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StormForce XR - Installation und Konfiguration unter CentOS 7.x @wetter:boltek
17 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
for easier installation. However, StormForce XR will not support the StormTracker - this is due to the... of the data provided by the unit. *** Bug fixes will no longer be made to StormForce, only to StormFor... to return the new data format. The data returned will be the last hour worth of strikes (based on the r... t never earlier than the server started date, you will also be given the strike age in seconds (rounded
Einbinden der Wetterdaten der Davis Vantage Pro2 in das Webcam-Bild der Mobotix M25 (HD-Cam) @wetter:mobotix
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
sonders kritisch wäre dies noch dazu, wenn der böswillige Nutzer die Frameraten selbst einstellen könnte
Das Perl-Scriptchen @wetter:ws500
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ev
III) Installation von wview @wetter:wview
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
This is a first time install so the station type will be set to "simulator". To change the station type... use the wviewmgmt web interface to change it. You will need to stop wview and clear the databases of sim... a first time install so the generation templates will be set to "chrome-standard-US units". To change t
Bandbreitenbegrenzung in Richtung Mobotix Kamera @wetter:mobotix
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
sonders kritisch wäre dies noch dazu, wenn der böswillige Nutzer die Frameraten selbst einstellt.\\ \\ A
Konfiguration von wetter.cgi @wetter:ws500
20 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
meaning, that the rain sensor with the sensorId 2 will be displayed # instead of the rain sensor with i... atest data section of this sensor # the following will do the job for a sensor with sensor id 1 # The v... for this sensor the value one/six/12 hour(s) ago will be # displayed. Please keep the format: eg "6h" n... elow. # You can define it here for all sensors it will be used only for those you # add below using add
IV) Konfiguration von wview @wetter:wview
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
htmlgend[12817]: <1343851712046> : !! Dual units will be displayed !! Aug 1 22:08:32 vml000020 htmlgen... ------------------- WARNING: All archive records will be erased on the VP console! Do you want to proce... ------------------- WARNING: All archive records will be erased on the VP console! Do you want to proce... te Configuration for wview --> Note: This script will save existing templates to /usr/local/etc/wview/h
Options Menü @wetter:wx
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
t wichtig, wenn man Kartenüberlagerungen benutzen will, oder wenn die Ooption **Record only when active