 12 hours then display its name in red:
$latestAlertHours=12;     # 
$latestAlertColor="red";  # Value has to be html conform

# Path where the created images are stored

# URL to access the images in Path "$imgPath" via the web-server

# Default Id for wether station. 1 ist the id for the first one
# You may add a different station ID to each individual sensor description
# created by addSensor() below by simply adding eg: "stationId" => 2
# to the addSensor call. 

# Next you define all the sensor graphics that will be displayed in a HTML table
# For each sensor you want to add, you have to write down a addSensor() call
# with appropriate paramters. Bevor the first call to addSensor() you have to create
# an object of Class "sensDisplayData". This is done by exactly using the first line
# see below) with sensDisplayData->new() before the first addSensor() demo call. 
# This has to be done excatly ONE time, and then you can place calls to addSensor()
# using the just created object. The minimum of information in the first parameter 
# (the first hash, surrounded by {}) in addSensor() is the sensor
# type which may be one of TH, PR, WI, WD, WA, RA, LI. 
# TH is a Temperature Himidity display
# PR is the air pressure display
# WI is the wind display sowing the windspeed over time
# WD is the wind display, showing the direction and speed in a polar
#    coordinate system
# WA is the winddisplay showing the winddirection and varince over time
# LI is the light display.
#All Parameters are given in a anonymous 
# hash ({"NAME1"=>"value1", "NAME2"="VALUE2", ...}). Besides the type of sensor you
# can specify all the parameters defined in the set??defaults() functions defined below, 
# where ?? is one of the Types from above (TH, ...). You probably want to specify 
# the sensorid of the sensor to be displayed, else the default sensorId for each 
# type is used. To specify one or more sensorids for one graphics simply add 
# the ids like {"sensType"=>"TH", "sensIds" => [1,2,17]}. This example would then
# display T/H sensors with id 1,2 and 17 in one graphic.
# Especially for TH sensors where temperature and humidity can be printed
# it might be useful to be able to display just one of both or even none of
# both but just the windchill value (a virtual sensor) based on this sensor.
# To do so just set the omit array to the values that should not be printed. eg:
# "omit"=>["T", "H"] would not display temp and hum of a TH sensor. So if there was no
# virtual sensor defined you would'nt see anything but an error message the there are 
# no output values to be displayed! So always take care that there is at least one value left
# one of a T, H value or a virtual sensor value.
# For some sensors it might be useful to let gnuplot automatically calculate
# the Y-range. Usually the lower value is set by the script to a fix value.
# For TH-Sensors this is eg 0". If you would like to let gnuplot
# determine the Y bounds by itself set "lowYbounds"=>"auto" in the
# addsensor() call like shown below.
# If you do not like the default sizes of the graphics you can modify them for each sensor
# by adding non default values to the addSensorCall like 
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [3]},
#			  "xSmallScale"=>0.75, "ySmallScale"=>0.75,
#			  "xNormalScale"=>1.5, "yNormalScale"=>1.5,
#				 {  } ); 
# the Smallscale Variables desscribes the relative size of a graphic in the overview, whereas
# the NormalScale Variables determine the relative size in the detailed sensor graphics
# The default for SmallScale is 0.5, the default for  NormalScale is 1.1.  These values are multiplied
# with the default width/height that gnuplot generates. So a value of 0.5 means "half of the normal size"
# The "normal" size is given by what gnuplot generates for the PNG terminal.
# By default all sensors (exepct WA, WD) defined by addSensor() will also be used in the
# statisticsMode. This may lead to a strange looking statistics table in 
# case that one real sensor is shown in two graphics for example with 
# different virtual sensor values. In the statistics display this would lead to the fact 
# that the same sensor beeing shown twice with the same statistic values since
# the statistic display  only shows stats of real sensor values not of virtual.
# If a sensor that is defined by addSensor shall NOT be visible in the statistics overview
# then one may set the attribute "statistics" => "0" like this:
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [3]},
#			  "statistics"=>"0", 
#                         "xSmallScale"=>0.75, "ySmallScale"=>0.75,
#			  "xNormalScale"=>1.5, "yNormalScale"=>1.5,
#				 {  } );
# It is even possible to define sensors only for statistic evaluation that will
# never be displayed in a graphics. This can be done by setting the "graphics"
# flag to "0" like in:
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [3]},
#			  "graphics"=>"0",  {} );
# In this case the sensor will not be visible as a graphics but will appear in the 
# statistics display.
# In such a case the sensor is shown in the graphics mode but is hidden in the 
# statistics mode.
# The addSensor() function actually has two Parameters. The first one has been descibed just above. 
# The second one describes which virtual sensors (if there are any defined in the 
# set*defaults() functions) should be active.
# At the moment only for TH-sensors there are virtual sensors for windchill, 
# absolute humidity and dewpoint calculation. To activate one of them for a 
# TH-sensor the second parameter for addSensor() is a hash like:
# {"windChill"  =>"1", "absHumidity"=>"1", "dewPoint"   =>"1" }
# In this hash virtual sensors can be turned on by assigning them a "1" as showed above.
# If left undefined ({}) or even omitted no virtual sensors will be displayed.
# Please take care of the spelling of the virtual sensor names given above
# Only  one or all in the three (windChill, absHumidity, dewPoint) can be used.
# The wind sensor can be configured to plot data in kts instead of km/h
# To do so simply put the directive "windSpeedType"=>1 in the definition of the windsensor. 
# The example below. "windSpeedType"=>0 is the default and means plot in km/h. 
# You can set this option for every WI (Windspeed) and WD (Winddirection/speed)
# plot type individually.
# Attention. Either define the sensors here NOT using a config file or
# comment out the demo defs below and put the real definitions into 
# your config file. But DONT put addSensor()-calls  and the creation of 
# the sensDisplayData object in both the script and
# your config file, since this will result in nonesense or even an error!
# Values you might find useful to change are marked as USER in function
# setTHdefaults(). The same is of course true for the other sensor types not 
# only for T/H.

#$sensorData=sensDisplayData->new($imgPath, $baseImgUrl, $tmpName);
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [17,2], 
#			  "grfxName" => "My graphics Name"},
#			  "lowYbounds"=>"auto",
#			 {   }   );   # No virtual sensors activated
# Now we want to define a TH sensor with virtual sensors windChill and 
# dewPoint activated:
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [1]},
# 			 {"windChill"  =>"1", "dewPoint"   =>"1" } ); # Virtual Sensors
# The same like above but we only want to print the virtual sensor values
# not temperature or Humidity
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [1], "omit"=>["T", "H"] },
# 			 {"windChill"  =>"1", "dewPoint"   =>"1" } ); # Virtual Sensors
# Defined a TH sensor with sensid 3 but do not activate any virtual sensors
# for it, so only temp and humidity will be displayed
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [3]}, {  } ); 
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "PR"}, {} );
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WI"}, {} );                     # Plot unit is km/h
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WI", "windSpeedType"=>1}, {} ); # Plot unit is kts
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WI"}, {} );
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "RA"}, {} );
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WD"}, {} );
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WA"}, {} );
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "LI"}, {} );

$sensorData=sensDisplayData->new($imgPath, $baseImgUrl, $tmpName);

$tmp=$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType"=>"TH", "sensIds"=>[9], "grfxName" => "Temperatur/Feuchte Au&szlig;en (in 2m H&ouml;he)"},
	                     {"dewPoint"=>"1"} );
$sensorData->setVirtSensAttrib($tmp, "dewPoint", "doPrintMma", 2);
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "TH", "sensIds" => [1], "statistics"=>"0", "grfxName" => "Au&szlig;entemperatur (-80cm)" }, { } );
$tmp=$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType"=>"TH", "sensIds"=>[9], "omit"=>["H"], "mmaOmit"=>["H"], "statistics" => "0", "grfxName" =>
                              "Temp/Windchill Au&szlig;en/Feuchte"}, {"windChill"  =>"1", "absHumidity"=>"1", });
$sensorData->setVirtSensAttrib($tmp, "absHumidity", "doPrintMma", 2);
$sensorData->setVirtSensAttrib($tmp, "windChill", "doPrintMma", 2);
$tmp=$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType"=>"TH", "sensIds"=>[2], "statistics" => "0", "grfxName" =>
                              "Temperatur/Feuchte Saustall"}, {"absHumidity"=>"1", });
$tmp=$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType"=>"TH", "sensIds"=>[10], "statistics" => "0", "grfxName" =>
                              "Temperatur/Feuchte Innen"}, {"absHumidity"=>"1", });
$sensorData->setVirtSensAttrib($tmp, "absHumidity", "doPrintMma", 2);
$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "PR", "sensIds" => [20], "lowYbounds"=>"auto", "grfxName" => "rel. Luftdruck" }, { } );
#$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "LI", "sensIds" => [50], "lowYbounds"=>"auto", "grfxName" => "Sonnenschein" }, { } );
$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType"=>"LD", "sensIds"=>[50]}, {} );
$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "RA", "sensIds" => [40], "lowYbounds"=>"auto", "grfxName" => "Niederschl&auml;ge" }, { } );
$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WI", "sensIds" => [30], "lowYbounds"=>"auto", "grfxName" => "Windgeschwindigkeiten" }, { } );
$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WD", "sensIds" => [30], "lowYbounds"=>"auto", "grfxName" => "Windgeschwindigkeiten / -richtungen" }, { } );
$sensorData->addSensor( {"sensType" => "WA", "sensIds" => [30], "grfxName" => "Windrichtungen / -schwankungen" }, { } );

$position="Standort: Pliening, 502m &uuml;ber NN.\n";
$pageTitle="Wetterdaten aus PLIENING";
$pageDescription="linux ws500 based weather data display";

#$position="Standort: Koblenz Lay, 125m &uuml;ber NN.\n";
#$pageTitle="Wetterdaten aus Koblenz";
#$pageDescription="linux ws2500 based weather data display";
# Your contact address
$contact='Kontakt: Django <A href="mailto:django@mnet-mail.de">django@mnet-mail.de</A>';
$pageMetaKeywords="wetter, Pliening";

#$contact='Kontakt: Mr. X <A href="mailto:mrx@y.de">mrx@y.de</A>';
#$pageMetaKeywords="wetter, Koblenz";
# Gnuplot background colors for graphics
# DST config, values are set by checkDst()  no need to change this
$dstStart="2004-03-29 02:00:00";  # When dst starts
$deltaIsDst=2;			  # Difference in h from GMT->DST time
$dstEnd="2004-10-31 03:00:00";	  # When DST ends
$deltaNoDst=1;			  # Difference in h from GMT-> localtime

# Some queries may be optimized by using SQL subqueries. Subqueries are 
# available since MYSQL Server Version 4.1. They seem to work really
# efficiently starting with MYSQL 5.0
# The variable below determines if the script should use subqueries 
# for MMA determination. Usually this variable is set automatically
# to 0 or 1 depending on the MYSQL server version. If this is > 5.0 it 
# is set to 1 else to 0. You can however overwrite this automatic here by 
# manually setting this variable to either 0 or 1.  
# If you want to use the automatic 
# setting put a comment sign (#) at the beginning of the line.
# Note: You need at leaset MYSQL version 4.1 if you want to use subqueries
# else you will see SQL errors.
# $useSqlSubQueries=1;

# *** You can copy all the variables between START CONFIG and END CONFIG
# *** into a file that can be reached by your web-server unter the path
# *** given below in $configpath. $configPath is set to the value of the 
# *** scriptname (eg wetter.cgi) with ".conf" appended. The scriptname
# *** and path are retrieved from the webservers environment variable
# *** named SCRIPT_FILENAME. apache on linux does provide this variable.
# *** If the given file exists and is readable
# *** the scripts config will be read from there overriding the variables
# *** set above. So  then you do not have to modify
# *** further entries in the script itself e.g. for new versions.
# *** Take care that your config file contains a valid perl-script if
# *** unsure use perl -c wetter.cgi.conf to check the syntax, because
# *** running wetter.cgi you won't see an error if your config file is
# *** wrong!!!!! You will just see, that wetter.cgi is not showing any
# *** output.
# *** Please take care that your config file is readable only by you and your
# *** web server but not to anyone else!
# *** If this method fails you can still hard code a value for
# *** $configPath in the last else-branch of the if staement.
# R.K. 
#$scriptBasename=`basename $0`;
#if( defined($ENV{"SCRIPT_FILENAME"}) && -r $ENV{"SCRIPT_FILENAME"} ){
#	$configPath=$ENV{"SCRIPT_FILENAME"}. ".conf";
#}elsif( defined($ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}) && -r $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} ){
#	$configPath=$ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} . ".conf";
#	if( -r "${scriptBasename}.conf" ){
#		$configPath="${scriptBasename}.conf"
#	}elsif(-r "/etc/ws2500/wetter.cgi.conf" ){
#		$configPath="/etc/ws2500/wetter.cgi.conf";
#	}else{
#		$configPath="/home/krienke/wetter/wetter.cgi.conf"
#	}

$scriptBasename=`basename $0`;
if( defined($ENV{"SCRIPT_FILENAME"}) && -r $ENV{"SCRIPT_FILENAME"} ){
        $configPath=$ENV{"SCRIPT_FILENAME"}. ".conf";
}elsif( defined($ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}) && -r $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} ){
        $configPath=$ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} . ".conf";
        if( -r "${scriptBasename}.conf" ){
        }elsif(-r "/etc/ws2500/wetter.cgi.conf" ){

# -------- END CONFIG VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------

Inhaltsverzeichnis der WS500 Beschreibung